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There are NO food stamp cuts! (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Political Leaning
Listening to the lying democrats, & their helpful media friends one would think that little Johnny is having food torn out of his mouth.

There are NO food stamp cuts as "some" congressional democrats are trying to portray. In fact, ...there is more money budgeted for food stamps than is what is actually being utilized!

So much is leftover that they have to advertise the food stamp program for those that may be eligible because they cannot justify an INCREASE in the food stamp budget UNLESS what they have budgeted is USED!

The translation is pretty simple, ..there will be no increases in the food stamp program, ..but there sure as hell are NO cuts.

These patently false, & deliberate misleading information being put forth by the democratic party, & the lying media is nothing more than another lame as.s attempt to smear the congressional Republicans, & president Bush!

Democrats= lie, mislead, fool, & smear because they have NOTHING left to campaign on anymore because they are irrelevant, & out of touch with mainstream america. ;)
Stu Ghatze said:
Listening to the lying democrats, & their helpful media friends one would think that little Johnny is having food torn out of his mouth.

There are NO food stamp cuts as "some" congressional democrats are trying to portray. In fact, ...there is more money budgeted for food stamps than is what is actually being utilized!

So much is leftover that they have to advertise the food stamp program for those that may be eligible because they cannot justify an INCREASE in the food stamp budget UNLESS what they have budgeted is USED!

The translation is pretty simple, ..there will be no increases in the food stamp program, ..but there sure as hell are NO cuts.

These patently false, & deliberate misleading information being put forth by the democratic party, & the lying media is nothing more than another lame as.s attempt to smear the congressional Republicans, & president Bush!

Democrats= lie, mislead, fool, & smear because they have NOTHING left to campaign on anymore because they are irrelevant, & out of touch with mainstream america. ;)

a) Why are you attacking a position when I don't see anyone making an accusation on this forum?....If there is one, why aren't you posting this in that thread instead of creating a new one?

b) Why didn't you provide any sources for the accusation you claim to make?

c) Why can't you get through a post without resorting to broad-brush generalizations?...Everyone here has done it from time to time, but it seems you can't finish a post without throwing in a last minute cheap-shot...:roll:
cnredd said:
a) Why are you attacking a position when I don't see anyone making an accusation on this forum?....If there is one, why aren't you posting this in that thread instead of creating a new one?

b) Why didn't you provide any sources for the accusation you claim to make?

c) Why can't you get through a post without resorting to broad-brush generalizations?...Everyone here has done it from time to time, but it seems you can't finish a post without throwing in a last minute cheap-shot...:roll:

I am NOT attacking anybody's position, & that is why I posted it as a new thread.

Does it embarrass YOU that the facts are correct, & that "some" of the congressional democrats love to employ such misleading tactics.

No cheap shot, ..the modern democratic party IS what it is, out of power, out of hope, & will stoop to anything in a vain attempt to regain its power base.

I do not attempt to disparage anybody "personnally", ..but I will have my say, my way. I am sorry if YOU do not like it but the democratic party USED to get away with crap information because of their past media monopoly.

Those days are OVER, ..& so are the days of those trying to silence "others"!

Have a nice day! :smile:
cnredd said:
a) Why are you attacking a position when I don't see anyone making an accusation on this forum?....If there is one, why aren't you posting this in that thread instead of creating a new one?

b) Why didn't you provide any sources for the accusation you claim to make?

c) Why can't you get through a post without resorting to broad-brush generalizations?...Everyone here has done it from time to time, but it seems you can't finish a post without throwing in a last minute cheap-shot...:roll:

Aw, it's okay. I think most people 'consider the source', just as people on another side do the same when the situation is reversed. :cool:
I am not for cutting food stamps but I would sure like to see them reformed....My mother in law wo isin her late eighties and of Korean descent was having medical problems.....The last time she was in the hospital they told her to go to the meidcare office and get a card..........So me and my daughter took her there the next day and I waited in the car while my daughter took her in..........When they came out the first thing my daughter said to me was, "Your not going to believe this Dad." I said what, woiuln't they give her a card? She told me the only way she could get a card is if she accepted $300. in food stamps and $450. in payments every month.....

I mean the woman was living with me and all we wanted was the card because I was supporting her............

What is wrong with this picture????
Can I have a link to what you're talking about?
Elektra said:
Can I have a link to what you're talking about?

Who are you asking?:confused:

If it is me, there is no link..........It was just a personal experience.....
Food stamps will never get cut because they are more or less by design a Farm Subsidy. They benefit farmers more than anyone.

And, of course he has no sources because he probably just heard this crap on Limbaugh or one of his clones and was soooooo mad he just had to repeat it.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Food stamps will never get cut because they are more or less by design a Farm Subsidy. They benefit farmers more than anyone.

And, of course he has no sources because he probably just heard this crap on Limbaugh or one of his clones and was soooooo mad he just had to repeat it.

SD, I don't listen to Limbaugh and you don't listen to Air America right.......

The point I am trying to make is my mother in law did not need food stamps or a monthky stipend but she could not get the medicare card unless she agreed to take them..........I supported her......Oh and by the way, you boy was prez then.....:lol:
Navy Pride said:
SD, I don't listen to Limbaugh and you don't listen to Air America right.......

The point I am trying to make is my mother in law did not need food stamps or a monthky stipend but she could not get the medicare card unless she agreed to take them..........I supported her......Oh and by the way, you boy was prez then.....:lol:

I did not mean you I meant Stu Ghatze.
SouthernDemocrat said:
I did not mean you I meant Stu Ghatze.

Ok, I thought you were addressing me...

It just bugs me the money that is wasted in this country and I was trying to prove a point with my own experence.......
SouthernDemocrat said:
Food stamps will never get cut because they are more or less by design a Farm Subsidy. They benefit farmers more than anyone.

And, of course he has no sources because he probably just heard this crap on Limbaugh or one of his clones and was soooooo mad he just had to repeat it.

The point of my post was to illuminate just how some congressional democrats, & the media put forth information that simply is NOT true regarding cuts!

I care less what YOU think of me, ..no offense...just being honest!.

My post is not about me, ..its about the disingenuine democrats up on Capital Hill that lie like hell, & twist facts to suit their own agenda.

What galls some here is the fact that you/them simply do NOT like being reminded how the congessional liberal democrats operate, or the fact that they have willing accomplices in the media.

Ahh, should I be more "apologetic", ..or maybe exercize "sensitivity" like the liberals do when they call Bush a murderer,a liar, a nazi, a racist, a warmonger, ..or even a terrorist himself?

Attacking ME because I bore out the TRUE facts concerning "food stamps", & the bunch of lying congressional liberals might help you feel good about democratic chances though, ..so really its o.k, have a go at it! :2wave:
Stu Ghatze said:
The point of my post was to illuminate just how some congressional democrats, & the media put forth information that simply is NOT true regarding cuts!

I care less what YOU think of me, ..no offense...just being honest!.

My post is not about me, ..its about the disingenuine democrats up on Capital Hill that lie like hell, & twist facts to suit their own agenda.

What galls some here is the fact that you/them simply do NOT like being reminded how the congessional liberal democrats operate, or the fact that they have willing accomplices in the media.

Ahh, should I be more "apologetic", ..or maybe exercize "sensitivity" like the liberals do when they call Bush a murderer,a liar, a nazi, a racist, a warmonger, ..or even a terrorist himself?

Attacking ME because I bore out the TRUE facts concerning "food stamps", & the bunch of lying congressional liberals might help you feel good about democratic chances though, ..so really its o.k, have a go at it! :2wave:

Imagine that, missleading politicians. Republicans would never do that. :roll:
I'm not sure where everyone is getting their information, but everything I've read states that Bush...if he gets his way...will cut 500 million from the Food Stamp program over the next 5 years.

How is this not a cut?
Hoot said:
I'm not sure where everyone is getting their information, but everything I've read states that Bush...if he gets his way...will cut 500 million from the Food Stamp program over the next 5 years.

How is this not a cut?

Can you cite a link?
The whole program needs to be revamped. Personally, I think that hunger is a great motivator, it certainly was in the 20's during the great depression. I think there are folks that need this assistance, but it is handed out with too much ease, and regularity. People need to be urged to move forward, they need to show they are trying to climb out of this hole they find themselves in. This would benefit the entire country, by bringing more responsible folks in to the work place.

Bah, I hate all welfare.:doh
Deegan said:
The whole program needs to be revamped. Personally, I think that hunger is a great motivator, it certainly was in the 20's during the great depression. I think there are folks that need this assistance, but it is handed out with too much ease, and regularity. People need to be urged to move forward, they need to show they are trying to climb out of this hole they find themselves in. This would benefit the entire country, by bringing more responsible folks in to the work place.

Bah, I hate all welfare.:doh

The whole welfare systems needs to be reformed......You should not reward a single woman for having more babies by giving her more money.......

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