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The Liberal Agenda Of G W Bush (1 Viewer)

Fried Rice

Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Edited for language By Pacridge on Feb 16,2005

Dear All

As i am Chinese we maybe have a different perspective on your political system. At a recent rally, one of our political speakers had some really interesting points to make (sure - we embrace capitialism but we still consider ourselves communist / socialist)

Dr Yue alluded to the recent debate in USA (and here) concerning Gay Marriage, abortion etc and how these became such hot topics in the recent election. The focus on these topics whip up huge right wing / religious support for your President and his party. However the relaity is these "burning issues" affect only a small number of the USA population. the President cleverly forced these issues / so called "need for Constitiutional Change" despite the fact that they stood little chance of success.

At the same time you have a pro gay V.P., a lesbian Sec of State. G W said himself that gay people should have equal protection in the law, the need for consititutional reform has gone away.

I believe the president is secretly a liberal kind of guy with left-ish leanings. his beautiful daughters go out to party and he himself is an alcoholic. he has found God but in doing so he has found humility and the way to embrace diversity.

Basically he use the religious right as gay groups / women groups in USA are too powerful to be fought against.

Dr Yue's point was that, as the USA empire enters the autumn of its exisitence (soon it will be Winter :eek: ), its powerplay between state and the people shows that even "right wing" politics can no longer succeed against the will of the people who can politize themselves. The religious right is an empty vessel making a lot of sound.

Also, We in China have decriminalised homosexuality and i can now get c**k anywhere.

Fried Rice For A Happy World
FR tomorrow will have roast pork
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Edited by Pacridge due to language Feb 16, 2005

You speak no truer word than when you speak about the demise of the American empire. They have had their day. They are finished. Hasbeens.
*I say a little prayer for them*

I note your comparison of the availablity of c**kto the greatness of society, and I agree, if we look at the historical facts: Ancient Greece, Rome, the Ottomans; and now a stronger European Union and a rising China that is undoubtedly going to rule the world. Societies which supress homosexuality ARE the weak ones. America opposes gay marriage - and look, it's finished. China decriminalises homosexuality and look - it's rising (economically too).

Your insight has uplifted me.
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thanks so much Urethra. maybe sometime we will have heated debate but i am glad we agree on this !

I love your music - my English maybe not always good to pick up song - did you once have hit record called "Who's Zooming Who" ? i loved it and danced to it all the time.

Fried Rice Zooming Everywhere
Fried Rice said:
thanks so much Urethra. maybe sometime we will have heated debate but i am glad we agree on this !

I love your music - my English maybe not always good to pick up song - did you once have hit record called "Who's Zooming Who" ? i loved it and danced to it all the time.

Fried Rice Zooming Everywhere

I had more success in Europe with the French version "A voulez-vous"
My God that must be it !!

Also i learn a bit of French !! Thank you. if i ever have to say Who is zooming who in paris i will know how to say it

Fried Rice
not french
Fried Rice said:
My God that must be it !!

Also i learn a bit of French !! Thank you. if i ever have to say Who is zooming who in paris i will know how to say it

Fried Rice
not french

It's not a literal translation.
You'll need to say "Qui est en train de zoomer qui?"

Love your country btw.
Thanks for clarification.

is this also French, and what does it mean

"Et tu, Brutus"

Fried Rice A La Paris
Fried Rice said:
Edited for language By Pacridge on Feb 16,2005

Dear All

As i am Chinese we maybe have a different perspective on your political system. At a recent rally, one of our political speakers had some really interesting points to make (sure - we embrace capitialism but we still consider ourselves communist / socialist)

Dr Yue alluded to the recent debate in USA (and here) concerning Gay Marriage, abortion etc and how these became such hot topics in the recent election. The focus on these topics whip up huge right wing / religious support for your President and his party. However the relaity is these "burning issues" affect only a small number of the USA population. the President cleverly forced these issues / so called "need for Constitiutional Change" despite the fact that they stood little chance of success.

At the same time you have a pro gay V.P., a lesbian Sec of State. G W said himself that gay people should have equal protection in the law, the need for consititutional reform has gone away.

I believe the president is secretly a liberal kind of guy with left-ish leanings. his beautiful daughters go out to party and he himself is an alcoholic. he has found God but in doing so he has found humility and the way to embrace diversity.

Basically he use the religious right as gay groups / women groups in USA are too powerful to be fought against.

Dr Yue's point was that, as the USA empire enters the autumn of its exisitence (soon it will be Winter :eek: ), its powerplay between state and the people shows that even "right wing" politics can no longer succeed against the will of the people who can politize themselves. The religious right is an empty vessel making a lot of sound.

Also, We in China have decriminalised homosexuality and i can now get c**k anywhere.

Fried Rice For A Happy World
FR tomorrow will have roast pork

Ha. Bush a lefty? Dream on. Also, I'd like to note on how you consider yourself socialist/communist. China never was and you never will be. China may one day become a world power, but they will one day have to fight the USA in order to 'rule the world'. China's commie system was that of Maoism, created of course by Mao, for whom I have just a bit more respect than Stalin. Mao almost destroyed China. China, like all the rest of the old 'Communist' states is one of the biggest supporters of capitalism. The Chinese making so many American products is the only thing that keeps your economy afloat. There is nothing communist or socialist about China, but now you have turned to capitalism for refuge. And, it will save you for now. But remember that China stands in the way of contemporary communists and socialists. As I said earlier, if China is to become a world power, they must make war with the USA. This is a war that neither side would win, it would result in anything from the complete annihilation of the human race to the destruction of civilization. You show too much confidence in your country. And as long as your country is run by a dictator, I will be against it.
anomaly said:
Ha. Bush a lefty? Dream on. Also, I'd like to note on how you consider yourself socialist/communist. China never was and you never will be. China may one day become a world power, but they will one day have to fight the USA in order to 'rule the world'. China's commie system was that of Maoism, created of course by Mao, for whom I have just a bit more respect than Stalin. Mao almost destroyed China. China, like all the rest of the old 'Communist' states is one of the biggest supporters of capitalism. The Chinese making so many American products is the only thing that keeps your economy afloat. There is nothing communist or socialist about China, but now you have turned to capitalism for refuge. And, it will save you for now. But remember that China stands in the way of contemporary communists and socialists. As I said earlier, if China is to become a world power, they must make war with the USA. This is a war that neither side would win, it would result in anything from the complete annihilation of the human race to the destruction of civilization. You show too much confidence in your country. And as long as your country is run by a dictator, I will be against it.

Dear friend, saying my country "may one day become a world power" borders on self delusion. China is already a world power. Mao didnt destroy China. Through Mao China is well on the road to world domination (economically). We dont need to invade / intimidate. We are not supporting capitalism, we are redefining it with Chinese Characteristics. It is not "Chinese making American products that keeps our economy afloat", it is American total dependance on Chinese product that is signalling the end of your own economy. you claim to be so strong, but in reality are so weak. We need not make war, we already win. The Great Wall Of China now extends to all parts of the world. We do not have a dictator, we are governed by committee. if you are looking for tin-pot dictators i believe it was your own president who is repeatedly voted the most dangerous person on the planet.

Fried Rice today had Western Food. Was kinda bland.
Fried Rice said:
Dear friend, saying my country "may one day become a world power" borders on self delusion. China is already a world power. Mao didnt destroy China. Through Mao China is well on the road to world domination (economically). We dont need to invade / intimidate. We are not supporting capitalism, we are redefining it with Chinese Characteristics. It is not "Chinese making American products that keeps our economy afloat", it is American total dependance on Chinese product that is signalling the end of your own economy. you claim to be so strong, but in reality are so weak. We need not make war, we already win. The Great Wall Of China now extends to all parts of the world. We do not have a dictator, we are governed by committee. if you are looking for tin-pot dictators i believe it was your own president who is repeatedly voted the most dangerous person on the planet.

Fried Rice today had Western Food. Was kinda bland.

Not to mention the amount the US is now borrowing from countries in Asia. Though I haven't seen the numbers on the debt we currently owe China. I suspect it's not a small amount. We now a have huge trade deficit as well a debt deficit with most Asian nations.

As far as your nation being governed by a committee. Doesn't that committee have human rights issues of it's own? Just because your not ruled by a dictator doesn't mean you don't have problems, does it?

Who's conducting this poll? "if you are looking for tin-pot dictators i believe it was your own president who is repeatedly voted the most dangerous person on the planet"

And China's been a "world power" now for quite some time. Not sure how the US could have a trade deficit with some one that wasn't considered a "world power."
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Fried Rice said:
Thanks for clarification.

is this also French, and what does it mean

"Et tu, Brutus"

Fried Rice A La Paris

It was "Et tu Bruté" as taken from Shakespeare (in Latin I believe.) It means "And you, Brutus" and in modern French would be "Et toi, Brutus"
Fried Rice said:
Dear friend, saying my country "may one day become a world power" borders on self delusion. China is already a world power. Mao didnt destroy China. Through Mao China is well on the road to world domination (economically). We dont need to invade / intimidate. We are not supporting capitalism, we are redefining it with Chinese Characteristics. It is not "Chinese making American products that keeps our economy afloat", it is American total dependance on Chinese product that is signalling the end of your own economy. you claim to be so strong, but in reality are so weak. We need not make war, we already win. The Great Wall Of China now extends to all parts of the world. We do not have a dictator, we are governed by committee. if you are looking for tin-pot dictators i believe it was your own president who is repeatedly voted the most dangerous person on the planet.

Fried Rice today had Western Food. Was kinda bland.

Right on.
Fried rice you are awesome.
I have suspected that maybe the height of American power may have been reached (economically and politically anyway), however the US military power will decline with the decline of oil.

While I don't know about Bush being left, I think Bush is the face of the aministration, not the brain or machine of it (though Bush is smarter than some people give him credit for, not booksmarts, but other ways - he has an IQ in the 80's doesn't he?)

Western food, bland? You should try British food! Baked beans, with bangers and mash, or maybe chips smothered with thick gravy with a nice pint of room warm lager. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to flavour country! LOL.

(Man I'm hung over!) :drink
Fried Rice said:
Dear friend, saying my country "may one day become a world power" borders on self delusion. China is already a world power. Mao didnt destroy China. Through Mao China is well on the road to world domination (economically). We dont need to invade / intimidate. We are not supporting capitalism, we are redefining it with Chinese Characteristics. It is not "Chinese making American products that keeps our economy afloat", it is American total dependance on Chinese product that is signalling the end of your own economy. you claim to be so strong, but in reality are so weak. We need not make war, we already win. The Great Wall Of China now extends to all parts of the world. We do not have a dictator, we are governed by committee. if you are looking for tin-pot dictators i believe it was your own president who is repeatedly voted the most dangerous person on the planet.

Fried Rice today had Western Food. Was kinda bland.

Just flat out first. I have no prejudice against China or any other country, but EVERY country carries the burden of their embarrassing mistakes & outright escapades of brutality. Even China with its invasion & the subsequent cultural destruction of of Tibet, which is still going on today. Does our invasion of Iraq take away the significance of that study in inhumanity? And what's more, China has yet to come clean on the issue of Tienammen (sp?) Square or its suppression of the press & free speech. I'm glad that you can now live openly as a gay man in China. That's wonderful! But is gay marriage just around the corner? How is that somehow a bad reflection on America?

I know it wouldn't take long to search out voluminous amounts of atrocities committed during the colonial histories of Britain, France & Belgium, too. And no amount of American warmongering can detract from the fact that they happened, that they happened within the last century and they could happen again under the right circumstances.

I realize that it is very fashionable to hate America right now. In fact, there are MANY things I HATE about America, but hey I live here. My daughters live here. And we now have to deal with our turn in the hot seat, not just for the invasion of Iraq and suppression of liberty at home, but for all of the times America has engaged in "****-swaggering" (wow, I've been censored - I guess I take back that free speech reference above) where it didn't belong in the name of its own interests. Though not a practicing Buddhist, I am a firm believer in the concept of karma. And everybody gets a turn on that merry-go-round.

"From the viewpoint of absolute truth, what we feel and experience in our ordinary daily life is all delusion. Of all the various delusions, the sense of discrimination between oneself and others is the worst form, as it creates nothing but unpleasantness for both sides. If we can realize and meditate on ultimate truth, it will cleanse our impurities of mind and thus eradicate the sense of discrimination. This will help to create true love for one another. The search for ultimate truth is, therefore, vitally important." - Dalai Lama

I promise to work on this when it comes to conservatives if you guys will give it a shot for Americans. Deal?

Had to include this one, too, cause it made me laugh.

"I learn as much from a turtle as from a religious text." - Dalai Lama
Pacridge said:
Not to mention the amount the US is now borrowing from countries in Asia. Though I haven't seen the numbers on the debt we currently owe China. I suspect it's not a small amount. We now a have huge trade deficit as well a debt deficit with most Asian nations.

I will try to check latest figures but in Jan 04 it was at US$25 billion. It nust be much more now.

As far as your nation being governed by a committee. Doesn't that committee have human rights issues of it's own? Just because your not ruled by a dictator doesn't mean you don't have problems, does it?

Yes we have those issues here, and still cannot talk about Tee-Yan-A-Men square too much (if i spell correctly my link may be cut) but we have made great progress since Cultural Revolution. Why only a few years ago we werent even allowed to travel. We have so much personal and religious freedoms, more and more political expression. I would argue that USA Human Rights seems to be regressing.

Who's conducting this poll? "if you are looking for tin-pot dictators i believe it was your own president who is repeatedly voted the most dangerous person on the planet"

I dont know the company but believe it was large USA pollster who polled USA citizens and other countries. they assumed people would select Bil Laden, or Kim Jong Il etc but top of the list was Mr Bush. they did similar poll in UK with same result.
To start, Fried Rice sorry bout the 'will become a world power thing'. I was tired. I meant superpower. But I stand by my word that China stands in the way of any anti-capitalist movement. Of course, so does the USA. And when did I ever say that the USA is so rightous? I personally am disgusted with the direction my country is moving, but currently I can do nothing about it. China is hardly socialist at all. What socialist country would pay their workers 20 cents an hour? Your country needs reform just as bad as mine does. Unless reform happens, we may be on a path to war. But, in my studies of 'Communist' countries, I come away quite angered at how these countries turned away from Lenin and Marx, and instead chose to go by the example of Stalin and Mao.
Fried Rice said:
Pacridge said:
I will try to check latest figures but in Jan 04 it was at US$25 billion. It nust be much more now.

It is much more now, though I can't find a link to a site that has the numbers. Keep looking. There's people here in the US that seemed to think we were somehow borrowing all this money for the debt from ourselves. Don't even know how that would be possible. But you've got people here that think the way to fix a retirement system that's running short of funds is to remove more funds from it. Bush could honestly sell anything to some of these people.

Yes we have those issues here, and still cannot talk about Tee-Yan-A-Men square too much (if i spell correctly my link may be cut) but we have made great progress since Cultural Revolution. Why only a few years ago we werent even allowed to travel. We have so much personal and religious freedoms, more and more political expression. I would argue that USA Human Rights seems to be regressing.

I'm not surprised by your lack of ability to be candid. And I don't disagree with your assesment of your regression. But everything comes full circle in US politics and hopeful someday people will begin to see the light. Hopeful sooner then later.

Who's conducting this poll? "if you are looking for tin-pot dictators i believe it was your own president who is repeatedly voted the most dangerous person on the planet"

I dont know the company but believe it was large USA pollster who polled USA citizens and other countries. they assumed people would select Bil Laden, or Kim Jong Il etc but top of the list was Mr Bush. they did similar poll in UK with same result.

even US citizens selected Bush as the most dangerous? I do find that surprising. I would think some would but not most.

It's a strange world. Citizens are not always able to control their government and likewise.
anomaly said:
To start, Fried Rice sorry bout the 'will become a world power thing'. I was tired. I meant superpower. But I stand by my word that China stands in the way of any anti-capitalist movement. Of course, so does the USA. And when did I ever say that the USA is so rightous? I personally am disgusted with the direction my country is moving, but currently I can do nothing about it. China is hardly socialist at all. What socialist country would pay their workers 20 cents an hour? Your country needs reform just as bad as mine does. Unless reform happens, we may be on a path to war. But, in my studies of 'Communist' countries, I come away quite angered at how these countries turned away from Lenin and Marx, and instead chose to go by the example of Stalin and Mao.

The focus on "paying factory workers 20 cents" is wrong. In USA youhave minimum wage which is hardly a real living wage. Average salaries are fast rising in China as our economy grows and standard of living. In our major cities hosuing prices are comparable with western countries. Despite this we do not have homeless problem. We still have some inequality but are working to eradicate. My impression of west is that you seems to tolerate a certain level of poverty, homelessness etc - i think the expression is "turn a blind eye" - in China we take group responsibility for such thing.

Fried Rice Will Tonight Go Drinking
Fried Rice said:
The focus on "paying factory workers 20 cents" is wrong. In USA youhave minimum wage which is hardly a real living wage. Average salaries are fast rising in China as our economy grows and standard of living. In our major cities hosuing prices are comparable with western countries. Despite this we do not have homeless problem. We still have some inequality but are working to eradicate. My impression of west is that you seems to tolerate a certain level of poverty, homelessness etc - i think the expression is "turn a blind eye" - in China we take group responsibility for such thing.

Fried Rice Will Tonight Go Drinking

You cannot deny that such conditions exist in China, not to mention that you still have child labor. As long as capitalism is dominant in the west, there will be poverty. Again, I'm no fan of this. But I just can't see this romanticized version of China that you bring to the table. Your country executes more people than all other nations combined. You won't free Tibet. You have few workers' rights. The only thing you do have is a strong economy(although hardly a 'peoples' economy) and a good military.
anomaly said:
You cannot deny that such conditions exist in China, not to mention that you still have child labor. As long as capitalism is dominant in the west, there will be poverty. Again, I'm no fan of this. But I just can't see this romanticized version of China that you bring to the table. Your country executes more people than all other nations combined. You won't free Tibet. You have few workers' rights. The only thing you do have is a strong economy(although hardly a 'peoples' economy) and a good military.

There is no child labour in China. maybe children still used on some farms etc in the undeveloped West, but this is very small issue. We have compulsory education in China and all children must attend. I think child labour exists in counties close to China so you get confused - N Korea, Vietnam, B'desh etc. I agree we execute criminals - i doubt the numbers are as high as those civilians the USA executed in Vietnam, Korea and do so today in Iraq. China is commited to improving its Human Rights record as a condition of entry to WTO, 2008 Olympics etc. Tibet is a part of China and i think soon talks (talks not bombs !!) will happen regarding its future and allow it to find its own path. I dont get your point about "peoples economy" as in USA / West very few people truly benefit from capitialism, but in China the whole country is growing rich (monetarywise and spiritually !!)

Fried Rice Also Play Mahjong With Friends But Will Loose Big Time
Fried Rice said:
Edited for language By Pacridge on Feb 16,2005

Dear All

As i am Chinese we maybe have a different perspective on your political system. At a recent rally, one of our political speakers had some really interesting points to make (sure - we embrace capitialism but we still consider ourselves communist / socialist)

Dr Yue alluded to the recent debate in USA (and here) concerning Gay Marriage, abortion etc and how these became such hot topics in the recent election. The focus on these topics whip up huge right wing / religious support for your President and his party. However the relaity is these "burning issues" affect only a small number of the USA population. the President cleverly forced these issues / so called "need for Constitiutional Change" despite the fact that they stood little chance of success.

At the same time you have a pro gay V.P., a lesbian Sec of State. G W said himself that gay people should have equal protection in the law, the need for consititutional reform has gone away.

I believe the president is secretly a liberal kind of guy with left-ish leanings. his beautiful daughters go out to party and he himself is an alcoholic. he has found God but in doing so he has found humility and the way to embrace diversity.

Basically he use the religious right as gay groups / women groups in USA are too powerful to be fought against.

Dr Yue's point was that, as the USA empire enters the autumn of its exisitence (soon it will be Winter :eek: ), its powerplay between state and the people shows that even "right wing" politics can no longer succeed against the will of the people who can politize themselves. The religious right is an empty vessel making a lot of sound.

Also, We in China have decriminalised homosexuality and i can now get c**k anywhere.

Fried Rice For A Happy World
FR tomorrow will have roast pork

Well every empire falls and this one is no different
Fried Rice said:
There is no child labour in China. maybe children still used on some farms etc in the undeveloped West, but this is very small issue. We have compulsory education in China and all children must attend. I think child labour exists in counties close to China so you get confused - N Korea, Vietnam, B'desh etc. I agree we execute criminals - i doubt the numbers are as high as those civilians the USA executed in Vietnam, Korea and do so today in Iraq. China is commited to improving its Human Rights record as a condition of entry to WTO, 2008 Olympics etc. Tibet is a part of China and i think soon talks (talks not bombs !!) will happen regarding its future and allow it to find its own path. I dont get your point about "peoples economy" as in USA / West very few people truly benefit from capitialism, but in China the whole country is growing rich (monetarywise and spiritually !!)

Fried Rice Also Play Mahjong With Friends But Will Loose Big Time

Sorry, dude. Tibet may be part of China now, but it was not, and Mao rejected no amount of force in making it that way. Being a resident of China, I am sure you are as aware as anyone of many of the specific acts against Tibetans, particularly Buddhist monks & nuns, that account for the numbers stated below.

Since the revolt against Chinese rule in Tibet that began in 1956 and through the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1976, an estimated 1,200,000 Tibetans were killed and more than 6,000 religious sites were destroyed. In 1959, 1960, 1964, and 1997 the International Commission of Jurists examined Chinese policy in Tibet, violations of human rights in Tibet, and the position of Tibet in international law. The International Commission of Jurists found that the People's Republic of China had committed `acts of genocide . . . in Tibet in an attempt to destroy the Tibetans as a religious group' and that Tibet was at least `a de facto state' prior to 1951.

World problems should be handled pragmatically with an eye on the future. There is no changing the past. But the only way to promote progress is to face the truth, put it behind us & work on a better future.

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