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"This Is The End Of Speech, Now Turn Yourself Around, Put Your Right Hand Out, Do The Hokey Pokey And.... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 19, 2020
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And show the entire world what your all about .
It is sweet when they turn into children again .

As an 85-year-old, I now better understand why people used to talk about one's "second childhood."


It was elder abuse to let Mr. Biden run in 2020. But he was (reputedly) successful in ousting a certain gentleman. Now it is a tragedy for Mr. Biden and -- above all -- for the nation.
And show the entire world what your all about .
View attachment 67386121
Biden was successful in defeating Trump mainly because he acted like an adult and behaved how most folks thought a president should. Yes, Biden was a bland, old, uninspiring, unenthusiastic, uncharismatic candidate. But he wasn’t a 75-year-old man acting like a four-year-old spoiled brat with his name calling and throwing of temper tantrums along with his 3rd grade schoolyard bullying tactics. Biden was to put it bluntly seen as someone who would bring back sense of dignity to the oval office.

2020 was all about personality, a rude, uncouth, obnoxious, egotistical candidate vs. someone who really didn’t have a personality. Someone available to replace the man-child. I don’t think it matter who that someone was. Not to independents, the non-affiliated and non-partisan group who voted for Biden 54-41 over Trump. All they wanted was someone who knew how to behave presidential and not act the spoiled brat whose parents forgot to teach him any manners. Quite simple really. So simple and in your face, so apparent that a lot of Republicans can’t, don’t, won’t ever understand why Trump lost.
Biden was successful in defeating Trump mainly because he acted like an adult and behaved how most folks thought a president should. Yes, Biden was a bland, old, uninspiring, unenthusiastic, uncharismatic candidate. But he wasn’t a 75-year-old man acting like a four-year-old spoiled brat with his name calling and throwing of temper tantrums along with his 3rd grade schoolyard bullying tactics. Biden was to put it bluntly seen as someone who would bring back sense of dignity to the oval office.

2020 was all about personality, a rude, uncouth, obnoxious, egotistical candidate vs. someone who really didn’t have a personality. Someone available to replace the man-child. I don’t think it matter who that someone was. Not to independents, the non-affiliated and non-partisan group who voted for Biden 54-41 over Trump. All they wanted was someone who knew how to behave presidential and not act the spoiled brat whose parents forgot to teach him any manners. Quite simple really. So simple and in your face, so apparent that a lot of Republicans can’t, don’t, won’t ever understand why Trump lost.
Biden won by the skin of his teeth because he had the entirety of the media, social media covering / censoring for the family corruption that will never be allowed to touch the "BIG GUY" even now as indictments are being prepared for his family of grotesque government money grubbing grifters .
Which will all be borne out in the absolute shellacking / drubbing handed to the entire marxist squad party in the mid-terms.
The upside for you is that you will still be free to call a Trump all the names you want while licking your wounds received in the historic beating handed to you from the American people in the mid-terms
the pUNK.png
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Right wingers projecting again. Would you give it a rest with your moronic trolling Taliban

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