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The Former Chancellor Who Became Putin’s Man in Germany (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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Political Leaning

Probably the most relevant quotes in the article:

But even his fiercest critics acknowledge that Mr. Schröder’s close and lucrative dealings with Russia are also emblematic of his country’s decades-old approach of engagement with Russia. Lobbied aggressively by Germany’s export industry and cheered on by labor unions, successive chancellors, including Ms. Merkel, collectively engineered Germany’s dependency on Russian energy.

“Schröder is the tip of the iceberg,” said Wolfgang Ischinger, a former ambassador to the United States and veteran diplomat. “But there is a whole iceberg below him.”
Yup, it wasn't just the leaders, but the whole country is to blame.
As usual the EU propagandists will come to the defense of their Putin loving fuhrer...
Schroeder is scum but then nobody is disputing that.
As usual the EU propagandists will come to the defense of their Putin loving fuhrer...
In what sense does saying that Schroeder is scum and pointing out that nobody is disputing it a "defense" of "their Putin loving fuhrer", and how does it prove that Chagos - whom you chose not to quote :unsure: - is an "EU propagandist"?
In what sense does saying that Schroeder is scum and pointing out that nobody is disputing it a "defense" of "their Putin loving fuhrer", and how does it prove that Chagos - whom you chose not to quote :unsure: - is an "EU propagandist"?
I don't mind my support for the EU being pointed out, even where the rest of the quoted statement (that I can gather only by your response) is the usual bullcrap.

But then look who it's coming from.

P.S. I went by the thread title while not being able to read the actual OP for reasons obvious.
In what sense does saying that Schroeder is scum and pointing out that nobody is disputing it a "defense" of "their Putin loving fuhrer", and how does it prove that Chagos - whom you chose not to quote :unsure: - is an "EU propagandist"?
Chagos changed his post to one that basically said nothing after I posted my reply to his initial facetious post, so congrats in defending his dishonesty. All one has to do is look at his previous pretentious replies to note where his true loyalty is. Birds of the same feather, as they say...
Schroederovsky actually said Putin is "the perfect democrat."

This is the former chancellor of Germany and of the historically Russia Hugging SPD speaking about the barbarian Vladimir Putin. The new SPD half of whose parliamentarians are first timers and a quarter of them are 25 or younger has already declared Schroeder persona non grata, ie, an undesirable person in his own political party.

This is while Schroederovsky has chosen to make his last stand with Putin as the invasion of Ukraine continues to go south on 'em. And despite Chancellor Scholz' recommendation that Schroeder disassociate from Putin. It's just plain old fashioned and boldfaced money grubbing shamelessness. The guy has zero self respect.
. I went by the thread title while not being able to read the actual OP for reasons obvious.

A pathetic excuse for claiming ignorance regarding the point being made.

The scandal is all over the internet :

"The former German chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, has hit back at criticism of his refusal to resign from his lucrative seats on the boards of Russian energy companies, which have made him a multimillionaire but turned him into a pariah in his homeland."

Somebody clearly can't read enough to be able to follow the thread, but that's ok.

So would you prefer the thread written in German?
As usual the EU propagandists will come to the defense of their Putin loving fuhrer...

This is just stupid, I wonder if you can get any more lower.
Schroederovsky actually said Putin is "the perfect democrat."

This is the former chancellor of Germany and of the historically Russia Hugging SPD speaking about the barbarian Vladimir Putin. The new SPD half of whose parliamentarians are first timers and a quarter of them are 25 or younger has already declared Schroeder persona non grata, ie, an undesirable person in his own political party.

This is while Schroederovsky has chosen to make his last stand with Putin as the invasion of Ukraine continues to go south on 'em. And despite Chancellor Scholz' recommendation that Schroeder disassociate from Putin. It's just plain old fashioned and boldfaced money grubbing shamelessness. The guy has zero self respect.
Here we go, the hero, General Tangmo, did not take long and now we get days of mono posting.
Somebody clearly can't read enough to be able to follow the thread, but that's ok.

I think they can read, some what, 10 finger system, but then it comes to the understanding part, which does not work.
Here we go, the hero, General Tangmo, did not take long and now we get days of mono posting.
Schroeder called Putin "the perfect democrat."


Gazprom CEO Miller, Putin and Schroeder. Two years ago, after international election observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) pointed to significant irregularities in the Russian presidential election, Schroeder had defended Putin as a “perfect democrat”.

Schroeder called Putin "the perfect democrat."


Gazprom CEO Miller, Putin and Schroeder. Two years ago, after international election observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) pointed to significant irregularities in the Russian presidential election, Schroeder had defended Putin as a “perfect democrat”.

So did Bush, General Tangmo.

But you still have not answered my question in the other thread, what is a T32.

Can you enlighten me?
Here we go, the hero, General Tangmo, did not take long and now we get days of mono posting.

Why not attempt to answer the points he made, instead of making childish personal attacks?
But you still have not answered my question in the other thread, what is a T32.

Aren't you the guy who was gloating over a British motor manufacturer being taken over by a foreign company and then claimed that no German automaker was foreign owned?

Only for me to inform you that none of the major shareholders of Daimler/Mercedes were German.

You didn't respond, so it seems more than a little hypocritical of you now to demand responses from others.
So did Bush, General Tangmo.

But you still have not answered my question in the other thread, what is a T32.

Can you enlighten me?

I say this sincerely and not necessarily to make you wretch. You're free to wretch anyway of course.

Your bread trail of deliberate provocations are noted btw.
Russian war crimes mean nothing to the German former chancellor from SPD Gerhard Schroeder and the German former chancellor from CDU Angela Merkel.

What's important to each of 'em is that they're still BFF with Vlad The Barbarian.

Schroeder is scared for his own arse only and always, in everything. If it's not about money and power exclusively regardless of moral values he doesn't want to hear it.

SPD breaks with former chancellor Schröder over Russia lobbying​

Senior SPD members condemn ex-leader over comments and well-paid work for Moscow​


But as allies question Germany's resolve, Schroeder is increasingly seen as a potential liability to new chancellor and fellow Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, fuelling calls for a clean break with the pro-Kremlin lobbyist. "Schroeder is a burden to Germany's foreign policy and to his old party," Der Spiegel weekly wrote. "He has clear goals. Not for his country, but for himself." Schroeder's pre invasion warning to Ukraine to stop its "sabre rattling" was met with widespread disbelief in Germany, even among longtime friends within the centre-left SPD party. "He speaks only for himself, not the government," said Scholz.

Putin and Schroeder appear to have built "a genuine friendship, based on trust" back when Schroeder was in power, political scientist Ursula Muench told AFP. But "it's problematic when a former chancellor uses his past political activities and contacts to make money," she said. Germany's SPD has historically championed close ties with Russia, born out of the "Ostpolitik" policy of rapprochement and dialogue with the then Soviet Union, devised by former SPD chancellor Willy Brandt in the 1970s.

Russian war crimes mean nothing to the former chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schroeder. Nothing.

There was a certain irony for Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) to break with their former leader. “I find Gerhard Schröder’s position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict as wrong as his engagement for Gazprom,” said Lars Klingbeil, co-leader of the SPD, which Schröder led to power in 1998. Those remarks appear to end the party’s tortuous no-comment policy on Schröder, dating back to his 2005 federal election defeat. Klingbeil said the ex-chancellor’s remarks had “nothing to do with what the SPD leadership and chancellor stand for, for what we are engaged and for what we stand for”. SPD general secretary Kevin Kühnert accused Schröder of “blurring the line between his business activities and the hearing he gets as a former government leader”. “It’s not just not okay,” he added, “it’s sad.”

What's important to each of 'em is that they're still BFF with Vlad The Barbarian.

What cannot be denied by our dear apologists here for German greed and self interest is that both Schroeder and the German economy have benefitted enormously from their close relationship with Russia......and that Germany has been a major enabler and financer of Putin and the Oligarchs.
What cannot be denied by our dear apologists here for German greed and self interest is that both Schroeder and the German economy have benefitted enormously from their close relationship with Russia......and that Germany has been a major enabler and financer of Putin and the Oligarchs.
Would you say the same about Poland 80% Russian gas, Romania, Bulgaria 85% Russian gas, Italy 25%, France 23%.
Or the UK which imported over 230 million Euro oil from Russia since the war started.

No other country has allowed Russia more influence through bribes then the UK. The oligarchs own politicos from Johnson down to every level.
London whoreships the Russian money, is the money laundry of Russia.
From politicos, to real estate, to soccer clubs its Russian money.

It is the UK which is the Russian whore in Europe.

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