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the lie of "its a worker shortage" (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 9, 2019
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As republicans have been saying for awhile they believe that the problem is unemployment
that we are paying people to not work but as i knew and what confirms that democrats were right
when extended unemployment was ended the labor shortage continued it didnt get people
back to work like they said the issue is that the wages are low and thats why they dont want
these jobs.

We cant just simply keep the minimum wage at 7 dollars forever i talk on and on about homelessness
and other issues like that because i care about it i've lived it myself so i know what its like.

The people that think that its so simple to get ahead in life are out of touch they think that
its as simple as just getting a job but when gas is 6 dollars a gallon and i know people will
blame biden for that but its the pandemics fault and supply chain issues but how do people
keep up?

Some people will say "those burger flippers dont deserve more than 7 dollars a hour"
well its much more than just fast food its also other jobs that are paid low like restaurants
where the tipped wage is 2 dollars a hour plus tips.

But i disagree those billion dollar companys can afford to pay one dollar more
even if gas was 200 dollars a gallon they would keep saying "just pull up your boot straps"
when its harder and harder to make it with the increased prices if prices went up so much
that it was literally impossible or made it tough they would still say pull up your boot straps.

People are out of touch look at the cost of housing the cost of housing was going up
years before biden won so you cant blame that on biden but the point is why are
republicans complaining about gas prices going up where were they years ago
when the cost of housing went up where were they talking about this?

Insulin costs 300 times more in america but republicans just ignore it but the second
that the price of gas goes up they spring into action saying "we gotta fix this"
it just would of been nice if they would of supported fixing these other issues too.

The tipped wage is 2 dollars how can anyone defend this i think what
we gotta do is raise it federally so it affects all the states instead of just doing
it state by state which is alot slower.

I wanna talk about a few other things i know this topic is labeled for worker shortage
and economic issues but i just think that this outrageous propaganda going on
where the right wing bans history books bans trans people from putting on a birth
certificate the gender that they feel like fox news defending putin and fox news
also saying that drinking piss cures covid they didnt talk about drinking piss not once
but two times on the website so how can anyone take these people seriously?

Does fox news really represent what the majority of republicans think?

I think that were in for a wild ride and we gotta get smarter.

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if you complained about gas prices they would simply just say "ride a bike to work"
instead of addressing the issue of how its not affordable "just pull up your gas straps"
ride a bike they say if a gallon if milk is 200 dollars a gallon just get 10 jobs dont get
any sleep just pull up your gas straps push yourself as hard as you can to the point
where you collapse and just keep going its simple they say.

When a apartment is 3 thousand a month how do people do it
these people who live in houses dont understand how expensive
it is because they are not in that situation to actively look for
apartments and what prices they are.
As republicans have been saying for awhile they believe that the problem is unemployment
that we are paying people to not work but as i knew and what confirms that democrats were right
when extended unemployment was ended the labor shortage continued it didnt get people
back to work like they said the issue is that the wages are low and thats why they dont want
these jobs.

We cant just simply keep the minimum wage at 7 dollars forever i talk on and on about homelessness
and other issues like that because i care about it i've lived it myself so i know what its like.

The people that think that its so simple to get ahead in life are out of touch they think that
its as simple as just getting a job but when gas is 6 dollars a gallon and i know people will
blame biden for that but its the pandemics fault and supply chain issues but how do people
keep up?

Some people will say "those burger flippers dont deserve more than 7 dollars a hour"
well its much more than just fast food its also other jobs that are paid low like restaurants
where the tipped wage is 2 dollars a hour plus tips.

But i disagree those billion dollar companys can afford to pay one dollar more
even if gas was 200 dollars a gallon they would keep saying "just pull up your boot straps"
when its harder and harder to make it with the increased prices if prices went up so much
that it was literally impossible or made it tough they would still say pull up your boot straps.

People are out of touch look at the cost of housing the cost of housing was going up
years before biden won so you cant blame that on biden but the point is why are
republicans complaining about gas prices going up where were they years ago
when the cost of housing went up where were they talking about this?

Insulin costs 300 times more in america but republicans just ignore it but the second
that the price of gas goes up they spring into action saying "we gotta fix this"
it just would of been nice if they would of supported fixing these other issues too.

The the tipped wage is 2 dollars how can anyone defend this i think what
we gotta do is raise it federally so it affects all the states instead of just doing
it state by state which is alot slower.

I wanna talk about a few other things i know this topic is labeled for worker shortage
and economic issues but i just think that this outrageous propaganda going on
where the right wing bans history books bans trans people from putting on a birth
certificate the gender that they feel like fox news defending putin and fox news
also saying the drinking piss cures covid they didnt talk about drinking piss not once
but two times on the website so how can anyone take these people seriously?

Does fox news really represent what the majority of republicans think?

I think that were in for a wild ride and we gotta get smarter.

great read. I know him. He's very young (under 30, not sure exactly how old) and a rising political star here in NH.

He is exactly right in what he said.
if you complained about gas prices they would simply just say "ride a bike to work"
instead of addressing the issue of how its not affordable "just pull up your gas straps"
ride a bike they say if a gallon if milk is 200 dollars a gallon just get 10 jobs dont get
any sleep just pull up your gas straps push yourself as hard as you can to the point
where you collapse and just keep going its simple they say.

When a apartment is 3 thousand a month how do people do it
these people who live in houses dont understand how expensive
it is because they are not in that situation to actively look for
apartments and what prices they are.
Interesting to note that Amazon just reported earnings for the quarter about 50 minutes ago and the earnings were very disappointing. In fact, the stock is down about 8% in value in after hours trading ($2670 vs the close at $2881).

One of the problems that caused the disappointing report has been their need for workers and their inability to get them. The funny thing is that the minimum salary in Amazon per hour is $18. Imagine how the burger flippers feel getting paid $7 an hour when they easily can get a job at Amazon for $18 an hour. This is a problem in the U.S. that is not going to get resolved to the liking of the Republicans. Low wages are now history. You either pay or you go away. Imagine having problems getting workers at $18 and hour..............geez!
Yea well your gonna have to raise wages to get workers but if they cant get workers at 18 a hour
its probably because of how hard amazon pushes its workers and doesnt give them bathroom breaks
and also because even at 18 a hour some people might feel like even thats not enough and want more
and holding out for something at better pay.

Ive seen alot of investigative journalists into amazon showing how they put anti union propaganda
in the bathrooms i think that its a disgrace i support every amazon workers right to form a union.

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