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there are also other variants of the name Ukraine (1 Viewer)

Proper translations though, like “the Ukraine” I will continue to use
so do I …. and with the female article

in German, countries can be male or female or neuter

it is ….. der Iran … and der Irak …
fun fact ….

it is …

der Irak
der Iran
die Türkei
die Ukraine

but the article das only appears when you use an adjective also ….

das schööööne Deutschland
you may ….. though it may look strange

No more strange than your incorrect usage of "the Ukraine"

german is not english ….
At the United Nations......


The is no article in the official name.
as i said, it is a linguistic issue, not only political
as i said, it is a linguistic issue, not only political

There is nothing political involved.

There is the correct name - Ukraine - and the incorrent variations.
There is nothing political involved.

There is the correct name - Ukraine - and the incorrent variations.
let us agree to dis.agree.

it is a wide field.
let us agree to dis.agree.

it is a wide field.

We certainly can and will disagree on this.

You are wrong but refuse to admit such 🤷‍♂️
You still call Russia Russland? That should stop
and how does Russia call itself?

certainly not Russia … in this form

nor does Ukraine call itself Ukraine in this English form.
if you want to know more on this topic, you can google for exonym and endonym
In French this country is ….. l‘Ukraine
In French this country is ….. l‘Ukraine

This is not a French language board.

7. English - All threads will be in the English language. Threads and posts which are not in English may be edited or deleted at the discretion of a Moderator. Please include translations with any posts that are not in English.

If you want to speak French or German, then join the appropriate forums.
In French this country is ….. l‘Ukraine
Doesn't matter.

Neither the Ukrainian nor the Russian language has the definite article ("the").

So, why should English-speakers contradict these languages and put "the" in front of Ukraine?
Proper translations though, like “the Ukraine” I will continue to use
There is no definite article in either Ukrainian or in Russian.
There is the The Ukraine however
Not properly in English.

And not according to Ukrainians.

But, go ahead and use the incorrect/improper terminology. Macht nichts.

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