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The Conservative art of confusion (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 2, 2005
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Pacific Northwest, Oregon
Political Leaning
The goal of modern right wing government seems to be to put on a big show like the the Romans did in the Colosseum, then do what ever they want while the people are distracted. The main goal is power and wealth for a few at the expense of people. The main method of reaching the goals are inuendoes, lies, deception, exploitation, and distraction. The conservatives in this forum are in the mold and following the leader.

As I read the papers, the internet, watch and listen to the media, I find myself despairing for this country. I have lived for almost 67. I have seen the broadcast media grow from Edward R. Murrow from London which was popular during WW2 to the Huntly Brinkly report. These people reported the news, and it was not always good or bad, and it was not slanted left or right. Reporters were not politicians as the fox people are, and they were allowed to actually question and a demanded real answers.

Now we have moved from News Reporting except for CSpan and PBS to the Right wing neoconservative Propaganda channels of Fox, CNN, MSNBC. and finally CBS. The last hold out is ABC and they are on the brink of being controlled the right. The print press with its limited reader ships no longer much counts, accept locally in some areas. These Days people, even politician get their new from Television. To say that the Right wing corporate owned companies don’t control the news media is ludicrous. To talk of the liberal press is to talk of nothing in comparison to T.V. right wing propaganda. When a neo conservative speaks of the Liberal control of the media, they are throwing out smoke screen, and realize that there are a small bunch of Americans who look at a dead American Soldier and blame the Liberals. They will repeat propaganda,, like, Liberals are sympathetic to terrorists. Truthfully the only people who support and create terrorist are those who are getting rich.
The Bush War, in Irag is a joke. We have lost over two thousand fine young people, killed over a hundred and fifty thousand Iraqis, and what have we accomplished. Some say that we have rescued Iraq from Saddam, and brought them democracy. Well I laugh and watch. They say there were free election, but with right wing control of information from Bush’s War, I only have right wing interpretation of what a free election is. They say we are bringing democracy to Iraq, If this turn out to be true, was it worth all the death and destruction to bring it about. All we have done is split Iraq, into Areas controlled by the Kurds, the Shia, and a little areas controlled by the Sunni. Bush has brought nothing to Irag but death, confusion. They also brought Exxon and Haliburton to Iraq, and People are getting Rich.

Being intelligent, I invested in some Haliburton stocks last years and my investment have gone from about thirty dollar a share to sixty dollars a share. Thanks to Bush’s War, I have made five hundred dollars.. Yet I wonder how much was made by Condi Rice, Dick Cheney and George Bush. No one can tell me they are not invested heavily and making huge profits in this war. They all have over seas accounts,, don’t they? They have fixed it so they don’t have to pay taxes and neither do their close friends and corporate bedfellows. Tax wise the Bush War is being funded by the Poor, the working class, and the slowly collapsing middle class. I donated my Haliburton earnings to the Red Cross to help Katrina victms.

God Bless America. Down with the Bush and all Right Wing,, American People destroyers. Why does doen't Bush care for the American people?

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dragonslayer said:
The goal of modern right wing government seems to be to put on a big show like the the Romans did in the Colosseum, then do what ever they want while the people are distracted. The main goal is power and wealth for a few at the expense of people. The main method of reaching the goals are inuendoes, lies, deception, exploitation, and distraction. The conservatives in this forum are in the mold and following the leader.
Haven't all politicians done that?

As I read the papers, the internet, watch and listen to the media, I find myself despairing for this country. I have lived for almost 67. I have seen the broadcast media grow from Edward R. Murrow from London which was popular during WW2 to the Huntly Brinkly report. These people reported the news, and it was not always good or bad, and it was not slanted left or right. Reporters were not politicians as the fox people are, and they were allowed to actually question and a demanded real answers.
You are welcome to leave the USA, and none of us are going to stop you. News is deceptive period! Their is very few places now of getting non-biased reporting. Pointing fingers at Fox seems petty.

Now we have moved from News Reporting except for CSpan and PBS to the Right wing neoconservative Propaganda channels of Fox, CNN, MSNBC. and finally CBS. The last hold out is ABC and they are on the brink of being controlled the right. The print press with its limited reader ships no longer much counts, accept locally in some areas. These Days people, even politician get their new from Television. To say that the Right wing corporate owned companies don’t control the news media is ludicrous. To talk of the liberal press is to talk of nothing in comparison to T.V. right wing propaganda. When a neo conservative speaks of the Liberal control of the media, they are throwing out smoke screen, and realize that there are a small bunch of Americans who look at a dead American Soldier and blame the Liberals. They will repeat propaganda,, like, Liberals are sympathetic to terrorists. Truthfully the only people who support and create terrorist are those who are getting rich.
SHOW ME DA MONEY! If you can say it than you should be able to back it up!

The Bush War, in Irag is a joke. We have lost over two thousand fine young people, killed over a hundred and fifty thousand Iraqis, and what have we accomplished. Some say that we have rescued Iraq from Saddam, and brought them democracy. Well I laugh and watch. They say there were free election, but with right wing control of information from Bush’s War, I only have right wing interpretation of what a free election is. They say we are bringing democracy to Iraq, If this turn out to be true, was it worth all the death and destruction to bring it about. All we have done is split Iraq, into Areas controlled by the Kurds, the Shia, and a little areas controlled by the Sunni. Bush has brought nothing to Irag but death, confusion. They also brought Exxon and Haliburton to Iraq, and People are getting Rich.
Aparently you forget the "Almighty" Clinton speaches! I would have thought you would've paid attention to them? Oh well Ignorance is contagious.

Being intelligent, I invested in some Haliburton stocks last years and my investment have gone from about thirty dollar a share to sixty dollars a share. Thanks to Bush’s War, I have made five hundred dollars.. Yet I wonder how much was made by Condi Rice, Dick Cheney and George Bush. No one can tell me they are not invested heavily and making huge profits in this war. They all have over seas accounts,, don’t they? They have fixed it so they don’t have to pay taxes and neither do their close friends and corporate bedfellows. Tax wise the Bush War is being funded by the Poor, the working class, and the slowly collapsing middle class. I donated my Haliburton earnings to the Red Cross to help Katrina victms.
Propaganda propaganda propaganda, actual fact: Stock money made from shares.

God Bless America. Down with the Bush and all Right Wing,, American People destroyers. Why does doen't Bush care for the American people?

The question is why don't you care to find out information on the news is all lies! Also all these propaganda websites don't help out either. They just put fuel on the fire, instead of trying to put the fire out! If I have one thing to say to you is this. Ignorance is bliss.
No problem! :mrgreen:
Just thought I'd point out that free elections in Iraq may seem like a good thing, but in Iraq in particular it's not the case.

There are 3 main parties in Iraq. Saddam comes from the smallest party and most liberal one. Meaning that his party's platform gives women tons of rights compared to the 2 other parties.

The biggest party is an Islamist fundamentalist party. Since they were elected, and they drafted the constituton, women will recieve less rights then they did under saddam's reign
Che said:
Just thought I'd point out that free elections in Iraq may seem like a good thing, but in Iraq in particular it's not the case.

There are 3 main parties in Iraq. Saddam comes from the smallest party and most liberal one. Meaning that his party's platform gives women tons of rights compared to the 2 other parties.

The biggest party is an Islamist fundamentalist party. Since they were elected, and they drafted the constituton, women will recieve less rights then they did under saddam's reign

Women are able to vote, it's in the constitution, so it would be up to them to vote on the rights for which they are to receive. Sadly, most men there will treat their wives as they have for years, in the tradition of their religion, and no amount of voting will change that, only time, and the freedom to gain the knowledge necessary to make those changes, and I believe we have set that in motion.
"As I read the papers, the internet, watch and listen to the media, I find myself despairing for this country. I have lived for almost 67. I have seen the broadcast media grow from Edward R. Murrow from London which was popular during WW2 to the Huntly Brinkly report. These people reported the news, and it was not always good or bad, and it was not slanted left or right. Reporters were not politicians as the fox people are, and they were allowed to actually question and a demanded real answers." -DragonSlayer

What the Hell kind of crack do you smoke? George Stephonopolous, Bill Schneider, Bill Moyers, Tim Russert, Chris Matthews, Judy Woodruf, Cronkite.....Damn near EVERY anchor you have ever seen report the news worked for one Democrat in office or another before being trusted to disseminate "legitimate" news. Those who weren't liberal operatives prior to being liberal operatives for the media still admit to having overwhelmingly liberal views.

It is just a flat out lie to say the media weren't/aren't politicians. Fox has people who don't cater to YOUR politics. That does not mean they are introducing politics to the news business. That post is just nauseating in its blatant dishonesty. YOU are trying to capitalize on confusion.

Fox's LACK of the typical LEFT-WING bias is what looks so conservative to those like Dragonslayer, who are use to the media mindlessly cheerleading their opinions (liberals).

In national polls, Fox continuously shows to be placed politically right about where the American people are-somewhat right of center. Fox is merely not trying to "rescue ignorant America" from its helplessly right of center views by slanting the news for liberals-like every network and cable news channel does.
aquapub said:
"As I read the papers, the internet, watch and listen to the media, I find myself despairing for this country. I have lived for almost 67. I have seen the broadcast media grow from Edward R. Murrow from London which was popular during WW2 to the Huntly Brinkly report. These people reported the news, and it was not always good or bad, and it was not slanted left or right. Reporters were not politicians as the fox people are, and they were allowed to actually question and a demanded real answers." -DragonSlayer

What the Hell kind of crack do you smoke? George Stephonopolous, Bill Schneider, Bill Moyers, Tim Russert, Chris Matthews, Judy Woodruf, Cronkite.....Damn near EVERY anchor you have ever seen report the news worked for one Democrat in office or another before being trusted to disseminate "legitimate" news. Those who weren't liberal operatives prior to being liberal operatives for the media still admit to having overwhelmingly liberal views.

It is just a flat out lie to say the media weren't/aren't politicians. Fox has people who don't cater to YOUR politics. That does not mean they are introducing politics to the news business. That post is just nauseating in its blatant dishonesty. YOU are trying to capitalize on confusion.

Fox's LACK of the typical LEFT-WING bias is what looks so conservative to those like Dragonslayer, who are use to the media mindlessly cheerleading their opinions (liberals).

In national polls, Fox continuously shows to be placed politically right about where the American people are-somewhat right of center. Fox is merely not trying to "rescue ignorant America" from its helplessly right of center views by slanting the news for liberals-like every network and cable news channel does.

you are really full of lies and completely uninformed. Good nite, stupid one.

I was told that when the Bird flu, comes to the USA,that one of the side effects of the virus vacine is that it changes Neo Conservatives to human beings and Americans. It is definitely needed
dragonslayer said:
you are really full of lies and completely uninformed. Good nite, stupid one.

I was told that when the Bird flu, comes to the USA,that one of the side effects of the virus vacine is that it changes Neo Conservatives to human beings and Americans. It is definitely needed
Its nice to see your :aliens3: :aliens1: Blame any conservative for any problem! Oh yea! OJ did it! /sarcasm Speaking of "UNIFORMED" you said "I WAS TOLD?" No source, no credit? Now you tell me who's the uniformed?

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