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The Legend Returns! (1 Viewer)


Relentless Thinking Fury
DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2013
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The North Shore
Political Leaning
I use to listen to AB when he did coast-to-coast. Didn't agree with a majority of his guest. It was entertaining.

my only Sirius radio is in my truck. May not get to listen much to his new show.
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I was talking ot someone just the other day about Art Bell. NOw I have to get Sirius.
Funny thing I just got a come back please letter in the mail for the wife's car...haha. I've been debating about getting it, this might just be the deciding factor. They have it where you can subscribe and listen through your iphone, so it's looking like they just might get me...
Yep.....I use to listen to him on Coast to Coast. I work Nights.....hope they will replay it for the early morning hours. I have Sirius with the car.

I as just looking on their site, they have it for the web too, and not too shabby on the price. Plus that letter I just mentioned was $25 for 6 months so, I am thinking it's a go..
I as just looking on their site, they have it for the web too, and not too shabby on the price. Plus that letter I just mentioned was $25 for 6 months so, I am thinking it's a go..

So, is he just going to be looking at the paranormal? No more Ancient Aliens and UFO's?
So, is he just going to be looking at the paranormal? No more Ancient Aliens and UFO's?

I don't know, do you consider Ancient Aliens and UFO's normal? :2razz:
I don't know, do you consider Ancient Aliens and UFO's normal? :2razz:

After all that I have seen and heard.....I think it always has and is part of us.

Course I could ask the same of US Politics. :lol:
I use to listen to AB when he did coast-to-coast. Didn't agree with a majority of his guest. It was entertaining.

my only Sirius radio is in my truck. May not get to listen much to his new show.

That show is insane. I found myself listening for an hour once just because of the absurdities of the callers. It's very well done radio.
That show is insane. I found myself listening for an hour once just because of the absurdities of the callers. It's very well done radio.

a guilty pleasure... and yes, damn good radio...
I was talking ot someone just the other day about Art Bell. NOw I have to get Sirius.

You may be able to listen to it via Tunein.com. They have an App for any smart phone which you can play it from, or on the computer.

Of course, I don't know if they have satellite radio. They have every other radio station though.
That show is insane. I found myself listening for an hour once just because of the absurdities of the callers. It's very well done radio.

Yeah.....I like listening to those that call in. Same deal with the Michael Medved Show. Which Medved lets them get their roll out, and gets them to explain what they mean. Before he lays into them. He has one of the best shows out there, IMO.

I'm a little pist as they use to replay him at night. Which now they have changed it up and are playing the Hugh Hewitt Show. Which truthfully. Hewitt sucks. He may know the law. But he sucks as a radio show host.

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