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The Greatest Economy in the History of the World (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2017
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Slightly Liberal
LOL. Are Trump supporters really that gullible? Can they be that ignorant?

The difference between unemployment when Trump was elected and at its lowest was just 1%. This was no economic turnaround. Trump's economy NEVER went above 4% GDP annually.

We had 7% to 8% GDP growth under Clinton and Reagan.

I guess the truth doesn't matter to Trump supporters. Does any Trump supporter actually believe this crap?

Oh, and Trump didn't even finish one term with a positive record. Not one term.

The greatest economic boom was probably during the post war when New deal programs and thinking where at their heights. It built the greatest and largest middle class in modern history. It lasted into the 1970s. The advent of Reagan and conservative economic policy that rejected New deal type liberal policies spelled it doom.
Here is a broader picture. At the end is Trump's "Greatest economy in the history of the world."

It's more like "The biggest piece of bull **** in the history of the world"

LOL. Are Trump supporters really that gullible? Can they be that ignorant?

The difference between unemployment when Trump was elected and at its lowest was just 1%. This was no economic turnaround. Trump's economy NEVER went above 4% GDP annually.

We had 7% to 8% GDP growth under Clinton and Reagan.

I guess the truth doesn't matter to Trump supporters. Does any Trump supporter actually believe this crap?

Oh, and Trump didn't even finish one term with a positive record. Not one term.


One thing Trump clearly understands, he is talkiing to idiots.
Here is a broader picture. At the end is Trump's "Greatest economy in the history of the world."

It's more like "The biggest piece of bull **** in the history of the world"


But, but look at the Stock market. And some fools believe that a good market equals a good life for average Americans.

401ks are volatile and who knows when retirement age reached. But for 1%ers, stock market equals more riches and more greed
Fake noos!

Orange is the new, well Orange is ALL! (And white, always white of course!)

I win, MAGA! Totally DESTROYED me some libturds! Wow I is good as that there debatin' stuff!:mrgreen:

There, I saved those guys the trouble!:roll:
He showed up at the end of the Obama expansion, the longest economic expansion in American history, and pointed to cumulative stats to try and take credit for a decade of steadily improving numbers.

Unfortunately his incompetence helped bring the Obama expansion to an end.
The greatest economic boom was probably during the post war when New deal programs and thinking where at their heights. It built the greatest and largest middle class in modern history. It lasted into the 1970s. The advent of Reagan and conservative economic policy that rejected New deal type liberal policies spelled it doom.

FDR, the unlikely Truman, and Ike, all presided over the one time America acheived anything resmbling "greatness". None os those men would have suffered Trump.
He showed up at the end of the Obama expansion, the longest economic expansion in American history, and pointed to cumulative stats to try and take credit for a decade of steadily improving numbers.

Unfortunately his incompetence helped bring the Obama expansion to an end.

That's his accomplishment. The Obama expansion ended on his watch.

Trump's economic arguments are absurd. Imagine Bush arguing he had the greatest economy in history before the 2008 crash. Let's just ignore the crash at the end.

At the end of Trump's first term, we're looking at the greatest drop in GDP in American history. That's his achievement.
FDR, the unlikely Truman, and Ike, all presided over the one time America acheived anything resmbling "greatness". None os those men would have suffered Trump.

Notice how none of Trump's cult members want to defend this outrageous bit of government propaganda.

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