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They Shoot Anyone trying to leave - Horror of Russian Occupation (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2011
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SF Bay Area
Political Leaning
Some things have to be read to be believed...

Checkpoints manned by Russian troops pepper the city's streets, five Kherson residents told CNN in recent phone calls. The roads are virtually empty because inhabitants have either fled the fighting, or are staying indoors for fear of encountering Russian soldiers. Grocery stores have been emptied and medicine is running out, residents and officials said.

Russian troops have encircled the city and are shooting at anyone who attempts to leave, according to the residents, including a top local health official who CNN is not naming for security reasons.

On Thursday, Russian forces shot two men at a checkpoint after they attempted to pass, killing one and seriously wounding the other, the official told CNN.

Russian troops have also prohibited ambulances from leaving the city's perimeters to reach villages in the province, according to the official. A woman going through a long and dangerous labor in the outskirts of the city had to resort to a panicked video consultation with her doctor because Russian forces had blocked a medical team trying to assist with the birth, the official said.

"Even if we wanted to evacuate women and children from here, it's just plain impossible," he added. "They shoot at anyone who tries to leave."
shooting at anyone who attempts to leave
Sad to say this is perfectly normal in the early stages of occupation. Everyone leaving is a potential soldier or worse, a guerilla.
We should remember that there are many good Russian people who are sickened by what is being done in their name.

Some are actually protesting the rape of Ukraine and are being thrown into hellish prisons.

And some Russian soldiers are so horrified by what they have been ordered to do that they are trying their best to sabotage the war criminal's plans.

This last week has been a hell for the Ukrainian people, while the war criminal continues to live lavishly in the Kremlin.

There are simply no words in the English language (well, at least in my impoverished vocabulary) to adequately describe how outrageous that a little pipsqueak like him could cause so much misery for Ukrainians and many Russians.

Since hope is the only thing that we pathetic human beings have, let's hope that he is going to get his comeuppance soon.
Some things have to be read to be believed...

Checkpoints manned by Russian troops pepper the city's streets, five Kherson residents told CNN in recent phone calls. The roads are virtually empty because inhabitants have either fled the fighting, or are staying indoors for fear of encountering Russian soldiers. Grocery stores have been emptied and medicine is running out, residents and officials said.

Russian troops have encircled the city and are shooting at anyone who attempts to leave, according to the residents, including a top local health official who CNN is not naming for security reasons.

On Thursday, Russian forces shot two men at a checkpoint after they attempted to pass, killing one and seriously wounding the other, the official told CNN.

Russian troops have also prohibited ambulances from leaving the city's perimeters to reach villages in the province, according to the official. A woman going through a long and dangerous labor in the outskirts of the city had to resort to a panicked video consultation with her doctor because Russian forces had blocked a medical team trying to assist with the birth, the official said.

"Even if we wanted to evacuate women and children from here, it's just plain impossible," he added. "They shoot at anyone who tries to leave."
And the UN is where? Oh yeah...passing useless condemnations and doing lots of clapping.
trump's genius
And the UN is where? Oh yeah...passing useless condemnations and doing lots of clapping.

Now might be a good time for NATO is grow its balls a tad larger, and supply military aircraft to Ukraine.
Now might be a good time for NATO is grow its balls a tad larger, and supply military aircraft to Ukraine.

The US is still in negotiations with Poland regarding supplying Ukraine with MiG fighter jets.

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