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The Nightmare Scenario: Trump Loses in 2020 and Refuses to Concede (1 Viewer)

With his ego, do you think it possible that we could see a Nightmare Scenario?

No, he didn't realize that governing is hard

He would welcome back his former life
If Trump doesn't win, the officials in charge of White House security will gladly escort him and his property off the grounds January 21, 2021 by 1 pm at the latest.

But from Election Day to Inauguration Day, he will bellow about imaginary rigged polls, Ukranian election interference, the media, and all the usual stick figures that the talk radio right loves to hate.

And social media and right wing talk radio will be ugly, very ugly.

After the Inauguration, things will quiet down.

A lot depends on what Trump does. The man is an attention whore,and he’s greedy.

He will probably go into the full time mode of openly trying to tell the next President what to do, from a pulpit provided by numerous evangelicals (who will all be delighted at the money the faithful will throw at them, not that Trump is on the bill), and perhaps by Fox noise. The aging right wing talk radio format will try and restore itself to relevance by using him as a guest star.

I doubt that any of these possible antics will have any long term impact.

His base will go back to nodding at their AM radios.
But from Election Day to Inauguration Day, he will bellow about imaginary rigged polls, Ukranian election interference, the media, and all the usual stick figures that the talk radio right loves to hate.

And social media and right wing talk radio will be ugly, very ugly.

After the Inauguration, things will quiet down.

A lot depends on what Trump does. The man is an attention whore,and he’s greedy.

He will probably go into the full time mode of openly trying to tell the next President what to do, from a pulpit provided by numerous evangelicals (who will all be delighted at the money the faithful will throw at them, not that Trump is on the bill), and perhaps by Fox noise. The aging right wing talk radio format will try and restore itself to relevance by using him as a guest star.

I doubt that any of these possible antics will have any long term impact.

His base will go back to nodding at their AM radios.

Then add him to your twitter ignore or block lists. I did it along time ago as I do for most politicians.
Then add him to your twitter ignore or block lists. I did it along time ago as I do for most politicians.

I am not a regular Twitter user, and I don’t read his tweets.

I doubt that most of the people who respond to them actually do.
But from Election Day to Inauguration Day, he will bellow about imaginary rigged polls, Ukranian election interference, the media, and all the usual stick figures that the talk radio right loves to hate.

And social media and right wing talk radio will be ugly, very ugly.

After the Inauguration, things will quiet down.

A lot depends on what Trump does. The man is an attention whore,and he’s greedy.

He will probably go into the full time mode of openly trying to tell the next President what to do, from a pulpit provided by numerous evangelicals (who will all be delighted at the money the faithful will throw at them, not that Trump is on the bill), and perhaps by Fox noise. The aging right wing talk radio format will try and restore itself to relevance by using him as a guest star.

I doubt that any of these possible antics will have any long term impact.

His base will go back to nodding at their AM radios.

What's wrong with AM radio? I remember when I was driving home from college every Friday I would listen to reruns of the Lum & Abner radio show. Those guys were hilarious.
I've never seen such hatred for a U.S. president by his fellow American citizens. It dwarfs anything directed at Obama or Bush and has no basis whatsoever.

No basis whatsoever.

Boy do you get your information from somewhere besides reality.
I am not a regular Twitter user, and I don’t read his tweets.

I doubt that most of the people who respond to them actually do.

I use twitter regularly but got tired of the over dramatic pointless replies that were little more than what some on the right call virtue signaling, so I started with him added AOC, Warren, Biden then muted the people I am following who were too wrapped up in the dopamine fix they were getting from reactions to move onto other things to tweet about.
You might want to address the actual thread premise.
It's a silly anti-Trump hypothetical.
I've addressed.

The thread is not about me.

You need to take this more seriously.

What if there's an illegal alien...

...in the White House?!?!?

Even a trumpeter can see that would be a nightmare scenario!!!!

Don’t understand. You didn’t know about the Nuremberg and other post WWII trials?

Besides, I don’t know how to post links on my phone. Sorry.

None so blind. Nuremwhatnow?

I don't need the links. Apology accepted.
You need to take this more seriously.

What if there's an illegal alien...

...in the White House?!?!?

Even a trumpeter can see that would be a nightmare scenario!!!!


You mean Stephen Miller, the white hating Jew?


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