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Third Time Is the Charm? (1 Viewer)

he has blockbuster new evidence that he is going to personally deliver to the Supreme Court this Friday afternoon.

Oh, clever, go try to give the Court something that you know it will not receive, then cry conspiracy. Great stuff.

"This is big everybody! This is what we've been waiting for. It's a Petition for Writ of Certiorari ... Our case was dismissed on standing, they said the claims were speculative .

A cert petition is not "new evidence".
he has blockbuster new evidence that he is going to personally deliver to the Supreme Court this Friday afternoon.

Oh, clever, go try to give the Court something that you know it will not receive, then cry conspiracy. Great stuff.

"This is big everybody! This is what we've been waiting for. It's a Petition for Writ of Certiorari ... Our case was dismissed on standing, they said the claims were speculative .

A cert petition is not "new evidence".
Oh happy day! Has anyone told @Mycroft?
Who wants to tell him that SCOTUS is not in the business of 'new evidence' when exercising appellate jurisdiction?

I'm sure he has been told and this is just another dumbass gambit to create the appearance of "the courts won't look at the evidence!" for MAGA dumbasses to lap up. Not that it matters at this point.

When does Lindell have time to make the pillows?

This isn't just some tinfoil hat case, this is huge ... This new evidence is the most explosive evidence ever!

Apparently, this is about the lawsuit that Kari Lake and Mark Finchem filed in federal court to do away with vote counting machines within Arizona.

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