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The consequences of playing politics. (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2014
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Well, that stunt where Abbot had extra inspections of trucks coming into Texas from Mexico, by reinspecting trucks already inspected by the federal government has further consequences. In addtion to costing Texans 4.3 Billion dollars, and have lots of rotting produce, it also appears it encouraged Mexico to change plans on their railroad link. Rather than go through Texas, the mexican government decided to go through New Mexico instead, a move that will add billions to the New Mexico economy, rather than the Texas economy

I am sure Texans are so happy.

Well, that stunt where Abbot had extra inspections of trucks coming into Texas from Mexico, by reinspecting trucks already inspected by the federal government has further consequences. In addtion to costing Texans 4.3 Billion dollars, and have lots of rotting produce, it also appears it encouraged Mexico to change plans on their railroad link. Rather than go through Texas, the mexican government decided to go through New Mexico instead, a move that will add billions to the New Mexico economy, rather than the Texas economy

I am sure Texans are so happy.

He got to grandstand for the braindead masses, that's all that matters.
Well, that stunt where Abbot had extra inspections of trucks coming into Texas from Mexico, by reinspecting trucks already inspected by the federal government has further consequences. In addtion to costing Texans 4.3 Billion dollars, and have lots of rotting produce, it also appears it encouraged Mexico to change plans on their railroad link. Rather than go through Texas, the mexican government decided to go through New Mexico instead, a move that will add billions to the New Mexico economy, rather than the Texas economy

I am sure Texans are so happy.

Bwahahahaha!! 🤣
Well, that stunt where Abbot had extra inspections of trucks coming into Texas from Mexico, by reinspecting trucks already inspected by the federal government has further consequences. In addtion to costing Texans 4.3 Billion dollars, and have lots of rotting produce, it also appears it encouraged Mexico to change plans on their railroad link. Rather than go through Texas, the mexican government decided to go through New Mexico instead, a move that will add billions to the New Mexico economy, rather than the Texas economy

I am sure Texans are so happy.

Perhaps it's worth Billions to the Texas people to have less in the way of illegal aliens and cartel drug and human trafficking through their state since Abbott forced his neighboring Mexican states to crack down on their side of the border.

I thought this was interesting in a "saying the quiet part out loud" way...

During a visit to Nuevo Leon, Mexico’s Foreign Minster Marcelo Ebrard told Milenio TV Sunday night that the stepped up inspections were “an extortion scheme, or rather it is extortion: I close the border and you have to sign whatever I say. That’s not a deal, a deal is when you and I are in agreement on something.”​

Is the Mexico Foreign Minister saying they are not in agreement on their responsibility to prevent human trafficking and drug smuggling from Mexico into the US?

If that's the case, I'm thinking Trump will set them straight after he wins in 2024. Trump has already proven he will use economic warfare against Mexico if they drag their feet or refuse to do their part. Mexico may end up wishing they had paid more attention to Abbott.

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