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The Climate Cult's New Goal: Degrowth (1 Viewer)

Yet you still want to force people to live in one of the limited settings you describe.
Do you understand that public transportation, requires a very high population density to be economically viable.

It can for example be possible to build local centers with middle / dense housing, shops and restaurants along commuter routes. There people in neighboring areas can have the opportunity to walk and cycle to those local centers. Leading to more convenience and less need to drive, even if people still also own cars.


While also for example infills of middle housing in suburban areas and on unused parking lots. Leading to more affordable housing and more inclusive cities.

It can for example be possible to build local centers with middle / dense housing, shops and restaurants along commuter routes. There people in neighboring areas can have the opportunity to walk and cycle to those local centers. Leading to more convenience and less need to drive, even if people still also own cars.


While also for example infills of middle housing in suburban areas and on unused parking lots. Leading to more affordable housing and more inclusive cities.

Your video demonstrates the limitations you seek to impose upon others!
Your video demonstrates the limitations you seek to impose upon others!
He really needs to watch Uncensored2008 ,Climate - the movie OP

But we both know he won’t . Ivory tower idealism is no substitute for observed reality as that film brilliantly demonstrates 🫤
no climate cult----------just science
The science in this was replaced long ago by an anti western catasrophism narrative sadly

90% fewer people now die from climate and weather events since 1950 that’s despite a trebling of population since then and that decline continues

This is the exact opposite of what is being claimed by alarmists

All the rest is just anarchist politics gone mad especially loved by Gen Z types 🙄
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Timely piece by Stossel. These neo luddites are such morons! :ROFLMAO:

Personally, I think the climate alarmist cult is "cuckoo for cocoa puffs".
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The science in this was replaced long ago by an anti western catasrophism narrative sadly

90% fewer people now die from climate and weather events since 1950 that’s despite a trebling of population since then and that decline continues
modern meds??/ Communication??? Technology??? Etc, etc, etc....
science is real. Stop watching FOX
modern meds??/ Communication??? Technology??? Etc, etc, etc....

science is real. Stop watching FOX
Science is very real, the science in catastrophic AGW , is very thin!
CO2 can and does absorb 15 um photons, when the molecule is at ground state, which is quite uncommon in nature. When CO2 is not at ground state, it is transparent to 15 um photons.
Also the idea that CO2 excited by a 15 um photon will re emit in random directions through spontaneous emissions, seldom happens.
Much more common is g that CO2 passes the energy to another atom or molecule via contact.
Beyond that the idea of high levels of amplified feedbacks from the theorized forced warming, is nearly pure speculation.
Real theories have a falsification criteria, AGW does not!
modern meds??/ Communication??? Technology??? Etc, etc, etc....

science is real. Stop watching FOX
I,m British so why would l watch Fox ? The death toll will continue to fall whether it contradicts your indoctrinated doomsday preconceptions or not. It’s almost like you want the sky to be falling

What makes you want believe this despite the hard facts and data saying exactly the opposite ? Do you ever check what the MSM feeds you as gospel on this issue ? 🫤
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There are 600 respectable websites on it, let alone credible news reports in years past.......................I am not your search engine.

Be more specific
I can be specific if you like . You say your view is based on science ? OK let’s roll with that then

Find me any published peer review study that empirically proves mankind’s culpability for current warming thereby establishing it as a verifiable scientific fact ?

Climate models don’t count as they are simply guesswork bought and paid for by those pushing this narrative for their own petty gain at the expense of the rest of us 🤔
Your video demonstrates the limitations you seek to impose upon others!

Why do you believe it's bad to allow middle housing and building houses on unused parking areas and other unused lots? That people have a choice between single family homes, town houses, duplexes, two / three stories apartment buildings, mid rises and high rises.

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I can be specific if you like . You say your view is based on science ? OK let’s roll with that then

Find me any published peer review study that empirically proves mankind’s culpability for current warming thereby establishing it as a verifiable scientific fact ?

Climate models don’t count as they are simply guesswork bought and paid for by those pushing this narrative for their own petty gain at the expense of the rest of us 🤔

Fossil fuel companies own research showed the need to reduce CO2 emissions.

modern meds??/ Communication??? Technology??? Etc, etc, etc....

science is real. Stop watching FOX
Science is very real, the science in catastrophic AGW , is very thin!
CO2 can and does absorb 15 um photons, when the molecule is at ground state, which is quite uncommon in nature. When CO2 is not at ground state, it is transparent to 15 um photons.
Also the idea that CO2 excited by a 15 um photon will re emit in random directions through spontaneous emissions, seldom happens.
Much more common is g that CO2 passes the energy to another atom or molecule via contact.
Beyond that the idea of high levels of amplified feedbacks from the theorized forced warming, is nearly pure speculation.
Real theories have a falsification criteria, AGW does not!
Why do you believe it's bad to allow middle housing and building houses on unused parking areas and other unused lots? That people have a choice between single family homes, town houses, duplexes, two / three stories apartment buildings, mid rises and high rises.

Who said I thought it was bad? What I said was that I think it is best to let people decide how they want
to live instead of limiting their choices.
I,m British so why would l watch Fox ? The death toll will continue to fall whether it contradicts your indoctrinated doomsday preconceptions or not. It’s almost like you want the sky to be falling

What makes you want believe this despite the hard facts and data saying exactly the opposite ? Do you ever check what the MSM feeds you as gospel on this issue ? 🫤
Every reputable scientific agency in the world confirms climate change............next topic?
I can be specific if you like . You say your view is based on science ? OK let’s roll with that then

Find me any published peer review study that empirically proves mankind’s culpability for current warming thereby establishing it as a verifiable scientific fact ?
They ALL say we have an affect (not the #1 cause)......
Climate models don’t count as they are simply guesswork bought and paid for by those pushing this narrative for their own petty gain at the expense of the rest of us 🤔
conspiracies don't cut it in rational debates
Every reputable scientific agency in the world confirms climate change............next topic?
They state that human activity can cause the climate to change, not how sensitive the climate is to any particular human activity like CO2 emissions.
There is little scientific evidence that added CO2 does much beyond greening the earth.
Ideas like Net Zero emissions, target CO2 but without much in the way of evidence it will change the trend in the climate.
Fossil fuel companies own research showed the need to reduce CO2 emissions.

That is not what I asked for🙄
Every reputable scientific agency in the world confirms climate change............next topic?
Heads up the climate is always changing and todays climate is certainly not unnatural if one checks recent historical precedents for it.

Always check check and check again what the established facts are on this issue really are and don’t just fall for the hype 🤔
We badly need more fossil fuel in the UK so we can afford to turn our heating back on

I.m fed up paying more than five times more than non western economies in order that our elites can virtue signal their eco credentials at middle class urban dinner parties

How many more of the poorest in the west need to freeze to death before this madness ends ? 😪
Isn't it always the left and the elites which preach their concern for those very people?
Action speaking louder than words, what do their actions really tell you?
Every reputable scientific agency in the world confirms climate change............next topic?
As a person who makes knives, I authoritatively declare that they are sharp.
There is such a moment here... the climate has always changed... and it will always change. Millions of years ago, there was no ice at the poles of our planet and this did not interfere with life on the planet... yes, of course there were no polar bears and penguins... but nature, in principle, has no lyrics, what cannot adapt dies.
I may be telling you a terrible secret, but incredibly many species of animals and plants have become extinct due to climate change and man has nothing to do with it. The extinction of a species is normal, there is no tragedy in this for nature, it is a natural process.

My opinion on this issue is unequivocal. Humanity is still the only intelligent species on the planet and the issue of its survival is paramount. The earth is our cradle, but if we do not follow the path of progress, it will become our grave, sooner or later, life on the planet will become impossible and this is a fact, the term for biological life is limited. Will a meteorite destroy life or the aging process of the sun (it's not about evolution into a red giant, strong enough solar flares in the concept can sterilize the earth) the reasons for extinction are legion... or again, some Chinese will devour some flying rat and... well, you get it. So far, all the eggs are in one basket and it's very risky. All pandas, polar bears and other furry shit-eaters can safely die out for the sake of human survival. Humanity is more important.
Isn't it always the left and the elites which preach their concern for those very people?
Action speaking louder than words, what do their actions really tell you?

Just study the lifestyles of those elites for a crass demonstration of the utter hypocrisy driving this scam :(

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