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The left-wing's favorite target speaks out on terror (1 Viewer)

Missouri Mule

DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2005
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
Political Leaning
The left-wingers here will throw a fit because they hate her so but her column is a winner. It tells it like it is with a little humor.
It's 'Let's roll,' not 'Let's roll over'
Ann Coulter

August 10, 2005

Since the London bombings, there has been a palpable feeling in the air here in the U.S. that another terrorist attack is imminent. Maybe not as bad as 9-11, perhaps a train or subway bombing. Or maybe it will be something worse. There were fevered rumors circulating over the last few weeks about massive attacks on New York and Washington scheduled for Aug. 6 and 9, to mark the anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

But now Aug. 6 and 9 have come and gone. More significantly, 47 months have come and gone since 9-11 without a major terrorist attack on U.S. soil. The closest thing we had to a major bombing was the new Pauly Shore show on TBS.

Even if the next attack comes tomorrow, it is worth pondering that we've gone 47 months without the savages being able to mount another terrorist attack in a country virtually designed for terrorist attacks, a country where we search the purses of little old ladies so that recent immigrants from Saudi Arabia named "Mohammed" wearing massive backpacks don't get singled out...


Originally posted by Missouri Mule:
The left-wingers here will throw a fit because they hate her so but her column is a winner. It tells it like it is with a little humor.
At the risk of being a jackass, Missouri Mule, care to explain what her [telling it like it is] psycho-babble is in reference to California seventh-graders?

It's 'Let's roll,' not 'Let's roll over'
Ann Coulter

Consider the intriguing diary entries of British jihadist Zeeshan Siddique, reported in the New York Times this Monday (somewhat less prominently than the 4 billion front-page stories on Abu Ghraib). Siddique was captured last April in Pakistan by that country's security forces. His diary is a sort of Plan-a-Jihad journal, much like California seventh-graders were required to write in 2002. (There's also talk of publishing his diary under the title "Hello, Allah? It's Me, Siddique.")

She is a pretty sick woman, thinking that it is OK to take your anger out on someone, that did not do anything to you. Very, very sick individual.

It's 'Let's roll,' not 'Let's roll over'
Ann Coulter

As Republicans were saying repeatedly – captured on Lexis-Nexis for a year before it showed up in a Frank Luntz talking-points memo in 2004 – the savages have declared war, and it's far preferable to fight them in the streets of Baghdad than in the streets of New York (where the residents would immediately surrender). That strategy appears to be working. Then again, maybe it's just that it's so damnably hard to find parking in New York ...
i dont see what there is to argue about. shes making a very correct observation which exposes two problems...

first is the media. the only times during the last few years when ive heard about some impending terrorist attack has been when i open the paper or turn on the TV. from Fox to CBS, its all the same crap. nothing but scare tactics because the mainstream media has become nothing more than ****ing tabloid. its disgusting.

secondly, it shows a flaw in the left's constant criticism over Bush's anti-terror policy and his means of homeland security. its always something about racial profiling, or the patriot act, or this or that but why hasnt one single individual from this group congratulated this admin. on its success? obviously somethings working when extremist islam has engaged a virtual global jihad against america and there hasnt been a single attack since 9/11.
"America is too great for small dreams. It's partly run by the big dreams of my astrologer & the nightmare of good ol Christian Ronnie & Oli's right wing death squads"- Nancy Reagan
robin said:
"America is too great for small dreams. It's partly run by the big dreams of my astrologer & the nightmare of good ol Christian Ronnie & Oli's right wing death squads"- Nancy Reagan


i think thats like the 3rd time you've said something like that about my sig. it wasnt funny the first time and isnt getting any better.
No it's not funny. It tragic that such things can be true & yet you are stupid enough to think the sun shone out of his ass !
FiremanRyan said:

i think thats like the 3rd time you've said something like that about my sig. it wasnt funny the first time and isnt getting any better.

I like this Reagan quote better...

A Hippie is someone who walks like Tarzan, looks like Jane and smells like Cheetah.
Be civil guys...

Why is it a big deal that we've gone 47 months? Wasn't the last terror attack on American soil back in '93? That was alot of months ago.
Gandhi>Bush said:
Be civil guys...

Mention "hippies" & Gandhi comes running like Pavlov's dogs....:2rofll:
I was more concerned with people getting upity about Reagan and running away from Mule's desired topic.

For reference: What exactly does a cheetah smell like?
Since the London bombings, there has been a palpable feeling in the air here in the U.S. that another terrorist attack is imminent.

Since the London bombings? I believe we've believed that since September 11th 2001. I hate that lady!
Missouri Mule said:
The left-wingers here will throw a fit because they hate her so but her column is a winner. It tells it like it is with a little humor.
It's 'Let's roll,' not 'Let's roll over'
Ann Coulter

August 10, 2005

Since the London bombings, there has been a palpable feeling in the air here in the U.S. that another terrorist attack is imminent. Maybe not as bad as 9-11, perhaps a train or subway bombing. Or maybe it will be something worse. There were fevered rumors circulating over the last few weeks about massive attacks on New York and Washington scheduled for Aug. 6 and 9, to mark the anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

But now Aug. 6 and 9 have come and gone. More significantly, 47 months have come and gone since 9-11 without a major terrorist attack on U.S. soil. The closest thing we had to a major bombing was the new Pauly Shore show on TBS.

Even if the next attack comes tomorrow, it is worth pondering that we've gone 47 months without the savages being able to mount another terrorist attack in a country virtually designed for terrorist attacks, a country where we search the purses of little old ladies so that recent immigrants from Saudi Arabia named "Mohammed" wearing massive backpacks don't get singled out...



I guess that is impressive if you don't count the 1800+ dead and 14,000 wounded US soldiers, or the 25000 dead Iraqi civilians and who knows how many wounded.

Let's compare it this way: Total dead Americans worldwide from terrorist attacks (numbers approximate, source: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Terrorism/usvictims.html

American dead from terrorist attack in Reagan years: 340

American dead from terrorist attacks during Clinton years: 65

American dead from terrorist attacks during the Bush II years: 4800+ and counting.
(This assumes US service personnel in Iraq have been killed by terrorists. Source: the CiC.)

With stats like these, no wonder the Bush apologists are so desparate to proclaim "it's all Clinton's fault."
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Missouri Mule said:
Even if the next attack comes tomorrow, it is worth pondering that we've gone 47 months without the savages being able to mount another terrorist attack in a country virtually designed for terrorist attacks, a country where we search the purses of little old ladies so that recent immigrants from Saudi Arabia named "Mohammed" wearing massive backpacks don't get singled out...



The February 23, 1998 fatwa of Osama, that linked September 11, 2001 with Democrat Bill Clinton’s protracted war in Iraq, it called on all Moslems to kill Americans, and the point that should not be forgotten is, all Moslems did not take up the call.

We should give them some credit, big credit, really big credit, say it LOUD, because our vaulted military with all of our technology, drones, planes, satellites, and infrared, can‘t even see a sweaty guy lugging around a heavy explosive and planting it on the side of the road in a known war zone.

The real threat to this country is not peaceful Moslems.

Since ideas do not need visas to cross borders the real threat to the country has to be those domestic enemies that teach that terrorists are “playing by the rules of warfare” when they use civilian disguise to carry out maneuvers. Claiming they are against the killing of “innocent” civilians is not good enough. It is all about trust, and we trust their mealy-mouthed words of peace and patriotism at our own risk. Honor and trust is what insignia recognizable at a distance and the carrying of arms openly is all about.

Profile and search those “liberals” whose “by any means necessary” ideology about terrorists and civilian clothing makes their protestations of peaceful intent suspect. And leave the good conservative Moslem and the rest of us free from unreasonable searches.

I do not want to be searched in public: question, profile, and confront the “liberal” terrorist’s sympathizers.

The playbook and the “liberals“ that followed it:

“One of the most important qualities of any leader is saving other from death not by marking the dark ditches on the road, but also by preventing those who do not see the marks from falling into the abyss. Then comes the quality of exaltation, or ascendancy of the people he is in charge of, along with their potential thought and action. The danger that may threaten any people or nation, does not call upon the people in charge to lead the way against this danger only, but also to analyze its reasons in view of abating them, or treating those reasons radically, to eliminate them so that they would never surge again.
I am sorry to say that the general approach in this direction is still weak, so far. Western governments are the first in this phenomena of weakness. Some voices have risen on the part of some peoples, journalists, writers, and, in a very restricted way, the voices of those who are preparing themselves, in the shadow, to replace the rulers there.” (Saddam Hussein Shabban 13, 1422 H. October 29, 2001.)

Regardless of the radical attitude and analysis of Saddam, Osama, and their domestic sympathizers, and no matter what the domestic enemies say, we are not making war against Moslems on account of their religion. Hamas can not say the same about their war against Israel. Moslems are not prevented from treating Americans justly and showing us kindness.

Let us pray that the Iraqis make the right choices in their future constitutional deliberations, God help them, the evil “liberals” will not, In God we trust.

Three states have to be better than one. Don’t they have more than three flowers in that country? What about birds? State trees? There is like no need to have a Super Bowl if you have one state. One state is boring…like “liberals.”

Anyway, there are more important things. Ann Coulter needs to quit exposing her ornaments, she should climb under my covers and let me provide a deep tour of the abyss, for a greater understanding.

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