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The Unpsoken Threat? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 29, 2013
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Political Leaning
Canada seems to be squirming to find ways to get around extraditing Meng to the USA, and trying to
assuage China! How else will we take what McCallum said?

Canada China envoy assailed for assessing merits of Meng extradition case

OTTAWA — Canada's envoy to China faced criticism Wednesday for opining on how a Huawei executive might avoid extradition to the United States, fuelling speculation his remarks were a political ploy to end the government's diplomatic crisis with China.

I also strongly suspect this is what he was told to do by the Trudeau government. That was not "straying from the script." That must surely be the script!

Trudeau is in such a terrible pickle! How is it that Canada is in such a situation, while the US and China still continues with their trade talks despite this issue? He got pawned, again!

These two giants seem to be having some fun with him.

Let's not forget that Trudeau isn't exactly endearing himself to others with his "holier-than-thou" attitude and perceived moral superiority. Didn't China send him packing not too long ago during their trade talks?
And, it's no secret that Trump is not a good friend of our Justin - but who can blame him (Trump)? Trudeau was vocal about never being a friend of Trump - what with all those drive-by pot shots he took against Trump (which I've predicted, will haunt him).

To add to that, there must be this sword that's hanging over Trudeau's head now - months before an election. Nice timing, huh?
A threat that they must perceive from China?

If Meng is extradited........ a Canadian will certainly be executed.

Surely, Trudeau wouldn't want that issue clouding his campaign tour, right?
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We all know that if Trudeau did not support the extradition you would accuse of of allying with the communists. You will criticize everything he does, even if it contradicts everything you have said in the past.

I don't think the ambassador will have a job for very much longer, since he is contradicting the message of Trudeau and the government.
Canada seems to be squirming to find ways to get around extraditing Meng to the USA, and trying to
assuage China! How else will we take what McCallum said?


I also strongly suspect this is what he was told to do by the Trudeau government. That was not "straying from the script." That must surely be the script!

Trudeau is in such a terrible pickle! How is it that Canada is in such a situation, while the US and China still continues with their trade talks despite this issue? He got pawned, again!

These two giants seem to be having some fun with him.

Let's not forget that Trudeau isn't exactly endearing himself to others with his "holier-than-thou" attitude and perceived moral superiority. Didn't China send him packing not too long ago during their trade talks?
And, it's no secret that Trump is not a good friend of our Justin - but who can blame him (Trump)? Trudeau was vocal about never being a friend of Trump - what with all those drive-by pot shots he took against Trump (which I've predicted, will haunt him).

To add to that, there must be this sword that's hanging over Trudeau's head now - months before an election. Nice timing, huh?
A threat that they must perceive from China?

If Meng is extradited........ a Canadian will certainly be executed.

Surely, Trudeau wouldn't want that issue clouding his campaign tour, right?


This is all speculation, no more. Mr. McCallum was likely just laying out the legal options open to Ms. Meng clearly, probably in order to calm the turbulent political waters churning between China and Canada and to protect Canadian lives and futures. Trudeau has already said that the Government of Canada will not interfere with the Rule of Law for political or diplomatic reasons and until I see persuasive evidence to the contrary I am inclined to believe him. I can only imagine the howls and faux vitriol in the Canadian media if Mr. Trudeau was found to have interfered in the case either personally or indirectly. I think he is politically savvy enough to see that that would end in disaster and would only encourage the Chinese state to seize more Canadians in China.

Ms. Meng will get her day(s) in court and have an opportunity to defend herself from the charges levelled against her by the US Justice Department. The hearing which she will get will be a damn sight more fair than the proceedings which Canadians in China are facing at the hands of the Chinese authorities precisely because our courts adhere to procedural law and the Rule of Law and resist political interference well. The US Department of Justice hasn't even filed its case yet for Pete sake, so perhaps you're getting ahead of things in this thread.

The ambassador was just stating Canadian laws regarding the issue. Which he clarified today as not to mean the Can government was taking sides
He messed up again and was fired

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