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The virtue of "bipartisanship," as defined by the media (1 Viewer)


Jul 21, 2020
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Just today, some in the media (especially on CNN and MSNBC) were praising John Kasich et al. for "bipartisanship." After all, they had the "courage" to cross the aisle, and break bread with Democrats.

Okay. Fair enough, I suppose.

But just how deeply, do you suppose, that Democrats who might present themselves at the Republican National Convention, next week, would be praised by these same media personalities?

Oh, wait: There really are no nationally-known Democrats who support President Trump and the Republicans.

Not to my knowledge, anyway.

Is it possible that there could be a double standard here?
Just today, some in the media (especially on CNN and MSNBC) were praising John Kasich et al. for "bipartisanship." After all, they had the "courage" to cross the aisle, and break bread with Democrats.

Okay. Fair enough, I suppose.

But just how deeply, do you suppose, that Democrats who might present themselves at the Republican National Convention, next week, would be praised by these same media personalities?

Oh, wait: There really are no nationally-known Democrats who support President Trump and the Republicans.

Not to my knowledge, anyway.

Is it possible that there could be a double standard here?

Possibly. Mostly everyone who isn't a Trump cultist hates Trump, so I could see that happening.

Life is often unfair.
they'll find a few black people to support them on TV. just watch.

i hope everyone realizes they've been doing that for decades. it's something that Ds don't have to worry about (since people of all strips and from every corner of American life are part of the Democratic Party). well, i guess you could say people like the KKK aren't Ds. so not every corner of America.
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Just today, some in the media (especially on CNN and MSNBC) were praising John Kasich et al. for "bipartisanship." After all, they had the "courage" to cross the aisle, and break bread with Democrats.

Okay. Fair enough, I suppose.

But just how deeply, do you suppose, that Democrats who might present themselves at the Republican National Convention, next week, would be praised by these same media personalities?

Oh, wait: There really are no nationally-known Democrats who support President Trump and the Republicans.

Not to my knowledge, anyway.

Is it possible that there could be a double standard here?

No. Of course not. Don't be silly.

This is the bottom line:

The Republican Party is now the party of white supremacy and racism, and Trump and the Republican Party in its current form represent an existential threat to the Republic because "conservatives" are willing to abandon all aspects of our Republic such as the law, democracy, the Constitution, federalism, individual rights, every tradition, in order to prevent blacks from voting and Latin Americans from entering our country. The "Conservatives" are willing to burn it all down, in order to ensure this. That is why it is a relief that Republicans like Kasich and Powell and others are willing to support Biden. There is no policy more important than the Republic itself. And they understand that the framework we operate under, the Constitution, and how institutes, that they are important, and that we must all work together following the rules and the Constitution. And they understand this. And they understand Trump's assault on truth, the Constitution, the law, and our norms, and our values represent an attack on the United States of America.

Conservatism is no longer about conservative political philosophy. It's about conserving power.
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Is it really a double standard when people don't want to stand behind a racist pedophile and praise him?
Kasich is one of the few who does.
Just today, some in the media (especially on CNN and MSNBC) were praising John Kasich et al. for "bipartisanship." After all, they had the "courage" to cross the aisle, and break bread with Democrats.

Okay. Fair enough, I suppose.

But just how deeply, do you suppose, that Democrats who might present themselves at the Republican National Convention, next week, would be praised by these same media personalities?

Oh, wait: There really are no nationally-known Democrats who support President Trump and the Republicans.

Not to my knowledge, anyway.

Is it possible that there could be a double standard here?

It seems to me the standards being applied are "honesty", "decency", "responsibility" and "courage". And D J Trump just does not have, nor displays, any of those things.
Mostly everyone who isn't a Trump cultist hates Trump, so I could see that happening.

Life is often unfair.

Exactly how do you define "a Trump cultist"?

Does anyone who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, and who intends to do so again this year, fit that definition, so far as you are concerned?

Do you believe that it is possible to prefer Donald Trump over Joe Biden without being any sort of "cultist"?

And why should Trump supporters be labeled with such a pejorative term, when Biden supporters are not?

One would hope that you would attempt to answer these questions...
Exactly how do you define "a Trump cultist"?

Does anyone who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, and who intends to do so again this year, fit that definition, so far as you are concerned?

Do you believe that it is possible to prefer Donald Trump over Joe Biden without being any sort of "cultist"?

And why should Trump supporters be labeled with such a pejorative term, when Biden supporters are not?

One would hope that you would attempt to answer these questions...

If you are still voting for Trump and you have less than a few million in available liquid assets, you are a Trump cultist.

And spare me the outrage. You guys have loads of pejoratives for Biden voters.
No. Of course not. Don't be silly.

This is the bottom line:

The Republican Party is now the party of white supremacy and racism, and Trump and the Republican Party in its current form represent an existential threat to the Republic because "conservatives" are willing to abandon all aspects of our Republic such as the law, democracy, the Constitution, federalism, individual rights, every tradition, in order to prevent blacks from voting and Latin Americans from entering our country. The "Conservatives" are willing to burn it all down, in order to ensure this. That is why it is a relief that Republicans like Kasich and Powell and others are willing to support Biden. There is no policy more important than the Republic itself. And they understand that the framework we operate under, the Constitution, and how institutes, that they are important, and that we must all work together following the rules and the Constitution. And they understand this. And they understand Trump's assault on truth, the Constitution, the law, and our norms, and our values represent an attack on the United States of America.

Conservatism is no longer about conservative political philosophy. It's about conserving power.

Gee, it certainly is good to correspond with someone so...well, so (obviously) trenchant, and analytical...
It seems to me the standards being applied are "honesty", "decency", "responsibility" and "courage". And D J Trump just does not have, nor displays, any of those things.

So, Trump is not merely the opponent; why, he is the (gasp!) enemy! He must be taken down by any means necessary--whether fair or foul...
If you are still voting for Trump and you have less than a few million in available liquid assets, you are a Trump cultist.

And spare me the outrage. You guys have loads of pejoratives for Biden voters.

No outrage. Just a total lack of respect...
So, Trump is not merely the opponent; why, he is the (gasp!) enemy! He must be taken down by any means necessary--whether fair or foul...

Please, feel free to display all the Trump tweets showing his displays of honor, honesty, decency, responsibility and or courage. Actually, if you could find just one or two, that would be helpful too. Now, you can't post one that has others directly following that contradict the first. That would be dishonest.
So, Trump is not merely the opponent; why, he is the (gasp!) enemy! He must be taken down by any means necessary--whether fair or foul...

You're correct.
Right back at you, Bubba.

Fair enough.

Since I do not respect you--and since it is reciprocal--I would suggest that we simply ignore each other in the future.

In order to ensure that, I am now placing you upon my "Ignore" list.

And I would suggest that you should do the same, with me.
Please, feel free to display all the Trump tweets showing his displays of honor, honesty, decency, responsibility and or courage. Actually, if you could find just one or two, that would be helpful too. Now, you can't post one that has others directly following that contradict the first. That would be dishonest.

I have frequently criticized President Trump--perhaps not in this particular forum; but elsewhere--for his ubiquitous tweets. And I will do so again, now.

But you have still avoided my question. You have made no attempt to answer it.

(If you do not remember just what I said, please refer to post #16 in this thread.)
I have frequently criticized President Trump--perhaps not in this particular forum; but elsewhere--for his ubiquitous tweets. And I will do so again, now.

But you have still avoided my question. You have made no attempt to answer it.

(If you do not remember just what I said, please refer to post #16 in this thread.)

You didn't ask a question, you read a bunch of stuff into what I said and made a statement. But yes, I do consider Trump, at the least, hostile to democracy as it is meant to be in the USA. He has made it abundantly clear through his actions and statements.
You didn't ask a question, you read a bunch of stuff into what I said and made a statement. But yes, I do consider Trump, at the least, hostile to democracy as it is meant to be in the USA. He has made it abundantly clear through his actions and statements.

In what way, exactly, do you consider him to be "hostile to democracy"? (Please do not simply regurgitate Democratic talking points.)

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