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Then They Came for the White Women (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 29, 2015
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Then They Came for the White Women

As the incompetent election managers in Florida finally finish counting ballots barely in time for the 2020 campaigns to begin, and Georgia’s governor candidate Stacey Abrams chooses to "acknowledge defeat" rather than concede, it’s time to take a look at the role of women in politics....illary’s hinting she’s thinking of running for president yet again in 2020. Democrats who still retain a synapse or two are trying to dissuade her.... Since the left cannot -- oh you know why -- attack Black or Latino voters, they’ve aimed their bile at white women voters. To paraphrase Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller: First they came for the White Men, and I did not speak out. Then they came for the White Women.... The attack on Brett Kavanaugh was a typical leftist attack on white men. Its insistence that a woman must always be believed when accusing men of sexual misconduct was part and parcel of the Duke Lacrosse team and University of Virginia frameups, among numerous others. It was enshrined in the Obama-era overreach of Title IX to deny college men the right of due process in such matters, and as time has passed, many colleges and universities are paying and will continue to pay male victims of this outrageous policy.

Ironically, conservative black women, like Star Parker, Diamond and Silk, Stacey Dash, Candace Owens and many more, are speaking out.
Progressive Marxist Socialist theory has failed and class struggles proved to be a non-starter as even the first Democrat to steal the Presidency once said: "A rising tide lifts all ships." So the Marxists seeing free market economies rise and socialist experiments morph into the Holocaust, Gulag Archipelago and Mao's barrel of a gun; pulled a head fake and rekindled Antebellum Slavery. But we are no longer fighting for emancipation, ending Jim Crow Laws, black suffrage or Civil Rights. They are still fighting for Marxist Communism that is a class conflict, although that dog don't hunt. So they stir up race hatred.
The Roman Republic had constant struggles between the Senate and Consuls versus the Tribunes and Commons or plebes. While more homogenous in nature, the middle ages in Europe had only the Jewish who were immigrants of consequence and the Muslim hoards, they had Nobles and Aristocrats versus serfs and freemen. History is replete with power struggles, but not racial struggles.
So Clarice is correct that we need to STOP allowing the ruling elitists and intellectuals without intellect to frame the debate; the debate is more than 3,000 years old if not older. It is between what Hegel described as the Ruling Class versus the "Herd".
The merger of Democrats/Republicans into the Uniparty has been a fait accompli that can no longer hide its true identity from anyone who actually cares to look and see.
But, as in chess, the Uniparty holds a huge advantage in both position, pieces and time. Can slaves revolt and succeed? Or do they all end up crucified and lining every road as a lesson to would-be challengers?
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As the incompetent election managers in Florida finally finish counting ballots barely in time for the 2020 campaigns to begin....

Don't know what planet you live in, but the victors in the 2018 midterms haven't even taken their oaths of office yet.

Hyperbole much? And that's just the first sentence. What follows is just as inane.
Don't know what planet you live in, but the victors in the 2018 midterms haven't even taken their oaths of office yet.

Hyperbole much? And that's just the first sentence. What follows is just as inane.

Yes, the victors of the November 6 elections take their Oath of Office on January 3, 2019. That does not change what has happened before. The Kavanaugh debacle will stick to the Democrats, along with other their false lies just as Clarice Feldman has written. It's your 'inane' response that is problematic. It's has no sense, or direction just an weak attack on the messenger.
Yes, the victors of the November 6 elections take their Oath of Office on January 3, 2019. That does not change what has happened before. The Kavanaugh debacle will stick to the Democrats.....

You need to touch base with political reality. Kavanaugh or not, the Democrats kicked ass on November 6.
You need to touch base with political reality. Kavanaugh or not, the Democrats kicked ass on November 6.

Based on where the stock market is right now, the GOP will have to keep their fingers crossed things rebound and continue to grow otherwise the tax cuts and a strong economy will no longer be a selling point. Then they'll really have to try and market grumpy grandpa and his twitter account.

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