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The Mandalorian Season 2 Trailer (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Political Leaning

I can honestly say this is the best SW show since the first movie came out. For those of you who hate Star Wars, try watching this, you'll be pleasantly surprised. :cool:

I can honestly say this is the best SW show since the first movie came out. For those of you who hate Star Wars, try watching this, you'll be pleasantly surprised. :cool:

Mando season 1 was not bad, but it was overrated. Most of the people who made it sound like the best Star Wars since Empire were the same ones who whined and cried about TLJ. :lol:
Mando season 1 was not bad, but it was overrated. Most of the people who made it sound like the best Star Wars since Empire were the same ones who whined and cried about TLJ. :lol:

LOL so youre a TLJ fan, we get it already. :lamo

I can honestly say this is the best SW show since the first movie came out. For those of you who hate Star Wars, try watching this, you'll be pleasantly surprised. :cool:

Ugh...it's the only reason why I got the Disney channel... Turns out my son isn't nearly as nostalgic about the old cartoons as I am.
And you made my point too! :2wave:

Actually I've got 1.33 billion points, as in, the box office returns of TLJ. :mrgreen:

Now are you going to keep armchair quarterbacking or are you going to actually discuss your OP? :)
Actually I've got 1.33 billion points, as in, the box office returns of TLJ. :mrgreen:
Pity that you'll never get a cent out of that LOL.

I'll let the fans of SW speak for themselves what they thought of it. :2razz:
Pity that you'll never get a cent ouf of it LOL.

I'm so sorry you feel that way. :lol:

I'll let the fans of SW speak for themselves what they thought of it. :2razz:

They're entitled to their opinions. As are the $1.33 billion worth of movie tickets sold to TLJ. :)

How's your movie coming that will make as much at the box office as TLJ? :thumbs:
I'm so sorry you feel that way. :lol:

They're entitled to their opinions. As are the $1.33 billion worth of movie tickets sold to TLJ. :)
Still pretending that TLJ's profits are your own? LMAO! That's amazing. Do you wear a beard like George Lucas too? :lamo

I can honestly say this is the best SW show since the first movie came out. For those of you who hate Star Wars, try watching this, you'll be pleasantly surprised. :cool:

Completely agree.

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