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"The reason why we're going to limit these transcripts is to avoid re-victimizing.... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 7, 2016
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Slightly Conservative
"The reason why we're going to limit these transcripts is to avoid re-victimizing those people that went through this horror. But it will contain the substance of his conversations," she said. (Loretta Lynch in her interview Sunday)
FBI Director James Comey said Monday there were three calls with Mateen.
"During calls he said he was doing this for leader of (ISIS) who he named and pledged loyalty to," Comey had said. "But he also claimed to pledge solidarity with the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing and solidarity with a Florida man who died as a suicide bomber in Syria for al-Nusra Front, a group in conflict with the so-called Islamic State. The bombers at the Boston Marathon and the suicide bomber from Florida were not inspired by (ISIS) which adds a little bit to the confusion about his motives."

When asked yesterday how people felt, I was surprised that so many Democrats thought it was more the fault of Comey for releasing the information so quickly. That tells me this entire event would have been down played by our Executive Office if they could have manipulated the information. They did the same in all the past incidences where we, they, the whole world knew this was likely terrorism, and our President wouldn't call it that. And, at the same time his quickest act was to attack gun ownership.

Thank goodness Comey had the forethought to be honest with the American People. The LGBT community consists of very wise Americans. They know crap when they are being fed it and I don't think they are going to take this lying down. This isn't about re-victimizing the victims - it's about justice for the victims.

I hope they, like I, find it to be more victimization to make Terrorism against a community about gun rights and not Terrorism. Shame on the Obama Administration!
Re: "The reason why we're going to limit these transcripts is to avoid re-victimizing

Symbolism over substance is the liberal way
Re: "The reason why we're going to limit these transcripts is to avoid re-victimizing

BO is so protective of his muslims, more so then the homosexual community.
Re: "The reason why we're going to limit these transcripts is to avoid re-victimizing

"The reason why we're going to limit these transcripts is to avoid re-victimizing those people that went through this horror. But it will contain the substance of his conversations," she said. (Loretta Lynch in her interview Sunday)
FBI Director James Comey said Monday there were three calls with Mateen.
"During calls he said he was doing this for leader of (ISIS) who he named and pledged loyalty to," Comey had said. "But he also claimed to pledge solidarity with the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombing and solidarity with a Florida man who died as a suicide bomber in Syria for al-Nusra Front, a group in conflict with the so-called Islamic State. The bombers at the Boston Marathon and the suicide bomber from Florida were not inspired by (ISIS) which adds a little bit to the confusion about his motives."

When asked yesterday how people felt, I was surprised that so many Democrats thought it was more the fault of Comey for releasing the information so quickly. That tells me this entire event would have been down played by our Executive Office if they could have manipulated the information. They did the same in all the past incidences where we, they, the whole world knew this was likely terrorism, and our President wouldn't call it that. And, at the same time his quickest act was to attack gun ownership.

Thank goodness Comey had the forethought to be honest with the American People. The LGBT community consists of very wise Americans. They know crap when they are being fed it and I don't think they are going to take this lying down. This isn't about re-victimizing the victims - it's about justice for the victims.

I hope they, like I, find it to be more victimization to make Terrorism against a community about gun rights and not Terrorism. Shame on the Obama Administration!

From what I can discern, this has as much to do with LGBT and the Boston marathon bombing had to do with hating runners. Maybe there is something I have not seen, but for the moment?
Re: "The reason why we're going to limit these transcripts is to avoid re-victimizing

THIS is something people should be Pissed about. The Federal Government thinks they can redact and withhold information, NOT in the interest of national security but because... well basically ANY OTHER REASON? which SOUNDS Like to me because they don't want us to know certain things about the attack.

this is big brother people! THIS is 1984.

this is BS.

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