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The Fact that our Presidents Grandfather was a Hitler Supporter should alarm people (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
Is what George Bush is doing right? No. We have been lied to about the War, these wars were warned of many decades ago, and baby bush is pushing for what his father Pushed for and what his grandfather pushed for, World Government, these wars are being created to bring us into WWIII, so solution can be offered to the Wanting masses.

The Bush families ties to Hitler and then to the Birth of the UNITED NATIONS should alarm people. we aren't getting the straight poop, but to many people still believe the left vs right dialectic, which is nothing but a trick for the idiot masses.

We need people for president who aren't working for thoses like Bush and Clintong, both of which push for World Goverment and an end to America.

A lot of people think Bush doesn't like the UN, if fact he loves it, remember he said he went to Iraq to enforce the UN resolutions and to make the UN Charter Real.

Bush went to Iraq for the UN 's sake not the USA's , but its costing the lives of Americans.

The American people are just being used by the powers our founding fathers warned us about, we are nothing but the hammer of the AAE for their VISION for the world.

IE we are Suckers!
Robodoon said:
Is what George Bush is doing right? No. We have been lied to about the War, these wars were warned of many decades ago, and baby bush is pushing for what his father Pushed for and what his grandfather pushed for, World Government, these wars are being created to bring us into WWIII, so solution can be offered to the Wanting masses.

The Bush families ties to Hitler and then to the Birth of the UNITED NATIONS should alarm people. we aren't getting the straight poop, but to many people still believe the left vs right dialectic, which is nothing but a trick for the idiot masses.

We need people for president who aren't working for thoses like Bush and Clintong, both of which push for World Goverment [sic] and an end to America.

A lot of people think Bush doesn't like the UN, if fact he loves it, remember he said he went to Iraq to enforce the UN resolutions and to make the UN Charter Real.

Bush went to Iraq for the UN 's sake not the USA's , but its costing the lives of Americans.

The American people are just being used by the powers our founding fathers warned us about, we are nothing but the hammer of the AAE for their VISION for the world.

IE we are Suckers!

Rofl, more garbage :p
I can NOT beliveve that the Bush hatred in this country, and on this board, has stooped to such a low level that someone would make the biggoted, racist comment that we should be worried that George Bush's grandfather was a 'Hitler Supporter'!

What in the Blue Blazes does that, if indeed true, have anything to do with George Bush?!

According to your logic, we - the American people - should be alarmed because the EX-Grand Wizard for the KKK is now a member of the Democratic Party, which MUST mean that they are actually racist who seek to enslave, and beat down the minorities, that the Democrats are for White Supremacy.

According to your logic, THAT must mean that Howard Dean's endorsement of a Socialist Party member for congress last summer means that HE and the Democratic Party, since he IS their spokesman, are Socialists, supported Mussolini and therefore Hitler during WWII, and want to drag America down into Socialism!

According to your logic and where you are going with the mere mention of Bush's lineage in this thread, that must also mean that if I can trace your family history - your roots - and find that one of your descendents was a slave owner - that would mean that YOU are for slavery now, and/or that if I found a far distant relative of yours who was a Viking who raped, pillaged, and plundered then that MUST mean that YOU - TODAY - would be an advocate of/for rape, theft, murder, and wearing funny hats with horns on them!

Geesh! Grow up, and get over your hatred for our President because he defeated the Democrats in the last 2 elections. Oh, you say that is not the reason for the hatred? Then explain the Democrats being so mad after they lost the last election that they reverted to childish name-calling, lashing out at the voters by calling them 'ignorant, in-bred, bible thumpers'?! :rofl (Yeah, THAT will get them back!) The Democrats just need to grow up and get rid of their anger. Instead of lashing out at the voters, maybe they ought to try listening to them for a change!
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Re: The Fact that our Presidents Grandfather was a Hitler Supporter should alarm peop

Robodoon said:
Is what George Bush is doing right? No. We have been lied to about the War, these wars were warned of many decades ago, and baby bush is pushing for what his father Pushed for and what his grandfather pushed for, World Government, these wars are being created to bring us into WWIII, so solution can be offered to the Wanting masses.

The Bush families ties to Hitler and then to the Birth of the UNITED NATIONS should alarm people. we aren't getting the straight poop, but to many people still believe the left vs right dialectic, which is nothing but a trick for the idiot masses.

We need people for president who aren't working for thoses like Bush and Clintong, both of which push for World Goverment and an end to America.

A lot of people think Bush doesn't like the UN, if fact he loves it, remember he said he went to Iraq to enforce the UN resolutions and to make the UN Charter Real.

Bush went to Iraq for the UN 's sake not the USA's , but its costing the lives of Americans.

The American people are just being used by the powers our founding fathers warned us about, we are nothing but the hammer of the AAE for their VISION for the world.

IE we are Suckers!

Can you provide the sources or
do you just make this chit up as you go?
-Demosthenes- said:
Rofl, more garbage :p


easyt65 said:
I can NOT beliveve that the Bush hatred in this country, and on this board, has stooped to such a low level that someone would make the biggoted, racist comment that we should be worried that George Bush's grandfather was a 'Hitler Supporter'!

What in the Blue Blazes does that, if indeed true, have anything to do with George Bush?!

Because Bush works for the same powers that empowered his grandfather and Hitler as well as being the creators of the EVIL UN

According to your logic, we - the American people - should be alarmed because the EX-Grand Wizard for the KKK is now a member of the Democratic Party, which MUST mean that they are actually racist who seek to enslave, and beat down the minorities, that the Democrats are for White Supremacy.
Well Byrd was was a handler for a MKULTRA white house Sex Slave, And Bush Sr Raped her daughter. Byrd is evil to the core and so are the bushes (click on Bush Sr picture and go to the bottom and read)

According to your logic, THAT must mean that Howard Dean's endorsement of a Socialist Party member for congress last summer means that HE and the Democratic Party, since he IS their spokesman, are Socialists, supported Mussolini and therefore Hitler during WWII, and want to drag America down into Socialism!
The democrats (leadership) are socialists. Nation wide health care, Federal Education, promoters of the UN etc.

According to your logic and where you are going with the mere mention of Bush's lineage in this thread, that must also mean that if I can trace your family history - your roots - and find that one of your descendents was a slave owner - that would mean that YOU are for slavery now, and/or that if I found a far distant relative of yours who was a Viking who raped, pillaged, and plundered then that MUST mean that YOU - TODAY - would be an advocate of/for rape, theft, murder, and wearing funny hats with horns on them!
Problem is Bush today is forwarding his grandfathers plans. The bush agenda hasn't changed in decades.

Geesh! Grow up, and get over your hatred for our President because he defeated the Democrats in the last 2 elections.
LOL, I'm a Conservative Christian and use to be a Bush supporter till Bush announced the NEW WORLD ORDER on TV here is the film http://www.robodoon.com/realg2/Bush%20Sr.rm
They are using the Helgelian Dialectic on us.

Oh, you say that is not the reason for the hatred? Then explain the Democrats being so mad after they lost the last election that they reverted to childish name-calling, lashing out at the voters by calling them 'ignorant, in-bred, bible thumpers'?! :rofl (Yeah, THAT will get them back!) The Democrats just need to grow up and get rid of their anger. Instead of lashing out at the voters, maybe they ought to try listening to them for a change!

I'm not a democrat, the power elite control both parties in the USA, this is how they keep the same agenda going decade, and example of this was our last election when we were voting for COUSINS!
Bush and Kerry are Cousins, Blue Bloods, Globalists, Agenda 21 Supporters, and BONES MEN
On film from TV

Both Bush and Kerry are the same, Members of a Secret Society that pushes for WORLD GOVERNMENT...and an END TO FREE AMERICA.

ITS A DOUBLE SIDED TRICK, the Bad guys win with who ever we pick.

The Council on Foreign Relations and Project for the New American Century want the Anglo-American Establishment to control the world. The French, the Germans, and the Russians want the UN to control the world. Which group will succeed? Neither. We are witnessing an example of Hegelian dialectic, two forces aligned against one another. One is thesis, the other antithesis. The conflict will produce a synthesis; in this case, the loss of national sovereignty and the end of freedom

Bush pushes for the AAE side (America pretends to lead)
He said he
went to Iraq to enforce the UN resolutions and to make the UN Charter real
Kerry pushes for the UN (the UN pretends to lead)
Kerry Quote

"I'm an internationalist. I'd like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations."

The out come of either case is World government.


"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest
or consent."
Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950

Prof. Quigley book Tragedy and Hope ( BILL CLINTONGS MENTOR)

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one perhaps, of the Right and the of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and the academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy… But either party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired , unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.”
Re: The Fact that our Presidents Grandfather was a Hitler Supporter should alarm peop

cherokee said:
Can you provide the sources or
do you just make this chit up as you go?

see above ;)
Just curious, robo. What do you do for a living?
Re: The Fact that our Presidents Grandfather was a Hitler Supporter should alarm peop

IIRC John F. Kennedy's grandfather was a Nazi supporter too. Henry Ford of Ford Motor Co. kept copies of Mein Kampf in his waiting rooms. I'm not sure that it's a huge deal at this point.
Re: The Fact that our Presidents Grandfather was a Hitler Supporter should alarm peop

Robodoon, are you MickyJayStoned?
Mods, can any of you confirm or deny this?
Re: The Fact that our Presidents Grandfather was a Hitler Supporter should alarm peop

scottyz said:
IIRC John F. Kennedy's grandfather was a Nazi supporter too. Henry Ford of Ford Motor Co. kept copies of Mein Kampf in his waiting rooms. I'm not sure that it's a huge deal at this point.

well they are all part of the AAE, that empowered Hiter and the United Nations.
Re: The Fact that our Presidents Grandfather was a Hitler Supporter should alarm peop

Kandahar said:
Robodoon, are you MickyJayStoned?
Mods, can any of you confirm or deny this?

No I'm Robodoon of Robodoon.com

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