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The shadow of Labor Day? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 5, 2019
Reaction score
Staten Island, NY USA
Political Leaning
For the first time in 5 weeks, the number of US Covid-19 assigned deaths has experienced a weekly rise in the Monday-Sunday totals. The changes for the past 5 weeks, derived from the Worldometer(r) numbers, were -1, -11, -9, -13 and +6% respectively. Whether this is the start of a resurgence is an unknown. Like economists telling us a recession has begun after its been under way for two consecutive quarters, we can only confirm trends in the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the US some weeks after they've begun.

In the meanwhile, there may be some insight to be gained in the interaction of politics and the pandemic in the data from Israel.

Regards, stay safe 'n well. Remember the Big 3: masks, hand washing and physical distancing.
I'm curious to see the impact of increased indoor activities on the numbers. My hope is that people will adhere to prevention protocols to reduce the likelihood of another surge. We still have some time before weather will force indoor activities in more parts of the country.
I'm curious to see the impact of increased indoor activities on the numbers. My hope is that people will adhere to prevention protocols to reduce the likelihood of another surge. We still have some time before weather will force indoor activities in more parts of the country.

As a nation, we're slowly starting to bring the disease under control. We're a long way yet from the point where we can effectively employ a general [nationwide] contact tracing program. Compared to other nations in general, the US has not been a leader in protecting its citizens from the pandemic.

Regards, stay safe 'n well.
As a nation, we're slowly starting to bring the disease under control. We're a long way yet from the point where we can effectively employ a general [nationwide] contact tracing program. Compared to other nations in general, the US has not been a leader in protecting its citizens from the pandemic.

Regards, stay safe 'n well.

A nationwide contact tracing scheme is a bit of a pipe dream given the political climate in this country and the sad fact a non political issue (disease prevention) has now become one. A part of the problem is the government response from the top down, but the other factor is a lack of compliance due to those who choose to question whether the threat is real.
A nationwide contact tracing scheme is a bit of a pipe dream given the political climate in this country and the sad fact a non political issue (disease prevention) has now become one. A part of the problem is the government response from the top down, but the other factor is a lack of compliance due to those who choose to question whether the threat is real.


Well said.

Thank you for taking time to respond.

Regards, stay safe 'n well.
I have been following the numbers, as y'all know. We've essentially been plateaued as a nation at about 40K cases and 800 fatalities/day for the month of September. I think we are on the leading edge of a resurgence, nationally - and worldwide. We've never really ended the "first" wave, because the population is so large and enforcement so uneven that various pockets of infection have continued to propagate.

My son (who lives with us) is sick, and we are both scheduled to be tested tomorrow. (Cross your fingers.) I have every reason to believe that what he has is a mild-ish case of COVID-19, and has been home from work since Thursday. If we're lucky, I've had it too. I am looking to get a serologic test, because I am not symptomatic (I think). The thing is, it still takes 2-4 days to get results. That is just plain failure. With those turnaround times, we do not have this under control, and can never get it under control. As you've noted, contact tracing is a fantasy at this point.

In addition to the mantra of Wash, Wear and be Wary - we need to add Test, Trace and Treat.
I have been following the numbers, as y'all know. We've essentially been plateaued as a nation at about 40K cases and 800 fatalities/day for the month of September. I think we are on the leading edge of a resurgence, nationally - and worldwide. We've never really ended the "first" wave, because the population is so large and enforcement so uneven that various pockets of infection have continued to propagate.

My son (who lives with us) is sick, and we are both scheduled to be tested tomorrow. (Cross your fingers.) I have every reason to believe that what he has is a mild-ish case of COVID-19, and has been home from work since Thursday. If we're lucky, I've had it too. I am looking to get a serologic test, because I am not symptomatic (I think). The thing is, it still takes 2-4 days to get results. That is just plain failure. With those turnaround times, we do not have this under control, and can never get it under control. As you've noted, contact tracing is a fantasy at this point.

In addition to the mantra of Wash, Wear and be Wary - we need to add Test, Trace and Treat.


A sincere 'Get well' for your son.

There are times here in the US where it seems as if everything becomes a political football. At present, I don't see this changing. The ideological nonsense which has, apparently, become part of the mental toolkits for many folks militates against any unified effort, regardless of the importance of the problem. While the 1900's can be considered the 'American' century, the case for the 2000's is far harder to make.

Regards, stay safe 'n well.
It seems from a group get together point of view that Labor Day was fairly mellow compared to Memorial day and the 4th. I have to think that colleges are keeping the spread alive and also schools reopening. I keep focusing on the fact that hospitalizations and deaths remain low at least were I live.
A sincere 'Get well' for your son.
A sincere thanks. Boy that test is "interesting". I'm not sure my nostrils have recovered, but the sample, I am pretty sure, will be adequate.
There are times here in the US where it seems as if everything becomes a political football. At present, I don't see this changing. The ideological nonsense which has, apparently, become part of the mental toolkits for many folks militates against any unified effort, regardless of the importance of the problem. While the 1900's can be considered the 'American' century, the case for the 2000's is far harder to make.
I so completely agree, and it has been cause for a good deal of distress for me. I am, fundamentally, a patriot and compassionate human being. It distresses me when those statuses are challenged, and even more so when I feel the need to defend them.

I found it interesting that Cindy McCain and Joe Biden used similar phraseology in their recent statements. In endorsing Biden, she noted "We are Republicans, yes, but Americans foremost." That is a statement I heartily endorse, and seems woefully lacking of late. Similarly, Biden stated he's a Democratic candidate, but will be an American President. That is also a sentiment lacking in current leadership.
I have been following the numbers, as y'all know. We've essentially been plateaued as a nation at about 40K cases and 800 fatalities/day for the month of September. I think we are on the leading edge of a resurgence, nationally - and worldwide. We've never really ended the "first" wave, because the population is so large and enforcement so uneven that various pockets of infection have continued to propagate.

My son (who lives with us) is sick, and we are both scheduled to be tested tomorrow. (Cross your fingers.) I have every reason to believe that what he has is a mild-ish case of COVID-19, and has been home from work since Thursday. If we're lucky, I've had it too. I am looking to get a serologic test, because I am not symptomatic (I think). The thing is, it still takes 2-4 days to get results. That is just plain failure. With those turnaround times, we do not have this under control, and can never get it under control. As you've noted, contact tracing is a fantasy at this point.

In addition to the mantra of Wash, Wear and be Wary - we need to add Test, Trace and Treat.
To follow up: both tests came back negative. This is a great relief. Whatever bug we had seems to have passed. I'll be getting my flu shot in October.

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