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The world map in 2106 (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2005
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Southern California
Political Leaning
Canada is devided between the the Chinese Peoples' Canadian Republic (formerly B.C.), the Central Canadian Republic, and La Republique de Quebec.

African states have desolved, and the people have returned to their pre-colonial conditions.

South America is run by a bunch of warlords.

Russia has become a third-world backwater.

Japan has become the chinese province of Riben.

The Estados Unidos (formerly the United States) has just elected strongman Presidente Garcia, in response to the religious war brewing between the Estados Unidos and the Unified European Islamic Republic, the western branch of the Grand Caliphate.
Is this history hmmmm.

Anyway when was the United States meant to be desinated as a "white" majority country?? Especially when white people are not native to the Americas.
GarzaUK said:
Is this history hmmmm.

Future history.

Anyway when was the United States meant to be desinated as a "white" majority country??

Did I say that? I don't remember saying that. But don't worry ... the forces are in play that will certainly eliminate the white race given a few hundred more years at best.

Especially when white people are not native to the Americas.

Uh, that is a matter of debate. There is now a theory in paleo-anthropological academic circles that whites from europe may have been the first settlers of at least the eastern parts of North America. For an analysis, see The Early Settlement of North America - The Clovis Era by Gary Haynes. One reviewer summarizes the current theories thus:

Until recently the archaeological consensus was that humans migrated from Asia to the New World via a "land bridge" (really just coastal shelf exposed by lower sea level) linking easternmost Siberia and western Alaska and via an ice-free corridor running through western Canada.

Recently, there have been several proposed alternative routes.
One proposes a coastal migration down the Pacific Coast of Canada to what is now the Pacific Coast of the US and Mexico, followed by a later dispersal inland. Most archaeologists regard this as a plausible hypothesis, one for which some evidence is supportive (chiefly early dates for sites near coasts in South America and Mexico).

The other proposed a migration from western Europe following the coast of the ice packs that covered the north Atlantic. The inspiration for this hypothesis is supposed similarities between the stone tools made by paleoindians and stone tools made by Upper Paleolithic Europeans.
Yeah I watched a documentary on that. But the American enviroment changed them from white to the race Native American since the ice age.

I don't see why you are so scared that other races are taking over as long as they have the basic American values. It's just skin colour, nothing else.

The colour of skin facial feautres is changeable (like all life) by the enviroment) In 5000 years every white Austrailian will be black, assuming white Europeans stop emigrating their. Likewise in thousands of years white Americans skin colour will change to that of the Native American.
[mod mode]

The thread creator refers to this topic as "future history." The future should not be defined as "history." This is a predicted forecast of the future and how the world seems to be shaping and defining itself due to current and recent affairs. This thread has great potential for individuals who have an interest in our present global status and where it possibly can lead to.

It has been moved to "International Politics."

[/mod mode]

Good thread, 'alphamale.'
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I don't think that the concept of the nation-state will really exist by 2106. For one thing, it's very likely that within just a couple decades we'll be spending most of our time in Matrix-like virtual realities that connect the entire world, so I don't think nations will really have that much influence. Whatever the political systems of 2106 are, I think it's fair to assume that they'll hardly even resemble today's statecraft.

Also, I don't think you can project demographic trends more than a couple decades. Implying that the United States will have a majority Hispanic population, or that Europe will have a majority Muslim population, is based on the assumption that the current trends will continue for the next 100 years...a bold assumption, to be sure.
GarzaUK said:
Yeah I watched a documentary on that. But the American enviroment changed them from white to the race Native American since the ice age.

Yeah, maybe they conquered them and stole their land? You might not understand internal american politics - American Indians have a treasured victim status in that "the white man" stole their land and killed them, when actually it may have been the other way around. Also, you would do well to avoid absurd PC concoctions created by the american liberal establishment such as "Native American" - besides being a misuse of "native", the geographical-historical-political entity "america" is some hundreds of years old - the american indians had been here for thosands of years (as well as perhaps the archeo-europeans).

I don't see why you are so scared that other races are taking over as long as they have the basic American values. It's just skin colour, nothing else.

Did I say I was scared? I'll be here maybe 40-50 more years, and if whites want to extinguish themselves, fine by me. And it certainly isn't "just skin color".
alphamale said:
Also, you would do well to avoid absurd PC concoctions created by the american liberal establishment such as "Native American" - besides being a misuse of "native", the geographical-historical-political entity "america" is some hundreds of years old

Umm no. The continents didn't just magically appear out of nothing when Europeans arrived.

alphamale said:
- the american indians had been here for thosands of years (as well as perhaps the archeo-europeans).

I love how you claim that it's a misuse of the word "native", even though they WERE indeed native, yet you have no problem using the word "Indian" to describe them. This isn't a matter of "absurd PC concoctions," it's a simple matter of not using needlessly confusing terms. When I think of Indians, I think of people from India, as do most intelligent people.
Kandahar said:
Umm no. The continents didn't just magically appear out of nothing when Europeans arrived.

"America" is a european invention, indians of say, 5000 B.C. knew nothing about "America".

I love how you claim that it's a misuse of the word "native", even though they WERE indeed native, yet you have no problem using the word "Indian" to describe them. This isn't a matter of "absurd PC concoctions," it's a simple matter of not using needlessly confusing terms. When I think of Indians, I think of people from India, as do most intelligent people.

Dictionary.com: Native - Being such by birth or origin: a native Scot.
The "Native" attempts to confer some special status to indians who were born here, as opposed to other who were born here. I'm american, and I'm native to america, hence I am a native american. Stamp your foot if you get it yet. As for indians only designating people from india, that's silly. Many placenames are a matter of historical accident or tradition only. The word "indian" for the people Columbus discovered on his first trip was a historical accident, as was the word "American" being a general misperception of the name of the continent because of the name of the mapmaker "Amerigo Vespucci" on maps. By your reasoning "intelligent people" wouldn't use the word "Americans".
alphamale said:
"America" is a european invention, indians of say, 5000 B.C. knew nothing about "America".

Dictionary.com: Native - Being such by birth or origin: a native Scot.
The "Native" attempts to confer some special status to indians who were born here, as opposed to other who were born here. I'm american, and I'm native to america, hence I am a native american. Stamp your foot if you get it yet. As for indians only designating people from india, that's silly. Many placenames are a matter of historical accident or tradition only. The word "indian" for the people Columbus discovered on his first trip was a historical accident, as was the word "American" being a general misperception of the name of the continent because of the name of the mapmaker "Amerigo Vespucci" on maps. By your reasoning "intelligent people" wouldn't use the word "Americans".

Then by your logic alphamale Europeans are not native to Europe. Asians are not native to Asia. As the human race was cradled in Africa, we would ALL be Africans.

Fact is they were the first people there. IF their were any Europeans their from the Ice ages, their skin and features would have blended with the environment, or they mixed with the Native Americans coming from Asia.
Then the European nations and later the United States conducted an act of genecide that would make Saddam Hussien look like a ***** cat.
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GarzaUK said:
Then the European nations and later the United States conducted an act of genecide that would make Saddam Hussien look like a ***** cat.

Just remember, a *****cat would be all too happy to kill you and eat you if only they could grow large enough.

Don't know if I'm joking here or trying to be metaphorical. Take it how you will.

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