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This country fears they may be Putin's next target. Do you agree that this country will be the next one ? (1 Viewer)

This country fears they may be Putin's next target. Do you agree that this country will be the next

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DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning

This is exactly what Hitler did. And by the time he was done being appeased by the Western countries he was in Czechoslovakia. This woman said it one hundred percent right that Ukrainians 🇺🇦 are not just fighting for their selves that fighting for everyone who is free and all those without. As long as there is one person on this planet who is not free democracy is in jeopardy

qestion :

Do you agree that this country will be the next one ?​

He hasn't taken Ukraine yet. Maybe it's too soon to worry about the next target?
If he does, I just hope I'm in the center of the blast.
He hasn't taken Ukraine yet. Maybe it's too soon to worry about the next target?
Never hurts to be vigilant but in general I agree. 2022 Ukraine is not 1939 Poland, and Russia's current army does not have the same capability Germany's had in 1939.
Never hurts to be vigilant but in general I agree. 2022 Ukraine is not 1939 Poland, and Russia's current army does not have the same capability Germany's had in 1939.
AND economy

AND economy

It’s not a real default however. It’s only happening because of (arguably illegal) US treasury department actions.
It’s not a real default however. It’s only happening because of (arguably illegal) US treasury department actions.
this is what your RT says

the reality :

Can you at least source memes that are clear enough to actually read? I copied and pasted this thing into MS Paint and enlarged it and the bullet point meme is still difficult to read.

Can you at least source memes that are clear enough to actually read? I copied and pasted this thing into MS Paint and enlarged it and the bullet point meme is still difficult to read.

View attachment 67385237


This is exactly what Hitler did. And by the time he was done being appeased by the Western countries he was in Czechoslovakia. This woman said it one hundred percent right that Ukrainians 🇺🇦 are not just fighting for their selves that fighting for everyone who is free and all those without. As long as there is one person on this planet who is not free democracy is in jeopardy

qestion :

Do you agree that this country will be the next one ?​

View attachment 67385211

I don't think there will be a next. He's bogged down and staying there.
I don't think there will be a next. He's bogged down and staying there.
R Kaplan suggested that Moscow ´d attack a NATO country in order to bring USA to the geopolitical table , do you agree with this suggestion ?
Except for nukes, Russia is a third-rate country. They have a crap economy. Their conventional army is limited to a ground offensive, and they have no ground route to the US. Christ, even while attacking a country on their border they were unable supply fuel and food to their troops. Their logistics system sucks and anyone who thinks they could attack a remote country like the US is badly mistaken.

To conventionally attack the US, Russia would need troop transport ships and aircraft carriers to protect them. They have neither. The US has 3 times as many aircraft and better aircraft. In addition, Russia has no external military bases near the US. Meaning they have no place to refuel or launch from. The chances of Russia attacking the US are zero.

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