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The Pro-Trucker-Convoy Rally Is Another Failure For Far-Right Demonstrators In DC (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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LOL it's a total flop.

According to the report, about TWENTY people showed up.


They didn't clog the streets. They didn't cause a mess. Nothing was shutdown.

Only twenty people showed up? Normally we get 40-50 far righters a day at our meetings.
LOL it's a total flop.

According to the report, about TWENTY people showed up.


They didn't clog the streets. They didn't cause a mess. Nothing was shutdown.

Protesting mask & vaccination mandates, when there are neither left. Wonder why no one showed-up?
LOL it's a total flop.

According to the report, about TWENTY people showed up.


They didn't clog the streets. They didn't cause a mess. Nothing was shutdown.

Where are all the rightwing trucker dipshit supporters on DP?

LOL it's a total flop.

According to the report, about TWENTY people showed up.


They didn't clog the streets. They didn't cause a mess. Nothing was shutdown.

Let's keep it in perspective. The virus is on the wane for now, mandates are being lifted. With the current hot war in Europe there are other matters to focus on.
With Covid starting to wind down, I thought their actions were strange. What do they plan to do next? Protest the 2005 World's Fair in Japan?

That's what I was asking when this stupid "convoy" was announced.

Why now?

Why when lockdowns are gone, mandates are going away and we are finally, slowly coming back to normal?

The time for them to have their protest was in 2020 when all the lockdowns and mandates started.
Turns out that when there's real problems, useless attention whores like them don't get much traction.
LOL it's a total flop.

According to the report, about TWENTY people showed up.


They didn't clog the streets. They didn't cause a mess. Nothing was shutdown.

Didn't think it was over with yet?
LOL it's a total flop.

According to the report, about TWENTY people showed up.


They didn't clog the streets. They didn't cause a mess. Nothing was shutdown.

Idiots are idiots
There are still "convoys" headed to D.C. just as I thought.
LOL it's a total flop.

According to the report, about TWENTY people showed up.


They didn't clog the streets. They didn't cause a mess. Nothing was shutdown.

Attendance was somewhat reduced because "Big Bubba's Bar and Grill" was having a three for one beer sale.
LOL it's a total flop.

According to the report, about TWENTY people showed up.


They didn't clog the streets. They didn't cause a mess. Nothing was shutdown.

Not enough paid shills were willing to show up to this manufactured snooze fest. The GOP fails again.

LOL it's a total flop.

According to the report, about TWENTY people showed up.


They didn't clog the streets. They didn't cause a mess. Nothing was shutdown.

LOL it's a total flop.

According to the report, about TWENTY people showed up.


They didn't clog the streets. They didn't cause a mess. Nothing was shutdown.

This time two weeks ago, every trumpster on this forum was yelling “just you wait” over this ginned up rally.

Then their failed fuhrer shilled for Moscow.
These all had to be independent truckers, am I right? Because, If I owned a trucking company and one of my driver employees pulled a bonehead stunt like this (or in Canada) they'd be looking for a new job.

AS I noted early in this nonsense, every trucking and logistic manager who watched those guys blocking the bridge between Windsor and Detroit, saw truck drivers that needed to be replaced.

The incident will hasten the day of the self driving electric truck.
They already won. Mask mandates and vaccine mandates are being dropped left right and center. No need to protest after you've won.
They already won. Mask mandates and vaccine mandates are being dropped left right and center. No need to protest after you've won.

These characters want quite a bit more than that. Many are Christian Nationalists and would like to finish the job started on 1/6.

Isn't there another group coming from the west coast due to arrive this weekend?

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