anomaly said:
How will we get there? I created this thread because I feel the way in which you wish to achieve your free society is flawed...deregulation and further privatisation of the current economy create far less freedom, not more, as Republicans would have you believe.
You won't let me voluntarily opt out of oppression?
Somehow I find that unfair and unjust.
I am not advocating a nationwide sweep that instantly abolishes all rules and regulations. But there is no reason to stop us from consenting to being deregulated ourselves.
anomaly said:
That ratio is completely insignificant. I'm talking about the equality in a particular country, and I used the data I used to illustrate that in the US we have far less equality than in the UK or Japan. Let's say a US worker makes more than a UK worker. Now what does that prove? Nothing. British workers are still more equal to the CEO counterparts than are US workers to their CEO counterparts. All of this data was to show that in the US (the country which has privatised and deregulated the most in the last 20-30 years) inequality is quite vast, thus making the US worker the least powerful of any industrialized country.
So would you rather have everyone share an equal amount of nothing, or the unequal division of a large amount of something?
I prefer the latter of the two, since everyone gets more.
Which is why I bring up the issue of raw wages earned.
If our "unfair" system ends up paying the blue collar worker more than your "fair" system, then which system is better? I would say ours. It doesn't matter if we also end up with people getting a lot more. Our average is still higher than yours, so we are better off.
anomaly said:
If your CEO is making 1000x what you do, that means that you could have more money, if the CEO didn't keep it all for himself.
That's a big misconception that many people share.
And it isn't true at all.
Because when you FORCE that CEO to fork over a bigger amount, he becomes unhappy which leads others to be unhappy. Worker productivity goes down, consent through interaction lowers. People end up with a bigger % of money, but less actual money.
In other words, when the wages are set freely, everyone ends up with the maximum amount.
When FORCE and COERCION are introduced, it upsets the balance, causing everyone to earn a smaller share (even if it is a higher %).
anomaly said:
And also, this vast inequality obviously gives the CEO far more power than the workers, thus making organized labor less possible, and also making the CEO freer to move production to a poorer country.
The CEO's ranking in the company is what gives him all the power.
Organized labor is no less possible just because the CEO makes more cash.
In fact, the CEO grows to rely on the consumer and workers to provide him with that cash. He wants the loyalty and high output of the workers, so he provides as best as he can to maximize his profit.
anomaly said:
Ah thank you! Thank you for finally admitting that. It is then obvious that capitalism helps the minority, while hurting the majority. That is my problem with the system. I push for a system that would favor the majority of people: democratic socialism.
Actually, capitalism "favors" no one at all.
Those with an ACTUAL lead are the ones that get ahead.
It's the only system that DOESN'T create artificial stuff that would "favor" someone.
anomaly said:
And you're right, capitalism does work, but usually only for a limited time. Capitalism will allow for a great production and thus great wealth, but inevtably workers will begin to overproduce, and create huge surpluses. This leads to those nasty depressions and recessions.
I'm sorry, but that is complete bull.
People can easily tell what the market calls for.
Underproduction is WAY more common than overproduction.
The only depressions this country has had have been caused by the monopoly the Federal Reserve Banks have on our currency.
anomaly said:
And you're wrong, you'd earn more as a worker in a system of socialism, as employers would be forced to pay you more (force can be a good thing!).
They pay you more of less, though.
They can't simply fabricate more money to pay you with.
And when they are FORCED to pay you more, it hurts us all. Prices increase, productivity decreases, consumer happiness decreases, quality decreases.
anomaly said:
And the wealth pie isn't neccesarily larger in capitalism, just a small percentge of people take a huge percentage of the pie, leaving less for the rest of us.
Now it's time for you to admit something.
There is NOTHING more productive than capitalism. Capitalism is the SINGLE BEST way to create vast amounts of wealth.
And when there's more pie, even those with small slices don't go hungry.
anomaly said:
So, when we give these corporations (most of whom see nothing wrong with children and others working 16 hr days in sweatshops for a meager wage) more power, your utopia will be realised? News to me!
Your accusations are far from the truth IMO.
How come most places pay more than minimum wage then?
And how come most people don't even work the 40hr work week?
Why do most companies refuse to hire anyone under 18, even though they can?
I have nothing wrong with you believing that my vision will give the big companies unfathomable power and corruption.
That is, after all, what the government run schools have been drilling into everyone's heads for the past half century.
But you need to at least recognize my desire to VOLUNTARILY set MYSELF free from the oppression of this big government.
anomaly said:
Well, Reagan and now Bush both depleted gov't size (in the sense of cutting social programs, and now Bush wants to destroy a huge gov't program-SS), but on paper it appears that they kept gov't about the same size,
The same size!
I recently looked up the ACTUAL increase of government size under Reagan, and it was around 60% or so increase.
And Bush isn't Mr. SmallGov either, increasing government size 33%!
Like I said before, Democrats and Republicans are hardly any different.
Their only variance is on HOW they want to spend their big government money.