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The Most Peaceful Countries in the World (1 Viewer)

Risky Thicket

Sewer Rat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
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With Yo Mama
Political Leaning
OK, Americanos, before you look (and being Americans many of you will not ferret through the information but will instead wait for the movie, which in this case won't happen; and if there were a movie it would be a documentary, which most would never watch) there is the perceived ranking and then the actual ranking based on predetermined factors.

The United States ranks (we're big on being ranked; well we were big on ranking until we no longer finished first in anything other than mass murders, fat assedness, fake tits, scrotum cosmetic tightening, and butt sex) number 103 as a most peaceful nation. That may come as a surprise to those living in a gated community in Scarsdale. America's neighbor to the north, Canada, ranks number 8. The US sucketh and Canada saunters politely and quietly among the top 10.

Global Peace Index
Well Canada makes sense. I mean, any place you can go and whack a seal over the head if you need to vent some frustration is naturally going to be more peaceful. Then you've got places like Denmark and Iceland and such where they're going to be more peaceful because nobody understands what they're saying. New Zealand? It's all hobbits and sheep. Ireland is always cool as they just run a continual buzz. Japan isn't a problem because they sent all their ****ty drivers over here. Portugal legalized all drugs and now everyone is just wandering around blissed out. I mean, if you really look at it there's no wonder we're down with Cambodia and Turkmenistan.
OK, Americanos, before you look (and being Americans many of you will not ferret through the information but will instead wait for the movie, which in this case won't happen; and if there were a movie it would be a documentary, which most would never watch) there is the perceived ranking and then the actual ranking based on predetermined factors.

The United States ranks (we're big on being ranked; well we were big on ranking until we no longer finished first in anything other than mass murders, fat assedness, fake tits, scrotum cosmetic tightening, and butt sex) number 103 as a most peaceful nation. That may come as a surprise to those living in a gated community in Scarsdale. America's neighbor to the north, Canada, ranks number 8. The US sucketh and Canada saunters politely and quietly among the top 10.

Global Peace Index

So besides Japan, a country that's isolated by ocean how fare the large countries? ( USA, Japan, Mexico, Indonesia, China, India, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia )?
its nice that small countries are peaceful but all in all it doesn't have much of a global impact at all. Canada has less people than California.
Well Canada makes sense. I mean, any place you can go and whack a seal over the head if you need to vent some frustration is naturally going to be more peaceful. Then you've got places like Denmark and Iceland and such where they're going to be more peaceful because nobody understands what they're saying. New Zealand? It's all hobbits and sheep. Ireland is always cool as they just run a continual buzz. Japan isn't a problem because they sent all their ****ty drivers over here. Portugal legalized all drugs and now everyone is just wandering around blissed out. I mean, if you really look at it there's no wonder we're down with Cambodia and Turkmenistan.

:lamo Excellent assessment, my good friend in the southern portion of the land of burnt earth. You might consider applying for consideration as Trump's Secretary of State. ;) The pay would likely be acceptable and there's no question that in a Trump regime you'd be allowed to drink beer at work.
OK, Americanos, before you look (and being Americans many of you will not ferret through the information but will instead wait for the movie, which in this case won't happen; and if there were a movie it would be a documentary, which most would never watch) there is the perceived ranking and then the actual ranking based on predetermined factors.

The United States ranks (we're big on being ranked; well we were big on ranking until we no longer finished first in anything other than mass murders, fat assedness, fake tits, scrotum cosmetic tightening, and butt sex) number 103 as a most peaceful nation. That may come as a surprise to those living in a gated community in Scarsdale. America's neighbor to the north, Canada, ranks number 8. The US sucketh and Canada saunters politely and quietly among the top 10.

Global Peace Index

Do you ever think why the US ranks near the bottom, and countries like Japan and Canada rank at the top? Or do you just get off on belittling Ma and Pa Smith in Scarsdale?
Hey, hey, the good 'ol US of A is NUMERO UNO in gun violence! So put that in your Mounty hat and smoke it!

We're number one in gun violence because we have the most guns! https://cdn3.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/7a...set/file/3985388/gun homicides per capita.jpg

America has 4.4 percent of the world's population, but almost half of the civilian-owned guns around the world

The correlation, even within the United States themselves, is clear:
Well, we have the best planet in the solar system. So there. Anybody living anywhere else in the solar system is free to argue against that.
Hey, hey, the good 'ol US of A is NUMERO UNO in gun violence! So put that in your Mounty hat and smoke it!

We're number one in gun violence because we have the most guns! https://cdn3.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/7a...set/file/3985388/gun homicides per capita.jpg

America has 4.4 percent of the world's population, but almost half of the civilian-owned guns around the world

The correlation, even within the United States themselves, is clear:

yes there is more gun deaths in states with more guns, this is not controversial.

the correlation is, in rates of criminal homicide versus guns, which paints a much different picture.

crime rates are fairly low in much of the midwest where many own guns, New England murder is at European levels, and gun ownership in Vermont is over 40% and pushes 60 in rural maine.

Minnesota and Oregon have low rates of murder and depending upon who's counting are in the top ten states of gun ownership.

all of our worst states for criminal homicide center in the deep south, which means homicide is not driven by guns, it's driven by social problems.
yes there is more gun deaths in states with more guns, this is not controversial.

the correlation is, in rates of criminal homicide versus guns, which paints a much different picture.

crime rates are fairly low in much of the midwest where many own guns, New England murder is at European levels, and gun ownership in Vermont is over 40% and pushes 60 in rural maine.

Minnesota and Oregon have low rates of murder and depending upon who's counting are in the top ten states of gun ownership.

all of our worst states for criminal homicide center in the deep south, which means homicide is not driven by guns, it's driven by social problems.
All the retired NYC cops move down to North and South Carolina along with other warmer southern states after putting in their 20. You would think the problem would be improving.
All the retired NYC cops move down to North and South Carolina along with other warmer southern states after putting in their 20. You would think the problem would be improving.

It's the same thing here, with cops from California, they make more because they live in expensive parts of the country, they retire was massive pensions and they can move to South Carolina, or Northern Idaho or Spokane or Missoula Montana or whatever and they're making more off their pension then someone working as a cop in that area. sell their tiny house in Queens they can probably buy a ten acre farm off of the equity.

but see the violence in places like the south is concentrated in the big cities, and a retired NYC cop isn't moving to downtown Birmingham or Mobile, they're going into some smaller or midsized town where the stores are closed on sunday the alarm clock is the rooster and they get a charming house with a wrap around porch.
:lamo Excellent assessment, my good friend in the southern portion of the land of burnt earth. You might consider applying for consideration as Trump's Secretary of State. ;) The pay would likely be acceptable and there's no question that in a Trump regime you'd be allowed to drink beer at work.

Nothing wrong with a beer at work, people keep bottles of scotch and brandy in their office desks. You sure are full of insults.

Do you ever think why the US ranks near the bottom, and countries like Japan and Canada rank at the top? Or do you just get off on belittling Ma and Pa Smith in Scarsdale?

See insults, above.

Superiority and arrogance afflicts many liberals.
OK, Americanos, before you look (and being Americans many of you will not ferret through the information but will instead wait for the movie, which in this case won't happen; and if there were a movie it would be a documentary, which most would never watch) there is the perceived ranking and then the actual ranking based on predetermined factors.

The United States ranks (we're big on being ranked; well we were big on ranking until we no longer finished first in anything other than mass murders, fat assedness, fake tits, scrotum cosmetic tightening, and butt sex) number 103 as a most peaceful nation. That may come as a surprise to those living in a gated community in Scarsdale. America's neighbor to the north, Canada, ranks number 8. The US sucketh and Canada saunters politely and quietly among the top 10.

Global Peace Index

Who's wants to be ferreting through this malarky when we can be out shooting our AR15s?

So, do you have some sort of point?

Well Canada makes sense. I mean, any place you can go and whack a seal over the head if you need to vent some frustration is naturally going to be more peaceful. Then you've got places like Denmark and Iceland and such where they're going to be more peaceful because nobody understands what they're saying. New Zealand? It's all hobbits and sheep. Ireland is always cool as they just run a continual buzz. Japan isn't a problem because they sent all their ****ty drivers over here. Portugal legalized all drugs and now everyone is just wandering around blissed out. I mean, if you really look at it there's no wonder we're down with Cambodia and Turkmenistan.

Yes, everyone has their own predilections. I just don't know why libs have to be so uppity, as thou they were better than anyone else.
Hey, hey, the good 'ol US of A is NUMERO UNO in gun violence! So put that in your Mounty hat and smoke it!

We're number one in gun violence because we have the most guns!

America has 4.4 percent of the world's population, but almost half of the civilian-owned guns around the world

The correlation, even within the United States themselves, is clear:

First off, Mother Jones is ultra biased against guns....so I discount any of their crap, right from the get go.

Secondly, gun ownership is a Great thing.......it spells Freedom with a capital F!
I wouldn't have it any other way.

The more guns I have, the happier I am. I grew up rather poor, so I collect stuff. Guns, cars, motorcycles, and many other things. I'm not programmed to be malevolent, I just like mechanical things of all kinds. And guns are not only functional, some are works of art. ;) Anyone who judges me for what I own and not for who I am..........can bloody **** off!

yes there is more gun deaths in states with more guns, this is not controversial.

the correlation is, in rates of criminal homicide versus guns, which paints a much different picture.

crime rates are fairly low in much of the midwest where many own guns, New England murder is at European levels, and gun ownership in Vermont is over 40% and pushes 60 in rural maine.

Minnesota and Oregon have low rates of murder and depending upon who's counting are in the top ten states of gun ownership.

all of our worst states for criminal homicide center in the deep south, which means homicide is not driven by guns, it's driven by social problems.

Well stated....and correct. We sure have a lot of jealous twits on this board.
some countries choose to focus on good infrastructure, health care, and hiring people rather than maintaining a perpetual state of war. granted, those countries have that luxury largely because the US floats much of the cost for the killing assholes stuff. if we're going to have a global army, though, this **** needs to be more of a pitch in, because our credit card is seriously approaching maxed out, and it isn't our turn anymore. my vote is that we get out of the war business and rebuild some ****ing roads for a while, or ****, let's go crazy, maybe even high speed rail and electrical infrastructure so that we don't need oil as much.

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