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The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump (1 Viewer)

You prove my point. Since FOX News has left you ill informed...

2012 Study: They found that someone who watched only Fox News would be expected to answer 1.04 domestic questions correctly compared to 1.22 for those who watched no news at all.

2015 Study: A new study by Bruce Bartlett, a conservative economist, top official in the H.W. Bush administration and domestic policy adviser to Ronald Reagan, concluded that Fox News viewers tend to be less informed and engage in "self-brainwashing."

2016 Study: I have done similar surveys, both of current events and more general knowledge. In my research too, Fox News viewers scored the lowest of over 30 popular news sources (though Fox viewers did at least score better than those saying they didn't follow the news).

You see, there is a reason why so many conservatives actually believe that Global Warming is Liberal hoax. Or why Obama's birth certificate is still a matter of conspiracy. Or how Benghazi fantasies came to trap conservatives. Or how the argument about tomato paste being a vegetable became a fight for liberty. It's political propaganda and the news they report comes with a gross amount of bias, innuendo, and falsehoods. But because so much of how it is presented resonates with the pre-determined world view of conservatives, most of you are oblivious as you call everything else "fake." Oh there's plenty more. Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters quit FOX News because he couldn't stomach being a part of a "propaganda machine." He insists that it is FOX News that is promoting a witch hunt against Mueller...

"For years, I was glad to be associated with Fox. It was a legitimate conservative and libertarian outlet. And a necessary one,” Peters told Cooper. “But with the rise of Donald Trump, Fox did become a destructive propaganda machine. And I don’t do propaganda for anyone."

Peters went on to say he believes the network in general and "particularly the prime time hosts" are attacking "our constitutional order, the rule of law, the Justice Department, the FBI, Robert Mueller," and other intelligence agencies. "And they are doing it for ratings and profit," he added. "And they’re doing it knowingly, and, in my view, doing a great, grave disservice to our country."

Asked by Cooper if the prime-time hosts actually believe their own conspiracy theories about the "deep state," Peters singled out Trump’s most loyal Fox News servant. "I suspect Sean Hannity really believes it," he said. "The others are smarter, they know what they’re doing."

"I want to cry out and say, ‘How can you do this? How can you lie to our country? How can you knowingly attack our Constitution, the bedrock of our system of government, the bedrock of our country?’” Peters said. “And when you go after the Constitution, you best beware, because you are doing a phenomenal, indeed immeasurable damage."
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What he specifically said was: "only people who live their lives through FOX News cares about this crap. " That is a quote and, with the undeniable facts of high crime political espionage now flooding out after being hidden, slow walked by the corrupted top eschelons of the DOJ and FBI, it should matter TO ALL PATRIOTIC folk in and outside the USA.

The key word, is "crap." It's a FOX News focus, which means what actually is there is lost among the partisan crap, in which you all eat up and think yourselves informed while the rest of us maintain our perspectives and have the ability to splinter off the commentary from the understood actual facts.

- There is nothing patriotic about groveling for a silver-spooned elitist who ran from military service only to later denigrate American POWs.

- There is nothing patriotic about a constant barrage of American Intel, media, and political institutions just to sooth fragile feelings.

- There is nothing patriotic about siding with dictators against American institutions or having a "special bond" with another who continues to advance his missile program.

- There is certainly nothing patriotic about worshiping a fool who has systematically removed American influence and power from every region on the planet.

Is it important to you? It is to me...I am a patriot.

No, what is important to you is kissing Donald Trump's ass at all costs. While you are thanking "God" for Orange Leader, maybe ask Him why His gift to you is a twice divorced, ***** grabbing, immoral man who makes fun of handicapped people and has proven to have only one goal during his presidency (the rich). Also, ask God to clarify the word patriot for you. Here's a hint: It's America First, not Trump First. Figure out the difference on your own, because FOX won't help you.
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Yes, let us all pretend that the typical exaggeration, the obvious innuendos between the interviewed and the interviewee, and the Hannity commentary mixed into the presentation is the real news. Real patriots like their news bundled in an American flag. You FOX News disciples really are sensitive about your designer "truth," aren't you?

Wanna give me your " "truth" " on the matter...? Youd rather fake news it apparently.
The key word, is "crap." It's a FOX News focus, which means what actually is there is lost among the partisan crap, in which you all eat up and think yourselves informed while the rest of us maintain our perspectives and have the ability to splinter off the commentary from the understood actual facts.

- There is nothing patriotic about groveling for a silver-spooned elitist who ran from military service only to later denigrate American POWs.

- There is nothing patriotic about a constant barrage of American Intel, media, and political institutions just to sooth fragile feelings.

- There is nothing patriotic about siding with dictators against American institutions or having a "special bond" with another who continues to advance his missile program.

- There is certainly nothing patriotic about worshiping a fool who has systematically removed American influence and power from every region on the planet.

No, what is important to you is kissing Donald Trump's ass at all costs. While you are thanking "God" for Orange Leader, maybe ask Him why His gift to you is a twice divorced, ***** grabbing, immoral man who makes fun of handicapped people and has proven to have only one goal during his presidency (the rich). Also, ask God to clarify the word patriot for you. Here's a hint: It's America First, not Trump First. Figure out the difference on your own, because FOX won't help you.

Wow. Guess the fake news brainwashing really works.

Imbecillic knee jerk hatred of all things Trump makes posts unworthy of notice. If your fever ever goes away maybe youd be able to conduct a decent conversation... I see not a single shred of that at this point.

Good luck with all that.
Wanna give me your " "truth" " on the matter...? Youd rather fake news it apparently.

Isn't it funny how "fake" news came to encompass every thing on the planet...except for your FOX News? And isn't it funny how anybody even within the GOP and FOX News who criticizes Trump gets cast aside? You people are one FOX News clip away from sacrificing goats to your demagogue.
Wow. Guess the fake news brainwashing really works.

Imbecillic knee jerk hatred of all things Trump makes posts unworthy of notice. If your fever ever goes away maybe youd be able to conduct a decent conversation... I see not a single shred of that at this point.

Good luck with all that.

Um, sure. You may want to review the very real and embarrassing studies in post #26. Brainwashing has been proven to be an actually real thing from FOX News and FOX News viewers have proven to be easily manipulated. Everything I stated was absolute fact. The fact that FOX News refuses to acknowledge Trump properly from one idiot event to the next does not mean that it is "fake" news. Do you even know what the term means?

And as for "imbecillic," (spelled wrong by the way) I'm not one giving God the Glory for Donald Trump, an obvious immoral man who engages in extramarital affairs with porn stars and Play Boy models.
Isn't it funny how "fake" news came to encompass every thing on the planet...except for your FOX News? And isn't it funny how anybody even within the GOP and FOX News who criticizes Trump gets cast aside? You people are one FOX News clip away from sacrificing goats to your demagogue.

Fox is only half fake news...the rest are pretty much drowning in it. Again, take a couple aspirin, turn off your fake news, get some rest...it ll do ya wonders.

What he specifically said was: "only people who live their lives through FOX News cares about this crap. " That is a quote and, with the undeniable facts of high crime political espionage now flooding out after being hidden, slow walked by the corrupted top eschelons of the DOJ and FBI, it should matter TO ALL PATRIOTIC folk in and outside the USA.

Is it important to you? It is to me...I am a patriot.

I think Trump and Newscorps are both threats to democracy and enemies of the people. I am a patriot in every sense of the word.
Fox is only half fake news...the rest are pretty much drowning in it. Again, take a couple aspirin, turn off your fake news, get some rest...it ll do ya wonders.

This so-called conspiracy has already faded and been de-bunked...Move on, maybe Alex Jones has something for you
Enough! This is just ridiculous and, honest I don't care what happened. We should have the conversation about what steps Congress can put forward to protect our electoral process. I don't care about everything right now

Can’t censor this Patriot
Um, sure. You may want to review the very real and embarrassing studies in post #26. Brainwashing has been proven to be an actually real thing from FOX News and FOX News viewers have proven to be easily manipulated. Everything I stated was absolute fact. The fact that FOX News refuses to acknowledge Trump properly from one idiot event to the next does not mean that it is "fake" news. Do you even know what the term means?

And as for "imbecillic," (spelled wrong by the way) I'm not one giving God the Glory for Donald Trump, an obvious immoral man who engages in extramarital affairs with porn stars and Play Boy models.

Uh huh.

I believe those studies about as much as I believed the polls overwhelmingly saying Trump was gonna lose big time... where were you on that, shocked like most others here? Still unable to get over it, eh? If our side is so ill informed, ignorant and/or just plain dumb, which were the "informed" folks who went hook, line and sinker for: you can keep your plan, keep your doctor, slendermandontcare will cut the average family premiums by $2500 per year, ISIS is like the JV team, we cant bring manufacturing jobs back, the Iran deal was a good deal, trading high ranking Taliban commanders for the deserter Bergdahl (whose desertion led to tjhe loss of at least 14 good American lives trying to gind him and delaying the base closure) was the right thing to do...

Hell, who tried to get us all to believe the fat lady, Crooked Hillary, was the most qualified candidate in our history... What a laugh, what a lie.

Yeah, we the oh so ignorant didnt fall for all that crap and more, waaaaaaay more. I think they have step ladders on sale pretty often at Lowes and Home Depot if the heights of your high horse start to frighten you... up there amazingly high...can you still breath?
This so-called conspiracy has already faded and been de-bunked...Move on, maybe Alex Jones has something for you

I will say it a third AND last time, quoted from post #21:

"I will say again as repetition makes it harder to avoid: Yeah, says who? Sources, links, nonfake news please?

The story just broke, bro. There is nothing to debunk...one doesnt, cannot debunk fact. Yano?"

Put up or shut up. Yano?
I will say it a third AND last time, quoted from post #21:

"I will say again as repetition makes it harder to avoid: Yeah, says who? Sources, links, nonfake news please?

The story just broke, bro. There is nothing to debunk...one doesnt, cannot debunk fact. Yano?"

Put up or shut up. Yano?

So show us the handwritten notes.

According to the Hill article that broke the story, not even the author has seen them and relied solely on an anonymous source.
Two ridiculous partisan threads in a row for me.
So show us the handwritten notes.

According to the Hill article that broke the story, not even the author has seen them and relied solely on an anonymous source.
Really? Source?

I just read the article, where did it say Solomon hadnt seen them? In fact he points out curious items, like Ohr repeatedly misspelling Simpsons first name that might well confirm he had seen them... along with this interesting sentence from the article,

"I shared the Ohr notes I obtained to career intelligence professionals with years of experience analyzing data, sorting the reliable from the garbage."

Here is the link to the article, so will be intrested to see how you weasel out of this. http://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/40...exposing-what-fusion-gps-told-doj-about-trump

But if you are factually that interested in credibility, go back and research where the author, John Solomon, has been poorly sourced or mistaken in the past.

Next, just for my edification, prove you are not just a figment of my imagination.
this crap was initiated by Bill Kristol's son in law, Matthew Continetti, a REPUBLICAN attempting to get dirt on a Republican candidate.

Who ever the **** is attempting to spin this BS into what it is NOT is loaded to the gills with extreme bull**** ................. but good luck ...........
Really? Source?

I just read the article, where did it say Solomon hadnt seen them? In fact he points out curious items, like Ohr repeatedly misspelling Simpsons first name that might well confirm he had seen them... along with this interesting sentence from the article,

"I shared the Ohr notes I obtained to career intelligence professionals with years of experience analyzing data, sorting the reliable from the garbage."

Here is the link to the article, so will be intrested to see how you weasel out of this. http://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/40...exposing-what-fusion-gps-told-doj-about-trump

But if you are factually that interested in credibility, go back and research where the author, John Solomon, has been poorly sourced or mistaken in the past.

Next, just for my edification, prove you are not just a figment of my imagination.

From the Hill "opinion" piece....

And all of it was captured in the official’s handwritten notes — a contemporaneous record that intelligence professionals tell me exposes the flaws plaguing the early Russia collusion case.

So the author had to be told by anonymous "intelligence professionals" that notes contained flaws? If he actually had the notes in his possession then why didn't post them?

Who and what exactly were the anonymous "intelligence professionals"? How did the author come by these notes?

Until those questions are answered this is going in the round file under the label of "fake news".

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