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The government vs. protesters (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 12, 2018
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Political Leaning
1. We all have our views on the situation in Canada.

2. We all have our views on the January 6 protesters.

3. If anyone is really, really, really interested in this topic, then you may wish to read an article about the situation in England, where Parliament is debating new laws on controlling protests.

4. I have just read an article in the February 10th print edition of the London Review of Books (a liberal publication) on page 20 under the title of "Short Cuts." (Sorry. This 84-year-old computer illiterate cannot link.) The author of the article is Francis FitzGibbon, who is a barrister.
I don't care what they do in Canada and U.K., but nobody smears their shit on the walls of my Capitol and tries to overthrow my government.

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