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The hypocrisy of liberals.......... (1 Viewer)

You do understand what compromise is, don't you? And you understand that this supposed "standing up for what you believe in" as you put it, is why our government is crippled, wasteful, and can't get anything done, right? The purpose of government is not to defeat the other party. It's to govern the country. Tell me, if Leahy's constituents actually want an immigration bill like this, but without the huge wasteful spending of tons of gifts to the corporate wealthy, is he really better serving them by refusing to support this and only budging for a bill without them, that will probably not pass?

What you are outlining is not hypocrisy, nor is it of "liberals". It is an elected representative trying to represent the people who elected him, and being faced with a whole lot of Republican corporate corruption, and still trying to do his job. Technically, the Republicans are just trying to represent the people who elected them, too, but they were elected by corporations, and not by people. And the party mantra of Republicans to never ever compromise on anything has done inordinate damage to our country. They (and you) are not righteous for doing this.
You do understand what compromise is, don't you? And you understand that this supposed "standing up for what you believe in" as you put it, is why our government is crippled, wasteful, and can't get anything done, right? The purpose of government is not to defeat the other party. It's to govern the country. Tell me, if Leahy's constituents actually want an immigration bill like this, but without the huge wasteful spending of tons of gifts to the corporate wealthy, is he really better serving them by refusing to support this and only budging for a bill without them, that will probably not pass?

What you are outlining is not hypocrisy, nor is it of "liberals". It is an elected representative trying to represent the people who elected him, and being faced with a whole lot of Republican corporate corruption, and still trying to do his job. Technically, the Republicans are just trying to represent the people who elected them, too, but they were elected by corporations, and not by people. And the party mantra of Republicans to never ever compromise on anything has done inordinate damage to our country. They (and you) are not righteous for doing this.

Uhm.......... "compromise" in Washington D.C. these days is defined by......"you shut up and do what we want or we'll call you obstructionists".

Now, if you personally are interested in further discussion, and possess the intellect, TRUE compromise involves both parties giving some, in order to arrive at an acceptable solution. However, the KEY word in the former is "SOLUTION". I GUARANTEE you, less than a quarter of ONE percent of Leahy's constituents have or EVER will READ the legislation. That's the FIRST premise you've blindly accepted which is DEVOID of truth.

In fact, NO one to date, save the authors have read it, since it's NOT AVAILABLE presently, and the vote is scheduled Monday.

How small minded of you to say "corporations elected republicans". With that comprehension, we could say the same of democrats. Btw, just in case you've not learned about voting, corporations don't vote. Well ok in democrat areas dead people vote, corporations can't be far behind, heck even non citizens vote for democrats.

Simply because democrats don't get their way, is far from your stated "party mantra of republicans to never ever compromise". Heck part of the reason this Nation is in such peril is the FACT republicans have been SO EAGER to surrender to present administration.

Leahy is a hypocrite, plain and simple. The legislation, written by four democrats, two rino's and two republicans hoping to curry favor inside the beltway, is UNWORKABLE, will create enormous NEGATIVE impacts for working Americans and OVERFLOWING with pork for the authors. Socialists, and democrats are in SUCH a rush to get a vote because they know the ONLY way for them to survive politically is to have a permanent underclass who will blindly vote for them due to the handouts.

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