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The Daily 202: Clinton’s credibility gap widens after FBI rebuke (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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The Daily 202: Clinton’s credibility gap widens after FBI rebuke

“The FBI director shredded so many of the talking points that the former Secretary of State and her top aides have used over and over again throughout this scandal, including that she never emailed classified material; that information in the emails was classified retroactively; that none of the emails were marked as containing classified information; that there were definitively no security breaches; that she turned over all work-related emails to the State Department; that the set-up was driven by convenience; and that the government was merely conducting “a security review.”…………..

………….. While Clinton dodged a legal bullet that could have been catastrophic to her candidacy, yesterday was neither vindication nor exoneration, and it certainly will not put the matter to rest. Instead, Comey’s declaration that she was “extremely careless” in handling classified material and should have known better will dog her through November……..

HRC may have won a battle in a court of law but will pay a heavy price in the court of public opinion……
She didn't win in court, she did not go to court. I really think she could still be indicted. If she had classified documents at all on her server she should be convicted. This aint over, finally after 7 or so years some evidence of wrong doing.
She didn't win in court, she did not go to court. I really think she could still be indicted. If she had classified documents at all on her server she should be convicted. This aint over, finally after 7 or so years some evidence of wrong doing.

It was a metaphor...........the real loss is in the court of public opinion........

And I agree........And if I may venture.........This will never be over
I got it, I was just trying to make the point she could still be indicted.
It was a metaphor...........the real loss is in the court of public opinion........

And I agree........And if I may venture.........This will never be over
When I was in the service, the penalties for mishandling classified information were such that I preferred not to be exposed to it except when absolutely necessary.

Hillary just dances along singing: FU, FU, FU ALL!
I got it, I was just trying to make the point she could still be indicted.

Yes she can be.............most unlikely but the FBI investigation and recommendation must be approved by the Attny General..........Like yogi said, "It ain't over until it's over."
When I was in the service, the penalties for mishandling classified information were such that I preferred not to be exposed to it except when absolutely necessary.

Hillary just dances along singing: FU, FU, FU ALL!

I doubt HRC is doing too much singing and dancing ..........after yesterday day
She's a sociopath. Nothing she could do surprises me.

IMHO......I think you have misidentified the sociopath............. If Trump did not have money......He would be either in jail or an institution.........
IMHO......I think you have misidentified the sociopath............. If Trump did not have money......He would be either in jail or an institution.........

Therein lies the problem with the election. Why I'm sticking with my plan to vote for Johnson.
This is all that matters, she is guilty.

"Comey said 110 emails in 52 email chains discovered on Clinton’s unauthorized server were classified at the time they were sent or received, including some that were “top secret.”

FBI director to appear Thursday before lawmakers to explain Clinton decision | Fox News

I'm with you, Mak. She managed to conduct the states business for years without sending a single classified document over a secure government server. That's her story. And some kid themselves into defending her actions. Comey looked at less than half of the alleged documents as the remainder had been successfully deleted. And 110 violations in just a few samples.

It seems to me that any reasonable prosecutor would have found reasons to prosecute.
I'm with you, Mak. She managed to conduct the states business for years without sending a single classified document over a secure government server. That's her story. And some kid themselves into defending her actions. Comey looked at less than half of the alleged documents as the remainder had been successfully deleted. And 110 violations in just a few samples.

It seems to me that any reasonable prosecutor would have found reasons to prosecute.
At least 110 of them.
It's true.

Hillary dodged a legitimate legal bullet by hook or crook, it would seem as most other mere mortals would have been criminally charged, and she may yet lose in the court of public opinion.

It depends on how on target, and how effective in gaining traction in the electorate's mind the GOP's messaging is on this topic, as well as many others related to Hillary and her long history of scandals and obvious corruption. But this history of hers, and this most recent scandal leaves a long list of large and easy targets to hit with this messaging.
I'm with you, Mak. She managed to conduct the states business for years without sending a single classified document over a secure government server. That's her story. And some kid themselves into defending her actions. Comey looked at less than half of the alleged documents as the remainder had been successfully deleted. And 110 violations in just a few samples.

It seems to me that any reasonable prosecutor would have found reasons to prosecute.

Agreed - it's almost insane how crazy the outcome is. She paid for the private server, then deleted emails before turning them in, denied it all and yet some people in this world believe there was no intent. I felt Comey looked as if he was under duress. And where is the President in this whole mess? I can't say whether he has more dirt on her or she has more dirt on him but either way everyone is playing in the mud today!
I would demand a new background check before she is issued a "candidate clearance".
But to say there is a credibility gap for her or Donald Trump either one is ludicrous. Sen. Clinton and Donald Trump have no credibility. They have faithful followers but so did Jim Jones and David Koresh and Charles Manson. Saying their credibility gap is widening is like saying a deadbeats cash flow problem worsens.

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