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The left's hysterical, over the top, exaggerated reaction to the SCOTUS voting rights (1 Viewer)


May 11, 2013
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By Rick Moran
June 26, 2013

Reading the hyperbolic reactions from the usual suspects on the left to the Supreme Court decision on the voting rights act yesterday, you would think Jim Crow is making a comeback.
The Voting Rights Act has performed the way it was intended. Southern states never would have reformed their election laws and procedures on their own. But liberals have to wake up. It's been nearly 50 years and while no one is saying that discrimination and racism are a thing of the past, the kind of institutionalized racism that the law was intended to address is gone. No one blinks an eye when residents of Birmingham elect a black mayor, William Bell, who appoints a black chief of police. In Birmingham? How is that possible?

The Voting Rights Act made it possible.

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Blog: The left's hysterical, over the top, exaggerated reaction to the SCOTUS voting rights decision

The Democrats are trying to keep their Plantation in tact. SCOTUS just messed that up for the "Progressive" Dred Scott Left.
Re: The left's hysterical, over the top, exaggerated reaction to the SCOTUS voting ri

By Rick Moran
June 26, 2013

Reading the hyperbolic reactions from the usual suspects on the left to the Supreme Court decision on the voting rights act yesterday, you would think Jim Crow is making a comeback.
The Voting Rights Act has performed the way it was intended. Southern states never would have reformed their election laws and procedures on their own. But liberals have to wake up. It's been nearly 50 years and while no one is saying that discrimination and racism are a thing of the past, the kind of institutionalized racism that the law was intended to address is gone. No one blinks an eye when residents of Birmingham elect a black mayor, William Bell, who appoints a black chief of police. In Birmingham? How is that possible?

The Voting Rights Act made it possible.

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Blog: The left's hysterical, over the top, exaggerated reaction to the SCOTUS voting rights decision

The Democrats are trying to keep their Plantation in tact. SCOTUS just messed that up for the "Progressive" Dred Scott Left.

I think the main problem is that the southern states still have issues with race and now there is nothing to prevent them from going back to the "old ways" and that is what worries a lot of people. Just because the south was forced to go way from its racist history, does not mean that the seeds of the history are still not around. After all many of those who actively backed segregation and worse are still alive as are their children. Many of the feelings are alive and well. For example, I remember reading about a state (cant remember which), which had a vote to remove words from their constitution banning inter-racial marriage... and it only squeaked through at the ballot box.. and this was done at the end of the last century or in the beginning of this one.

Then there is Alabama which tried to remove segregation language from its constitution only 2 years ago.. and it was defeated!?

And then there are polls like this...

Interracial marriage should be illegal, say 46% of Mississippi Republicans in new poll - NY Daily News

A survey conducted last month shows 46% of GOP voters in the state believe interracial marriage should be illegal - a plurality of the people questioned.

I would have personally given it another at least 2 generations more (30-40 years) before claiming "victory" and removing the law. It is clear on many levels that the south has not changed enough to merit this change.. not even close.

Lets put it this way. In Germany there is a ban on the Nazi party. It has been 60+ years, and the "active Nazi generation" is dying out slowly but surely. Should we let them remove the ban on the Nazi party when they are all are dead? Considering the amount of neo-Nazies in the population, I would say.. no.
Re: The left's hysterical, over the top, exaggerated reaction to the SCOTUS voting ri

By Rick Moran
June 26, 2013

Reading the hyperbolic reactions from the usual suspects on the left to the Supreme Court decision on the voting rights act yesterday, you would think Jim Crow is making a comeback.
The Voting Rights Act has performed the way it was intended. Southern states never would have reformed their election laws and procedures on their own. But liberals have to wake up. It's been nearly 50 years and while no one is saying that discrimination and racism are a thing of the past, the kind of institutionalized racism that the law was intended to address is gone. No one blinks an eye when residents of Birmingham elect a black mayor, William Bell, who appoints a black chief of police. In Birmingham? How is that possible?

The Voting Rights Act made it possible.

Read more:
Blog: The left's hysterical, over the top, exaggerated reaction to the SCOTUS voting rights decision

The Democrats are trying to keep their Plantation in tact. SCOTUS just messed that up for the "Progressive" Dred Scott Left.

And yet this very year there was a Big Controversy when some within a town wanted an interracial high school prom. And as you can see in the post above, two years ago 46% of MS Republicans stated in a poll that they STILL think that interracial marriages should be banned (which is why my nonwhite wife and my quite-white self will never live there).

Guy, I grew up in the MS Delta, and let me tell you that white racism is still a big problem in the South - and anyone who thinks otherwise is either naive or simply publicly denying what they know to be true.

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