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The one form of ID that I DO NOT SUPPORT and NEVER WILL... (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2020
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Very Conservative
Thoughts on future of possible microchipping people...

The form of ID that I will never support, but looks like the world might be headed to, is microchipping people. I can't imagine how vast of a government mandatory microchipping would be on the planet. I can see either it leading to a world government, or moreso a world government requiring it. Yes, I know that in some ways it would make some situations easier and more secure, but for the vast majority of situations, it would lead to the exact opposite. Whether the microchips would include GPS or not, either way would still lead to dictatorships, and I'm not even considering how it reflects on my feelings on Revelation 13. Yes I do believe that in the Bible, but I'll just go ahead and forego that and look at this situation by other lenses. Even if it's not the Mark of the Beast, I oppose it. Just so you know, I have libertarian views on things like NSA spying, the Patriot Act, and I highly support the Bill of Rights including the 4th Amendment.
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Re: Thoughts on future of possible microchipping people...

The form of ID that I will never support, but looks like the world might be headed to, is microchipping people.

Nope, don't think it will
Re: Thoughts on future of possible microchipping people...

The form of ID that I will never support, but looks like the world might be headed to, is microchipping people. I can't imagine how vast of a government mandatory microchipping would be on the planet. I can see either it leading to a world government, or moreso a world government requiring it. Yes, I know that in some ways it would make some situations easier and more secure, but for the vast majority of situations, it would lead to the exact opposite. Whether the microchips would include GPS or not, either way would still lead to dictatorships, and I'm not even considering how it reflects on my feelings on Revelation 13. Yes I do believe that in the Bible, but I'll just go ahead and forego that and look at this situation by other lenses. Even if it's not the Mark of the Beast, I oppose it. Just so you know, I have libertarian views on things like NSA spying, the Patriot Act, and I highly support the Bill of Rights including the 4th Amendment.

There's a conspiracy theory forum here.
Re: Thoughts on future of possible microchipping people...

There's a conspiracy theory forum here.

Fair enough. Can a moderator move this thread then?
Re: Thoughts on future of possible microchipping people...

My grandpa had a microchip in him. Made it a lot faster to carry him to the doctor when they could waive a new fandangle contraption over him and get all the info they needed without having to cart him off to the imaging center. Told him the only downside was they would probably bring him back if he ever got taken to the dog pound.

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