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These Same 26 Hypocritical Democrats in Gun Control “Sit-In” ARE GUN OWNERS (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 22, 2012
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St. Petersburg
Political Leaning
It’s become almost impossible to read anything that involves Democrats, without shaking your head in disbelieve.

And once again this was one of those times, these spoiled brats also known as Congressional Democrats, decided to spice up the day and create a little drama by staging a 25-hour sleep-over, and of course the topic for the staged event was once gun control.

This latest stunt was in regards to the brutal terrorist act that took the life of 49-innocent individuals, and of course for these house Democrats the villain as always is the gun and not the terrorist or the perverse ideology that is the catalyst for the continued brutality.

For these Democrats it’s much easer to condemn the gun, then the cause of radical Islamic extremism, or to acknowledge that this terrorist was actually on the FBI radar screen and actually interviewed and was still able to pass an extensive background check and purchased his weapons legally.

What is even more ironic or perhaps more accurately hypocritical, is that while these Democrats “huff and puff”, and attempt to push for a vote on two pieces of gun control legislation, which would not have prevented the carnage in Orlando, 26-are themselves registered gun owners, and another 12 wisely refused to answer the 2013 USA Today data.

These Same 26 Hypocritical Democrats Who Instigated Gun Control "Sit-In" ARE GUN OWNERS ⋆ US Herald
It’s become almost impossible to read anything that involves Democrats, without shaking your head in disbelieve.

And once again this was one of those times, these spoiled brats also known as Congressional Democrats, decided to spice up the day and create a little drama by staging a 25-hour sleep-over, and of course the topic for the staged event was once gun control.

This latest stunt was in regards to the brutal terrorist act that took the life of 49-innocent individuals, and of course for these house Democrats the villain as always is the gun and not the terrorist or the perverse ideology that is the catalyst for the continued brutality.

For these Democrats it’s much easer to condemn the gun, then the cause of radical Islamic extremism, or to acknowledge that this terrorist was actually on the FBI radar screen and actually interviewed and was still able to pass an extensive background check and purchased his weapons legally.

What is even more ironic or perhaps more accurately hypocritical, is that while these Democrats “huff and puff”, and attempt to push for a vote on two pieces of gun control legislation, which would not have prevented the carnage in Orlando, 26-are themselves registered gun owners, and another 12 wisely refused to answer the 2013 USA Today data.

These Same 26 Hypocritical Democrats Who Instigated Gun Control "Sit-In" ARE GUN OWNERS ⋆ US Herald

Naturally. Laws are for the little people.
It’s become almost impossible to read anything that involves Democrats, without shaking your head in disbelieve.

And once again this was one of those times, these spoiled brats also known as Congressional Democrats, decided to spice up the day and create a little drama by staging a 25-hour sleep-over, and of course the topic for the staged event was once gun control.

This latest stunt was in regards to the brutal terrorist act that took the life of 49-innocent individuals, and of course for these house Democrats the villain as always is the gun and not the terrorist or the perverse ideology that is the catalyst for the continued brutality.

For these Democrats it’s much easer to condemn the gun, then the cause of radical Islamic extremism, or to acknowledge that this terrorist was actually on the FBI radar screen and actually interviewed and was still able to pass an extensive background check and purchased his weapons legally.

What is even more ironic or perhaps more accurately hypocritical, is that while these Democrats “huff and puff”, and attempt to push for a vote on two pieces of gun control legislation, which would not have prevented the carnage in Orlando, 26-are themselves registered gun owners, and another 12 wisely refused to answer the 2013 USA Today data.

These Same 26 Hypocritical Democrats Who Instigated Gun Control "Sit-In" ARE GUN OWNERS ⋆ US Herald

Ooooo...big surprise. Hypocrisy is standard operating procedure for Demos.

Naturally. Laws are for the little people.

That's right.
Jet is pulling the same crap in another thread, he opposes anyone owning a military weapon but of course his M1 Carbine, a military weapon, is not a military weapon.

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