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The revenge of Snake Island (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Political Leaning
Remember the first real incident we heard about in the war, 13 Ukrainians on Snake Island, with a Russian warship telling them to surrender.

The Ukrainians responded with a profanity, setting the tone for the war since.

That ship was the Moscow, the flagship of the fleet in the Baltic Sea.

Now sitting on the bottom of the Baltic Sea thanks to two Ukrainian-made Neptune missiles. Reportedly the biggest ship lost in the world since WWII.

With the admiral in charge now arrested.

You don't often get to see that sort of revenge and justice.
Remember the first real incident we heard about in the war, 13 Ukrainians on Snake Island, with a Russian warship telling them to surrender.

The Ukrainians responded with a profanity, setting the tone for the war since.

That ship was the Moscow, the flagship of the fleet in the Baltic Sea.

Now sitting on the bottom of the Baltic Sea thanks to two Ukrainian-made Neptune missiles. Reportedly the biggest ship lost in the world since WWII.

With the admiral in charge now arrested.

You don't often get to see that sort of revenge and justice.
Rather skeptical as to alleged 'news' coming from the Ukraine theater of war operations, just too much conflicting information coming out of there to simply take whole cloth.

You wouldn't happen to have some sort of reliable confirmation would you?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for that Ukrainian's having sunk a Russian capital ship, I just simply don't trust the sources at this point, which makes me ask for confirmation from other sources.
Rather skeptical as to alleged 'news' coming from the Ukraine theater of war operations, just too much conflicting information coming out of there to simply take whole cloth.

You wouldn't happen to have some sort of reliable confirmation would you?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for that Ukrainian's having sunk a Russian capital ship, I just simply don't trust the sources at this point, which makes me ask for confirmation from other sources.


Who was Igor Osipov arrested by? What justice system might he be entering?
Rather skeptical as to alleged 'news' coming from the Ukraine theater of war operations, just too much conflicting information coming out of there to simply take whole cloth.

You wouldn't happen to have some sort of reliable confirmation would you?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for that Ukrainian's having sunk a Russian capital ship, I just simply don't trust the sources at this point, which makes me ask for confirmation from other sources.
You must know the names of the sources you trust. Why do you ask someone else to guess what they are and bring them to you?
Remember the first real incident we heard about in the war, 13 Ukrainians on Snake Island, with a Russian warship telling them to surrender.

The Ukrainians responded with a profanity, setting the tone for the war since.

That ship was the Moscow, the flagship of the fleet in the Baltic Sea.

Now sitting on the bottom of the Baltic Sea thanks to two Ukrainian-made Neptune missiles. Reportedly the biggest ship lost in the world since WWII.

With the admiral in charge now arrested.

You don't often get to see that sort of revenge and justice.
A real feel good story.
Who was Igor Osipov arrested by? What justice system might he be entering?
The International Criminal Court system. Like any other war criminal
Who was Igor Osipov arrested by? What justice system might he be entering?
Whatever it's actually called, he violated the "you did a thing Putin didn't like" law, which is unstated but still there.
The International Criminal Court system. Like any other war criminal
No, I think he was arrested by Russia, and chances are neither he nor Putin will ever be in front of the ICC.
Wrong. You prefer seeing the war succeed and get no punishment, huh?

I'd prefer that wars were prevented. The US doesn't want that.
Remember the first real incident we heard about in the war, 13 Ukrainians on Snake Island, with a Russian warship telling them to surrender.

The Ukrainians responded with a profanity, setting the tone for the war since.

That ship was the Moscow, the flagship of the fleet in the Baltic Sea.

Now sitting on the bottom of the Baltic Sea thanks to two Ukrainian-made Neptune missiles. Reportedly the biggest ship lost in the world since WWII.

With the admiral in charge now arrested.

You don't often get to see that sort of revenge and justice.
Remember the Snake Island 13! 🇺🇦👍
I'd prefer that wars were prevented. The US doesn't want that.
What does preferring preventing war have to do with the topic of the ship's attack and then getting sunk and your comment about it? It'd be very nice if war was prevented. It wasn't. The US tried to prevent this war.
Now sitting on the bottom of the Baltic Sea thanks to two Ukrainian-made Neptune missiles. Reportedly the biggest ship lost in the world since WWII.
No, no, no. The ship was simply repurposed as a submarine. Lol
What does preferring preventing war have to do with the topic of the ship's attack and then getting sunk and your comment about it? It'd be very nice if war was prevented. It wasn't. The US tried to prevent this war.

That's the problem. You think that the USG tried to prevent this war. Many progressive pundits say that the USG created the conditions for this war. At least one went further than that and said that the USG goaded Russia into the war.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that the USG escalated the Cold War, is the huge nuclear arsenal that is the dark heart of NATO, that NATO is a big part of this problem, and we might reap the mutually assured stupidity that we sowed before, during, and after the Cold War, and beyond.

Constantly preparing for war and being the lone global military hegemon with conventional weapons, nuclear weapons, AND bases and troops pretty much EVERYWHERE is not how to PREVENT war in the least. That's how to continue and to ESCALATE wars. The USG is a war machine, above and beyond anything else it might be.

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