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The New Age or the Aquarian Age & World Government (1 Viewer)

Dec 3, 2005
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St.gallen, Switzerland
Political Leaning
The New Age or the Aquarian Age & World Government

It is generally believed that the Aquarian Age started in the year 2000, 2160 years roughly being the Age of a Sign. The Piscean age started at around 200 BCE ( Before Common Era ). Let us study the symbolisms of the Piscean and the Aquarian Ages.
The World Plan has been in motion for centuries as a New World Order cannot happen overnight. To achive this difficult task, guns have to removed from the hands of private owners, currency has to be removed and replaced it with credit, and intelligence databases all around the world should be coordinated. Many people are becoming aware that something serious is going on and a World Plan to unite global currencies, trade boundaries & Nation States are in the offing. The principle of Global Economic Interdependence will unite all the economies of the world. There exists a benign Secret Power*behind the scenes whose aim is to control all the goverments of the world. The innovative World Order is made up many elements of control - Mind control, gun control,* IMF, The World Bank, FEMA, UN, Secret Societies, weather control and so on and on and on. Nothing but*absolute control over everything; trade, banking, stock markets, oil, energy, technology, cyber world, nuclear capability, etc, is the New World Order.

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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html
dear administrator

sorry for my mistake, but i simply forgot it! i will change all postings, again sorry for my mistakes...

best wishes from Switzerland

It'd be nice if you added some original content of your own along with the works of others that you post.

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