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The "masks and vaccines are an affront to personal liberty" crowd continues policing what we can put into our bodies (1 Viewer)

party free

DP Veteran
Oct 3, 2017
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4-5 years ago, I passed through Colorado and had a budtender tells me he believed weed would be legal nationwide in 4-5 years. I laughed as I asked him if he'd even been to the Bible Belt.

Kentucky is on its way to making sure Delta-8 is illegal. The justification? "Intoxication."

“The main point of this bill, sir, is to resolve, sweep aside any ambiguity and make clear as a matter of state law, from this point forward intoxicating substances like Delta-8 THC remain prohibited in the Commonwealth,” Bilby said, speaking to GOP State Sen. Jason Howell.

Can't wait to see their bill also banning alcoholic beverages.

The "don't tread on me" crowd (if you're not familiar with KY politics, they're some of the biggest "don't tread on me" crowd there is) treading on lots of people with this one.
4-5 years ago, I passed through Colorado and had a budtender tells me he believed weed would be legal nationwide in 4-5 years. I laughed as I asked him if he'd even been to the Bible Belt.

Kentucky is on its way to making sure Delta-8 is illegal. The justification? "Intoxication."

“The main point of this bill, sir, is to resolve, sweep aside any ambiguity and make clear as a matter of state law, from this point forward intoxicating substances like Delta-8 THC remain prohibited in the Commonwealth,” Bilby said, speaking to GOP State Sen. Jason Howell.

Can't wait to see their bill also banning alcoholic beverages.

The "don't tread on me" crowd (if you're not familiar with KY politics, they're some of the biggest "don't tread on me" crowd there is) treading on lots of people with this one.

Good point, because there's no inconsistency in positions among the "you must wear a mask in a breezy outdoor restaurant (but only while walking to your table)" crowd.

Opposition to legalizing drugs might have something to do with the fact that the people pushing hardest for it are also pushing so hard for tons of funding to take care of addicts.

Personally, I'm all for legalizing everything but also think that if someone gets addicted, that's his/her problem and she/he should be held fully responsible for all his/her actions with no excuses considered.
Good point, because there's no inconsistency in positions among the "you must wear a mask in a breezy outdoor restaurant (but only while walking to your table)" crowd.

Opposition to legalizing drugs might have something to do with the fact that the people pushing hardest for it are also pushing so hard for tons of funding to take care of addicts.

Personally, I'm all for legalizing everything but also think that if someone gets addicted, that's his/her problem and she/he should be held fully responsible for all his/her actions with no excuses considered.
Opium and cocaine products need to be legalized and supplied by the government at cost. Not to make life easier for addicts but to stop making vicious evil bastards rich and stop addicts from stealing from you and me to support their addiction.
Pot? There was never any reason to illegalize it.
Meth? Land with both feet on the heads of everyone involved.

For maximum enjoyment, inhale deeply and then hold your breath as long as you can.
Nah. For maximum enjoyment decarboxylate for three hours at 200°, infuse an ounce in a pound of butter in a double boiler, strain and make cookies, brownies, whatever.
Opium and cocaine products need to be legalized and supplied by the government at cost. Not to make life easier for addicts but to stop making vicious evil bastards rich and stop addicts from stealing from you and me to support their addiction.
Pot? There was never any reason to illegalize it.
Meth? Land with both feet on the heads of everyone involved.
With proper quality control both Opium and Cocaine are actually less damaging than alcohol. Pure Opium takes years of almost daily use to become addictive. Back in the late 1960's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics showed NO harmful effects from the use of Heroin PROVIDED that it was of "medical grade" and "aseptically administered".
Nah. For maximum enjoyment decarboxylate for three hours at 200°, infuse an ounce in a pound of butter in a double boiler, strain and make cookies, brownies, whatever.
I hate people who use words that I have to look up.
With proper quality control both Opium and Cocaine are actually less damaging than alcohol. Pure Opium takes years of almost daily use to become addictive. Back in the late 1960's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics showed NO harmful effects from the use of Heroin PROVIDED that it was of "medical grade" and "aseptically administered".
I was a structural Ironworker for nearly thirty years and one of my best partners used to flash up a joint before breakfast, another at lunch time and run junk in the evening and he was rock-solid on the steel. If there was a decision to be made I had to make it but he was a good Ironworker. Which is not an easy thing to be.
Unfortunately he OD'd in Toronto when he was visiting his family.
Good point, because there's no inconsistency in positions among the "you must wear a mask in a breezy outdoor restaurant (but only while walking to your table)" crowd.

Opposition to legalizing drugs might have something to do with the fact that the people pushing hardest for it are also pushing so hard for tons of funding to take care of addicts.

Personally, I'm all for legalizing everything but also think that if someone gets addicted, that's his/her problem and she/he should be held fully responsible for all his/her actions with no excuses considered.
Good god, that's actually the worst take I've seen on drug legalization to date. Imagine opening the flood gates to literal mind-altering substances, then opposing any effort to address the consequences of people having their minds altered by said substances. Even most libertarians will admit that social services for addicts is a good idea, or even a necessity for a world with legal meth and heroin.
With proper quality control both Opium and Cocaine are actually less damaging than alcohol. Pure Opium takes years of almost daily use to become addictive. Back in the late 1960's the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics showed NO harmful effects from the use of Heroin PROVIDED that it was of "medical grade" and "aseptically administered".
I find it hard to imagine that heroin and opium are anything close to safe or non-addictive, given the current wave of opioid deaths among older Americans. Do you have a source for "medical grade" heroin being safe from anything more... recent?
Good god, that's actually the worst take I've seen on drug legalization to date. Imagine opening the flood gates to literal mind-altering substances, then opposing any effort to address the consequences of people having their minds altered by said substances. Even most libertarians will admit that social services for addicts is a good idea, or even a necessity for a world with legal meth and heroin.

I didn't say I oppose any efforts to address the consequences. In fact, I specifically said they should be held responsible for their actions, i.e., the "consequences."
Opium and cocaine products need to be legalized and supplied by the government at cost. Not to make life easier for addicts but to stop making vicious evil bastards rich and stop addicts from stealing from you and me to support their addiction.
Pot? There was never any reason to illegalize it.
Meth? Land with both feet on the heads of everyone involved.

Don't be ridiculous. The government should not be distributing dangerous substances, certainly not in a way that would encourage MORE usage. The only way the government should be involved is regulating them, taxing them, and throwing people in jail for breaking the law as a result of abusing them.
Don't be ridiculous. The government should not be distributing dangerous substances, certainly not in a way that would encourage MORE usage. The only way the government should be involved is regulating them, taxing them, and throwing people in jail for breaking the law as a result of abusing them.
Pretty much the status quo then, with taxation added? That sounds like a solution to you? I mean, regulation and jail having worked so well so far.
Don't be ridiculous. The government should not be distributing dangerous substances, certainly not in a way that would encourage MORE usage. The only way the government should be involved is regulating them, taxing them, and throwing people in jail for breaking the law as a result of abusing them.
If that's your understanding of rehabilitation services, I would suggest you do a bit more research. Clinics offering drugs to addicts is (almost) always paired with coercion to stop using drugs, and it works very well. Portugal is a shining example of reducing drug with an alternative to just locking up the mentally ill and throwing away the key.
Pretty much the status quo then, with taxation added? That sounds like a solution to you? I mean, regulation and jail having worked so well so far.

There's a difference between jailing someone for theft, murder, assault, or vagrancy, and jailing them for selling a product to someone who wants to use it.
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There's a difference between jailing someone for theft, assault, or vagrancy, and jailing them for selling a product to someone who wants to use it.
If you make drugs legal but keep the status quo for supply you just legitimize the most evil bastards on earth. You absolutely need to supply addicts with their drugs to erase the whole evil industry.
You want to make cartel thugs legitimate businessmen? You want to entrench their culture permanently in society?
Who said anything about maintaining the status quo for supply?
Fine. Tell me how you think it should be. This...

There's a difference between jailing someone for theft, murder, assault, or vagrancy, and jailing them for selling a product to someone who wants to use it.
...said to me that you think selling someone something they want shouldn't be against the law.
Its legal in AZ, but, unbelievably, still illegal in Hawaii....and I'm not bringing any with me...
Uruguay legalized and regulated marijuana several years ago. The net result is their crime rate has dropped dramatically and organized drug cartels have all but abandoned that country.
Uruguay legalized and regulated marijuana several years ago. The net result is their crime rate has dropped dramatically and organized drug cartels have all but abandoned that country.

My state was the second state to legalize medical marijuana in 1998. It was a ballot initiative. I voted with the majority.

In 2012 we tied as the first state to legalize recreational marijuana for everyone 21 and over. It was a ballot initiative. I voted in the majority.

The result, blackmarket marijuana is pretty much dead in my state.

It's all very well regulated. One of the aspects of our marijuana laws here is that every bit of it has to come from inside our state. It created a lot of jobs and has been contributing a lot of tax dollars ever since.
I was a structural Ironworker for nearly thirty years and one of my best partners used to flash up a joint before breakfast, another at lunch time and run junk in the evening and he was rock-solid on the steel. If there was a decision to be made I had to make it but he was a good Ironworker. Which is not an easy thing to be.
Unfortunately he OD'd in Toronto when he was visiting his family.
OD'd? On pot?
Pot needs to be legalized at the national level, as some far right wing states will keep arresting people for decades to come.

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