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This MSM (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 19, 2018
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Not to be confused or conflated by the Mainstream media of old.They may have
been Liberal but then so was Thomas Jefferson.Dennis Prager goes into great detail
explaining the difference between a Liberal and a Leftist.Again ... Caveat Emptor ... don't
confuse the two.Walter Cronkite was a Liberal.Dan Rather was a leftist.
A leftist cares not what anyone other than their own { fellow Leftists } thinks.
Do not confuse or conflate the two.It's too easy a distraction.It is somewhat how Obama
managed his Press.He actually did what this MSM is accusing Trump of doing.That being to
Go after the Press.Obama Spied on the AP.He also tried to jail James Rosen { Fox White House
correspondent }.Eric Holder pulled out all the stops to indict James Rosen,who is about as nice
a Journalist and competent as they come.The same may have been said of another Fox Journalist,
Major Garrett { Formely Fox's Chief White House Correspondent }.But he caved and went over to the
other side to join those like CNN's Jake Tapper.A once trustworthy and somewhat intrepid journalist,
now just yesterday's meatloaf.Not even good meatloaf at that.Too Greasy.Too heavy.Slows down the
body.And mind.Where today's MSM is all about Commenting on the News.Trying to create news.
Where Virtue-shaming and Identity politics is The Name of the Game.
Like What made Murphy Brown such a star.Cuz if you can't act then spew Feminism,I guess.
At least Murphy Brown isn't in the same league as a Robert De Niro.Yet !.
Hollywood is coming out of the woodwork over this sitting President.And Journalist are
at the top of their Game.Yeah ... Right.Like in a cartoon.
That's a Joke,I say.That's a joke,son !
No it ain't.I mean,think about it.A President is being considered a joke,while Americans
watch with bated breath.Not even George Orwell could dream up that narrative.
The good news is that Americans aren't by and large pushovers.Like Today's grafted
Journalist.This Country naturally bounces back on the right track.
Doesn't it.
Farewell and adieu ye fair journalist.
Rant and roar nevermore.Or less.
Not to be confused or conflated by the Mainstream media of old.They may have
been Liberal but then so was Thomas Jefferson.Dennis Prager goes into great detail
explaining the difference between a Liberal and a Leftist.Again ... Caveat Emptor ... don't
confuse the two.Walter Cronkite was a Liberal.Dan Rather was a leftist.
A leftist cares not what anyone other than their own { fellow Leftists } thinks.
Do not confuse or conflate the two.It's too easy a distraction.It is somewhat how Obama
managed his Press.He actually did what this MSM is accusing Trump of doing.That being to
Go after the Press.Obama Spied on the AP.He also tried to jail James Rosen { Fox White House
correspondent }.Eric Holder pulled out all the stops to indict James Rosen,who is about as nice
a Journalist and competent as they come.The same may have been said of another Fox Journalist,
Major Garrett { Formely Fox's Chief White House Correspondent }.But he caved and went over to the
other side to join those like CNN's Jake Tapper.A once trustworthy and somewhat intrepid journalist,
now just yesterday's meatloaf.Not even good meatloaf at that.Too Greasy.Too heavy.Slows down the
body.And mind.Where today's MSM is all about Commenting on the News.Trying to create news.
Where Virtue-shaming and Identity politics is The Name of the Game.
Like What made Murphy Brown such a star.Cuz if you can't act then spew Feminism,I guess.
At least Murphy Brown isn't in the same league as a Robert De Niro.Yet !.
Hollywood is coming out of the woodwork over this sitting President.And Journalist are
at the top of their Game.Yeah ... Right.Like in a cartoon.
That's a Joke,I say.That's a joke,son !
No it ain't.I mean,think about it.A President is being considered a joke,while Americans
watch with bated breath.Not even George Orwell could dream up that narrative.
The good news is that Americans aren't by and large pushovers.Like Today's grafted
Journalist.This Country naturally bounces back on the right track.
Doesn't it.
Farewell and adieu ye fair journalist.
Rant and roar nevermore.Or less.

Your posts are very hard to read. Please do not change lines mid sentence and please put a space after a period but no space before an exclamation point
Not to be confused or conflated by the Mainstream media of old.They may have
been Liberal but then so was Thomas Jefferson.Dennis Prager goes into great detail
explaining the difference between a Liberal and a Leftist.Again ... Caveat Emptor ... don't
confuse the two.Walter Cronkite was a Liberal.Dan Rather was a leftist.
A leftist cares not what anyone other than their own { fellow Leftists } thinks.
Do not confuse or conflate the two.It's too easy a distraction.It is somewhat how Obama
managed his Press.He actually did what this MSM is accusing Trump of doing.That being to
Go after the Press.Obama Spied on the AP.He also tried to jail James Rosen { Fox White House
correspondent }.Eric Holder pulled out all the stops to indict James Rosen,who is about as nice
a Journalist and competent as they come.The same may have been said of another Fox Journalist,
Major Garrett { Formely Fox's Chief White House Correspondent }.But he caved and went over to the
other side to join those like CNN's Jake Tapper.A once trustworthy and somewhat intrepid journalist,
now just yesterday's meatloaf.Not even good meatloaf at that.Too Greasy.Too heavy.Slows down the
body.And mind.Where today's MSM is all about Commenting on the News.Trying to create news.
Where Virtue-shaming and Identity politics is The Name of the Game.
Like What made Murphy Brown such a star.Cuz if you can't act then spew Feminism,I guess.
At least Murphy Brown isn't in the same league as a Robert De Niro.Yet !.
Hollywood is coming out of the woodwork over this sitting President.And Journalist are
at the top of their Game.Yeah ... Right.Like in a cartoon.
That's a Joke,I say.That's a joke,son !
No it ain't.I mean,think about it.A President is being considered a joke,while Americans
watch with bated breath.Not even George Orwell could dream up that narrative.
The good news is that Americans aren't by and large pushovers.Like Today's grafted
Journalist.This Country naturally bounces back on the right track.
Doesn't it.
Farewell and adieu ye fair journalist.
Rant and roar nevermore.Or less.
I cannot see anything with which I particularly disagree. Maybe the meatloaf analogy was a bit tenuous, meatloaf overdone perhaps, ha ha ha.

But generally, you are spot on.

I would only say you probably could provide some space between points so it does not look like a wall of words. Especially the weaker minds here, they will just avoid as it requires, you know, reading... and then OMG! processing and understanding it all, too? Too too much for the feeble.

So fool them with spacing, they will sometimes do the reading if it appears easy enough.
Your posts are very hard to read. Please do not change lines mid sentence and please put a space after a period but no space before an exclamation point

I get it.Mores like a Fortune Cookie.
Good of you to proffer.
And paragraphs are you friend.
The facts are preeminent, however, and he had nothing but.

Everything based on the reality, facts from our, yes ostensibly right, but fully validable perspective...though this often not thru the white bread processing out
of much that is good for us... filtered by the fake news anyhow.

Wow it's like a posting circle jerk of idiocy!

I have found that among the most effective critics of Trump in the MSM have been consertative journalists.
Why is that whenever Trump is in trouble, his sycophants shout, "b...b...but Obama!"?
I get it.Mores like a Fortune Cookie.
Good of you to proffer.
You for the quick reply to
My post.It was excellent !I am glad to know that you will
improve your posting.So that we can all share in the awesomeness
that is you.Carry on my wayward son !No man is an island.I hear a rolling stone
gathers no moss.Dont fear the reaper !Theres a killer on the road his brain is
squirming like a toad.Take a long holiday … let your children play !
Why is that whenever Trump is in trouble, his sycophants shout, "b...b...but Obama!"?

that's not entirely fair. Trump's Tiger Beat fan club also has :

The facts are preeminent, however, and he had nothing but.

Everything based on the reality, facts from our, yes ostensibly right, but fully validable perspective...though this often not thru the white bread processing out
of much that is good for us... filtered by the fake news anyhow.


Who he and what nothing butt is ostensibly filtered white bread that's good fir us.?
Howz about ... - " Nothing is better for Thee than me " - Quaker Oats
What,who and How Wow ... a Brown Sacred Cow ?

Brown cow make sacred
chocolate milk !I like
mil of chocolate brown cow in village where people milk cows in farmhouses with
Buckets.Nice buckets then into refrigeration units to keep cool the chocolatey goodness
that we all like !
Not to be confused or conflated by the Mainstream media of old.They may have
been Liberal but then so was Thomas Jefferson.Dennis Prager goes into great detail
explaining the difference between a Liberal and a Leftist.Again ... Caveat Emptor ... don't
confuse the two.Walter Cronkite was a Liberal.Dan Rather was a leftist.
A leftist cares not what anyone other than their own { fellow Leftists } thinks.
Do not confuse or conflate the two.It's too easy a distraction.It is somewhat how Obama
managed his Press.He actually did what this MSM is accusing Trump of doing.That being to
Go after the Press.Obama Spied on the AP.He also tried to jail James Rosen { Fox White House
correspondent }.Eric Holder pulled out all the stops to indict James Rosen,who is about as nice
a Journalist and competent as they come.The same may have been said of another Fox Journalist,
Major Garrett { Formely Fox's Chief White House Correspondent }.But he caved and went over to the
other side to join those like CNN's Jake Tapper.A once trustworthy and somewhat intrepid journalist,
now just yesterday's meatloaf.Not even good meatloaf at that.Too Greasy.Too heavy.Slows down the
body.And mind.Where today's MSM is all about Commenting on the News.Trying to create news.
Where Virtue-shaming and Identity politics is The Name of the Game.
Like What made Murphy Brown such a star.Cuz if you can't act then spew Feminism,I guess.
At least Murphy Brown isn't in the same league as a Robert De Niro.Yet !.
Hollywood is coming out of the woodwork over this sitting President.And Journalist are
at the top of their Game.Yeah ... Right.Like in a cartoon.
That's a Joke,I say.That's a joke,son !
No it ain't.I mean,think about it.A President is being considered a joke,while Americans
watch with bated breath.Not even George Orwell could dream up that narrative.
The good news is that Americans aren't by and large pushovers.Like Today's grafted
Journalist.This Country naturally bounces back on the right track.
Doesn't it.
Farewell and adieu ye fair journalist.
Rant and roar nevermore.Or less.

Wow. I'm not reading that.

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