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The EU Army Is Not a Luxury but a Necessity (1 Viewer)


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Nov 23, 2018
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Recently, President of France Emmanuel Macron called upon on air of the Europe 1 radio station to create the European Army for defense against China, Russia, and the USA.

It should be pointed out that the debates on the united European army have been on for a few decades. This initiative is not something new, and the European players do not doubt of its necessity.

By the way, there are several approaches to the defense integration in the EU. They are: the Eurocorps - a tactical unit locating in Strasbourg; 18 battalion battle groups of the EU; the PESCO project (a permanent structural cooperation in the defense and security spheres). Also the agreements have been signed on creation of both the European defense foundation and the EU Response Force.

All in all, this direction has been developed, and there's nothing absolutely new in the Macron's claim. However, the urge of the French leader doesn't look like a wish-wash, taking into account the recent decision of the White House to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

Honestly, I'm not inspired by the possibility of both the rescission of the treaty and the location of American intermediate and low-range missiles on the territory of Europe.

The call of Macron to integration in the military sphere as well as the criticism towards Washington are interpreted by many experts as an attempt to decrease such possibilities because the location of the U.S. missiles not only will turn Europe into a hostage of Russian-American relations, but also will become a new security threat.

Obviously, the first step to resist the U.S. oppression as an ally within NATO is to get rid of the American military control by creating the European Army and being the only backer of our security. This's the only way for Europe to start real talks with Washington, and to avoid a victim's destiny.

I hope that statements of European leaders are based on real European needs, and are motivated not by personal ambitions and a strive for superiority, but by a care for security and sovereignty of Europe.
Sigh.... He did not want an "EU army". He wanted the EU countries to cooperate military wise outside NATO when needed.. for example Libya. For that, he wants to set up an "EU NATO" type organisation that is complementary to NATO.
My thoughts...even if he does or does not want an "EU Army" *a nod towards PeteEU* they SHOULD have one. It's just plain stupid to not have one in defense of self and sovereignty.

However, that said, its completely stupid to say it would be needed against the US. Even if you consider the US to be imperialistic, there is nothing that the EU has that we want that badly.
My thoughts...even if he does or does not want an "EU Army" *a nod towards PeteEU* they SHOULD have one. It's just plain stupid to not have one in defense of self and sovereignty.

However, that said, its completely stupid to say it would be needed against the US. Even if you consider the US to be imperialistic, there is nothing that the EU has that we want that badly.
Macron never said anything about any EU army supposed to serve as protection against the US.

His interview was widely mis-reported by sloppy journalism and even led to a days long bitchfest between Westphalian and (not just) myself, starting with


with Westphalian having engaged in the same distortion of what actually happened (Macron said).
My thoughts...even if he does or does not want an "EU Army" *a nod towards PeteEU* they SHOULD have one. It's just plain stupid to not have one in defense of self and sovereignty.

However, that said, its completely stupid to say it would be needed against the US. Even if you consider the US to be imperialistic, there is nothing that the EU has that we want that badly.

This is a key question which may not be understood outside Europe.

Where is sovereignty? Answer - it's with EU nation states not with the EU. The reason this is controversial is precisely because an EU army is a move to an EU state. That is hugely controversial in some EU states, not just the UK which is obviously leaving, but states like Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, and even in France where Macron is incredibly unpopular.

An army is sovereignty. An EU army would be one gigantic step in a direction of a single state which very many people don't want.
This is a key question which may not be understood outside Europe.

Where is sovereignty? Answer - it's with EU nation states not with the EU. The reason this is controversial is precisely because an EU army is a move to an EU state. That is hugely controversial in some EU states, not just the UK which is obviously leaving, but states like Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, and even in France where Macron is incredibly unpopular.

An army is sovereignty. An EU army would be one gigantic step in a direction of a single state which very many people don't want.

Beware. He does Putin's work.

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