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The Number... (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 25, 2005
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The Mark...

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Does anyone know anything about the
number of the beast?

Is there a country...any country...in the world
that carries the "number" of the beast" or
the number of his name?

It must be one country only because the
Bible says...it is a man...one man.

If so...where is this man/country located? and
Where is its number of the beast located at?
Wait... so it's actually 636?

Aww. All those heavy metal songs written for nothing. :(
stankeybutt said:
Does anyone know anything about the
number of the beast?

Who is really the evil one? The sky pixie, or the entity called, "Satan?"

Is there a country...any country...in the world
that carries the "number" of the beast" or
the number of his name?

Uhh, not that I'm aware of.

It must be one country only because the
Bible says...it is a man...one man.

o, don't even get me going on the blind postulation of "it must be so, because some book says so" Dude, the bible is nothing more than written hearsay. None of it is proven factual to say the least.

If so...where is this man/country located? and
Where is its number of the beast located at?

If so, it might not be so, I don't know, that remains to be seen.
Six hundred threescore and six.

vergiss said:
Wait... so it's actually 636?

Aww. All those heavy metal songs written for nothing. :(

A score = 20. Hence, 666
Heavy metal still reigns supreme...:2wave:
stankeybutt said:
The Mark...

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Does anyone know anything about the
number of the beast?

Is there a country...any country...in the world
that carries the "number" of the beast" or
the number of his name?

It must be one country only because the
Bible says...it is a man...one man.

If so...where is this man/country located? and
Where is its number of the beast located at?

It's the numerical translation of Nero.
Willoughby said:
how do u mean?

The preterist takes a relatively uncommon form of Nero's name, Nero Cæsar or Cæsar Nero, and adds an "n", resulting in Neron Cæsar. Next the Latin is transliterated into Aramaic, resulting in nrwn qsr, which when using the numeric equivalent of the letters, then adds up to 666 as follows:
Nun = 50 Resh =200 Waw =6 Nun = 50 Qoph = 100 Samech = 60 Resh = 200​
Revelations was written describing the time and place in which it was written, Nero killed many Christians and at the time coinage bearing his name or likeness was a prerequisite to buy or sell any goods.

An example of this spelling has apparently been recently discovered in one of the Dead Sea scrolls. If you use the same process, but without the added "n" the result is 616. Interestingly, some early manuscripts have 616 rather than 666, but even scholars such as Irenæus [A.D. 120-202] attribute the 616 to only a copyist error (Against Heresies: Book V Chapter XXX.), "this number [666] being found in all the most approved and ancient copies" [of the Apocalypse] and asserts that "men who saw John face to face bearing their testimony" [to it - 666].
stankeybutt said:
The Mark...

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Does anyone know anything about the
number of the beast?

Is there a country...any country...in the world
that carries the "number" of the beast" or
the number of his name?

It must be one country only because the
Bible says...it is a man...one man.

If so...where is this man/country located? and
Where is its number of the beast located at?

In modern time ,which is when he is to appear on ,the number 666 could have been mistaken from" sic sic sic " or it could have been mistaken from two half's make a whole and 6 represents an imbalance and is said to be a trend ...etc etc etc ..the bible has been touched by the hand of man and if you know that man is perfect believe it word for word and if you don't then know of the bible and be cautious to know it because it was touched by man .It is said that a child can easily know God and that it is impossible for a man not to know God and yet neither can know God completely but learn of God from the beginning of their life to the end of their life.

God is good,good is great,God is great .

All things that God said are true ,and if a man says that God told a lie ,then it was that man who lied ,not God .

It's so amusing for me to hear men who will swear by mans imprefections and then laugh at the bible because it makes no sense at all to them even though they know God did not write but man did ........for the first 20 or 30 years of my life then its like listening to a bunch of old ladies watching soap operas ........stick a beer in it why don't ya ,you can de-evolve back to a monkey or something !!!! :doh :doh :doh

" Let he who throws the first stone have a strong arm and a good aim " viking1.23
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Should have pasted these on in my post above :

Deep Purple ---Child in Time ,
Montly Crew ---Shout at the Devil.

.... if your in to that ,Bear share .com is a good site to preview music ,it is my second life ,my one true love !!! :2wave:
stankeybutt said:
The Mark...

Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Does anyone know anything about the
number of the beast?

Is there a country...any country...in the world
that carries the "number" of the beast" or
the number of his name?

It must be one country only because the
Bible says...it is a man...one man.

If so...where is this man/country located? and
Where is its number of the beast located at?

If you read these two verses;

1Ki 10:14 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,

2Ch 9:13 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and threescore and six talents of gold;

Consider this:

Solomon built a Temple, Temple was Destroyed not once but twice, Herod built the second Temple.

Now the man responsible for the rebuilding of the third Temple of Solomon is the man of this number, but he will not be a man of God but will later claim to be God.

So keep your eyes on the rebuilding of this Temple and then he will be revealed.

These two verses are the only other place you will find the number six hundred threescore and six other then Revaltions in the Bible
ThePhoenix said:
Now the man responsible for the rebuilding of the third Temple of Solomon is the man of this number, but he will not be a man of God but will later claim to be God.

Correction on my part, The man who sits on the throne in the New Temple of Solomon will claim to be God, He will be the Antichrist.. But the rebuilding of the temple will pave the way for the comming of this man.
ThePhoenix said:
Correction on my part, The man who sits on the throne in the New Temple of Solomon will claim to be God, He will be the Antichrist.. But the rebuilding of the temple will pave the way for the comming of this man.

Roman Catholic, upon confirmation took the name of Gabriele the archangel who alongside Micahael threw the morning star out of heaven. Thomas Robert Askins. Nero. 666

I'm fairly sure god is dead, would he morn for me? I don't think so.
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