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The White House Remedial Ethics Classes (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Since one picture can say more than a thousand words, I will let the author of this cartoon be the spokesman on this issue, especially since the subject of the cartoon is in need of lessons in ethics as much as everyone else in his administration:

Let me see if I understand....

A staffer from the vice president's office turns up dirty. The whiney left rants and raves about it. The president then does the right thing by doing something about it.....and the left still cries. Very predictable.
KCConservative said:
Let me see if I understand....

A staffer from the vice president's office turns up dirty. The whiney left rants and raves about it. The president then does the right thing by doing something about it.....and the left still cries. Very predictable.

George Bush said he'd fire ANYONE involved in the leak, not anyone who was accused of a crime in the leak probe. And yet, Karl Rove is still on his payroll. Dick Cheney has not resigned.

Furthermore, the mere fact that the Bush Administration played this game all this time proves that they did NOT "do the right thing." Does anyone honestly believe that George Bush didn't know the identity of the leakers months, if not years, ago? Assuming he did know, then he could have told the public then and fired the people responsible. If somehow he didn't know, he has more than justified the caricature that he's an ignorant idiot. How hard would it have been to walk across the hall and ask Karl Rove about it?
Kandahar said:
George Bush said he'd fire ANYONE involved in the leak, not anyone who was accused of a crime in the leak probe. And yet, Karl Rove is still on his payroll. Dick Cheney has not resigned.

Furthermore, the mere fact that the Bush Administration played this game all this time proves that they did NOT "do the right thing." Does anyone honestly believe that George Bush didn't know the identity of the leakers months, if not years, ago? Assuming he did know, then he could have told the public then and fired the people responsible. If somehow he didn't know, he has more than justified the caricature that he's an ignorant idiot. How hard would it have been to walk across the hall and ask Karl Rove about it?

You prove that the left is spreading the hate rhetoric. Good job.
KCConservative said:
You prove that the left is spreading the hate rhetoric. Good job.

No actual rebuttal to anything I wrote? I assume that means you know you're wrong on this subject, but are too stubborn to admit it.
Kandahar said:
George Bush said he'd fire ANYONE involved in the leak, not anyone who was accused of a crime in the leak probe. And yet, Karl Rove is still on his payroll. Dick Cheney has not resigned.

Furthermore, the mere fact that the Bush Administration played this game all this time proves that they did NOT "do the right thing." Does anyone honestly believe that George Bush didn't know the identity of the leakers months, if not years, ago? Assuming he did know, then he could have told the public then and fired the people responsible. If somehow he didn't know, he has more than justified the caricature that he's an ignorant idiot. How hard would it have been to walk across the hall and ask Karl Rove about it?

I think the whole issue has been blown way out of proportion, and the media has created this entire mess. I mean, think about this for a moment, do you honestly buy in to this whole story that the VP, and Rove would risk it all to out some former Ambassadors wife? Of course not, they are not even worth the effort, or the energy. This is simply a case of the criminalization of politics, and now a good man(Libby)is in a battle for his life, it's a real shame.
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Deegan said:
I think the whole issue has been blown way out of proportion, and the media has created this entire mess. I mean, think about this for a moment, do you honestly buy in to this whole story that the VP, and Rove would risk it all to out some former Ambassadors wife? Of course not, they are not even worth the effort, or the energy. This is simply a case of the criminalization of politics, and now a good man(Libby)is in a battle for his life, it's a real shame.

Then who outed Plame and caused the CIA front company she was involved with to close down? We might have known by now, but Libby obstructed the investigation, according to one of the indictments.
Kandahar said:
No actual rebuttal to anything I wrote?
Correct. The story is about the administration taking a positive step forward and actually being proactive. Of course, leave it to the crybaby left to spin it negative.
danarhea said:
Then who outed Plame and caused the CIA front company she was involved with to close down? We might have known by now, but Libby obstructed the investigation, according to one of the indictments.

I believe Wilson himself outed his wife, and then used that as a reason to smear the administration. I mean, this is as wild a theory as any other presented thus far, and now we have a man that says Wilson told him in the green room at Fox news. Honestly, I don't know, but I think it's clear that she was never in danger, and she herself must have believed this as well, as she posted her mug right there in Vanity Fair, for all to see.:doh
Deegan said:
I believe Wilson himself outed his wife, and then used that as a reason to smear the administration. I mean, this is as wild a theory as any other presented thus far, and now we have a man that says Wilson told him in the green room at Fox news. Honestly, I don't know, but I think it's clear that she was never in danger, and she herself must have believed this as well, as she posted her mug right there in Vanity Fair, for all to see.:doh

Technically, as a NOC, Plame could have been executed by foreign governments if they found out she was working for the CIA, but I dont believe that was the case in this instance, so I will agree with you that some of what we are hearing is the left presenting their own spin in the matter. However, she and the front company were both national resources which were devoted to finding WMD's. That is what makes this outing so outrageous. And Wilson outing his own wife? You have to be kidding, right? :roll:
Deegan said:
I think the whole issue has been blown way out of proportion, and the media has created this entire mess. I mean, think about this for a moment, do you honestly buy in to this whole story that the VP, and Rove would risk it all to out some former Ambassadors wife?

They probably didn't realize the seriousness of what they were doing at the time. That doesn't excuse their actions or mean that they shouldn't be held accountable.

Deegan said:
Of course not, they are not even worth the effort, or the energy. This is simply a case of the criminalization of politics, and now a good man(Libby)is in a battle for his life, it's a real shame.

Obviously the prosecutor (who is hardly a partisan zealot), who I promise you has more knowledge about this case than you do, thought that the investigation was worth spending two years to look into.

Why is it that it's a "criminalization of politics" when it's an embattled Republican, but it's the "politics of crime" when it's an embattled Democrat?
Kandahar said:
They probably didn't realize the seriousness of what they were doing at the time. That doesn't excuse their actions or mean that they shouldn't be held accountable.

Obviously the prosecutor (who is hardly a partisan zealot), who I promise you has more knowledge about this case than you do, thought that the investigation was worth spending two years to look into.

Why is it that it's a "criminalization of politics" when it's an embattled Republican, but it's the "politics of crime" when it's an embattled Democrat?

Actually I will be the first to admit what happened with Clinton was the definition of the criminalization of politics, and that is where it started. Too much time is spent on these issues these days, and not enough on the business of the people.
Deegan said:
Actually I will be the first to admit what happened with Clinton was the definition of the criminalization of politics, and that is where it started. Too much time is spent on these issues these days, and not enough on the business of the people.

I strongly disagree. Clinton lied to a grand jury, the same thing Libby did.
danarhea said:
I strongly disagree. Clinton lied to a grand jury, the same thing Libby did.

Well I agree with Bill, this political wrangling can be quite inappropriate.

I completely disagree with that," Clinton said in his speech at Hofstra University. "You can agree with that statement, but only if you think impeachment was justified. Otherwise, it was an egregious abuse of the Constitution and law and history of our country."

Clinton was acquitted by the Senate of perjury and obstruction of justice at his 1999 impeachment trial, which he argued was not about what he called his "misconduct."


I think that this constant assault on politicians is going to lead to lying to a grand jury everytime, their life long liars for God's sake, they can't help themselves!!!!!:doh

This all has to change, but not like this, it makes a mockery of our entire system, and is very insulting to someone like myself.:roll:
FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Nov. 8-9, 2005. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"Overall, do you think the Bush Administration is more ethical, less ethical, or about as ethical as other recent presidential administrations?"

More - 29%
Less - 39%
Same - 28%
Unsure - 5%

scottyz said:
FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Nov. 8-9, 2005. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"Overall, do you think the Bush Administration is more ethical, less ethical, or about as ethical as other recent presidential administrations?"

More - 29%
Less - 39%
Same - 28%
Unsure - 5%


Hence the new classes the Bush administration is now taking, anything else..........good.;)
Deegan said:
Hence the new classes the Bush administration is now taking, anything else..........good.;)
Bush and Cheney aren't taking them and Rove still has security clearances he probably shouldn't.
Deegan said:
Well I agree with Bill, this political wrangling can be quite inappropriate.

I completely disagree with that," Clinton said in his speech at Hofstra University. "You can agree with that statement, but only if you think impeachment was justified. Otherwise, it was an egregious abuse of the Constitution and law and history of our country."

Clinton was acquitted by the Senate of perjury and obstruction of justice at his 1999 impeachment trial, which he argued was not about what he called his "misconduct."


I think that this constant assault on politicians is going to lead to lying to a grand jury everytime, their life long liars for God's sake, they can't help themselves!!!!!:doh

This all has to change, but not like this, it makes a mockery of our entire system, and is very insulting to someone like myself.:roll:

The reason that Clinton was aquitted during the impeachment process is because impeachment is a political process, not a criminal one. I distinctly remember Clinton on TV telling the world that he did not have sex with Monica Lewinski, and then appearing again and telling the world "it depends on what the meaning of the word is is". Sorry, Deegan, but Clinton totally disgraced the office of the president, and should have resigned. Going after Clinton was the appropriate thing to do. If our leaders live by lies, while we blindly support those leaders, then how in the world are we gonig to show the world that the United States of America is something to look up to? Bush might be a snake in the grass, but it was Clinton who taught us all that it is OK to support leaders who lie. I will never buy that argument, however. Dishonest presidents can only hurt us, and while I bash Bush, I have just as much contempt for Bill Clinton. He was the one who began to tarnish the image of our nation. In his own way, Clinton was worse than Bush, since he paved the way for people to accept the lies Bush is laying on us today.

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