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The Never-Ending Drug War (1 Viewer)

Cold Highway

Dispenser of Negativity
DP Veteran
May 30, 2007
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Newburgh, New York and World 8: Dark Land
Political Leaning
When it comes to welfare, Americans are as addicted as your most hard-core heroin addict. How many times have we heard, "If we didn't have Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, people would die in the streets from starvation and illness"?

Then there's the warfare dole for the military and military-industrial complex. Don't think for a moment that the Pentagon and its contractors are ever going to be willing to give up their warfare dole. They have as big entitlement mentality as welfare recipients. Moreover, they will always be able and willing to conjure up or provoke all sorts of foreign enemies, bogeymen, crises, fears, and threats that will guarantee them a continual stream of warfare money.

Then there's the interest on the national debt. And then there is all the so-called "discretionary spending," such as the bailouts, education grants, stimulus funds, farm subsidies, regulatory enforcement, and all the rest. You can count on every single recipient of such largess to fight just as viciously for his share of the dole as the other welfare and warfare recipients.

The Drug War aka Police Socialism is one of biggest money wasting programs this country has. It like prohibition before hand has brought nothing but death, destruction, intimation and civil liberty violations.

Campaign For Liberty — The Never-Ending Drug War   | by Jacob Hornberger
It boggles my mind that politicians haven't listened on this issue.

I think, for the most part, this is one of those issues where you can get broad support from people of both isles and all backgrounds, excluding maybe little old ladies that live at church. Even if it's just marijuana, if one of the parties were to push for a bill that supports legalization, maybe a small tax, etc I bet their poll numbers would jump like they've never seen.

Maybe they're too scared. The dems know that if they started up a bill like this they'd have fox and friends waking people up every morning asking the innocent question "Dems forcing mandatory drug sessions for pre-schoolers?" and if the Republicans pushed for a bill they'd have Keith Olberman bashing them on how they're supposed to be the morality party etc.
I honestly think the drug war has more to do with creating jobs then it does about curbing the drug problem. I'll give credit to Reagan as I am sure his intentions were pure, but like everything in government, it's only a matter of time before politicians can turn it into an issue they can whore.

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