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The GOP is speaking out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to Biden and Ukraine (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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The one thing we have learned about Putin is the only thing he believes in is naked force. So we have the GOP telling the American people that the reason Putin is in Ukraine is that Biden is weak and at the same time they are saying that we should never put American troops is Ukraine, which is the only thing which would have stopped Russia from invading, the only thing. So the only real way of stopping Putin and being "strong", was removed from Biden's ability to stop Putin. And many of the GOP not only are talking out of both sides of their mouths, but are actually cheering Putin on as they are being told to do by Trump. Trump who sided with Putin on everything Putin wanted. The idea that Trump would have stopped Putin from invading Ukraine is just stupid. Trump as president would be doing just what many in the GOP and Tucker Carlson are doing, cheering their hero, Putin, on.
It's worse than that. The leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, says Putin is a genius who declared parts of Ukraine independent in the name of peace. The leader of the Republican party wishes we could do the same to Mexico.

So, as their leader praises Putin they are claiming Biden who has condemned Putin and thrown harsh sanctions on Putin is somehow weak. It's totally insane.
The one thing we have learned about Putin is the only thing he believes in is naked force. So we have the GOP telling the American people that the reason Putin is in Ukraine is that Biden is weak and at the same time they are saying that we should never put American troops is Ukraine, which is the only thing which would have stopped Russia from invading, the only thing. So the only real way of stopping Putin and being "strong", was removed from Biden's ability to stop Putin. And many of the GOP not only are talking out of both sides of their mouths, but are actually cheering Putin on as they are being told to do by Trump. Trump who sided with Putin on everything Putin wanted. The idea that Trump would have stopped Putin from invading Ukraine is just stupid. Trump as president would be doing just what many in the GOP and Tucker Carlson are doing, cheering their hero, Putin, on.

The United States needs to have a serious reckoning with Russian sympathizers who are in positions of power. Any of them who put Russia's interests above our own need to be dismissed from their positions immediately.
we should never put American troops is Ukraine, which is the only thing which would have stopped Russia from invading, the only thing.
Who says putting American troops in Ukraine is the only thing that would have stopped Russia from invading?
Who says putting American troops in Ukraine is the only thing that would have stopped Russia from invading?
I do. How else would you have stopped him? Can you name one thing that would have stopped Putin other than force and perhaps a bullet in the head. That is the problem with the GOP, they have lots of complaints, but no ideas. Look at how they complain about Biden and the Dems and yet the GOP has no plans to fix anything that they complain about. They used to be the party of ideas and now they are just the party of Trump. Look at the 2020 election, they had no platform put forward, NONE. They instead said they would do what Trump wanted after he won the election.
Pre-emptive economic warfare.
Not a chance. If you have been watching anything other than Faux News, you would know that Putin has been working for years to insure his economy would for a while, withstand any sanctions. I suspect he thought Trump would be president and that the sanctions would be weak. Even though Biden became president, Putin thought Biden was a weaker leader and could not get the west behind him on strong sanctions. So pre-emptive sanctions would not have worked since the rest of the world might not have gone along with strong ones that could be kept in place to really harm the Russian economy.
Not a chance. If you have been watching anything other than Faux News, you would know that Putin has been working for years to insure his economy would for a while, withstand any sanctions. I suspect he thought Trump would be president and that the sanctions would be weak. Even though Biden became president, Putin thought Biden was a weaker leader and could not get the west behind him on strong sanctions. So pre-emptive sanctions would not have worked since the rest of the world might not have gone along with strong ones that could be kept in place to really harm the Russian economy.
Sanctions aren't the only kinds of economic warfare.
Sanctions aren't the only kinds of economic warfare.
AH, but to get other countries to follow in the other kinds, you have to have had actions taken by Putin. Even electronic warfare takes more than just us if you want a coordinated effort as not just the USA would be involved. Such attacks on Russia would only be effective if they come from all over rather than just us. THey would have to be coordinated and continual and at the same time block efforts by Russia. Do you really thin that trump could have done even what we have done so far, or that he would have done anything at all.
You are dreaming. Do you think putin cares if his people suffer while he isn't?
He'll care if his rich people suffer. He'll care if HE suffers.
I do. How else would you have stopped him? Can you name one thing that would have stopped Putin other than force and perhaps a bullet in the head. That is the problem with the GOP, they have lots of complaints, but no ideas. Look at how they complain about Biden and the Dems and yet the GOP has no plans to fix anything that they complain about. They used to be the party of ideas and now they are just the party of Trump. Look at the 2020 election, they had no platform put forward, NONE. They instead said they would do what Trump wanted after he won the election.
Indeed, that was the scariest thing to me about the 2020 campaign, brought to mind the German pledge of personal loyalty to the Fuhrer, not the party or country. The only not completely negative spin I heard about that amazing lack of a platform was, “why bother? Trump won’t adhere to it or try to implement it anyway.”

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