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The Climate Cult's New Goal: Degrowth (1 Viewer)

Timely piece by Stossel. These neo luddites are such morons! :ROFLMAO:

It's not new.

From the climate concerned point of view, it's either de-growth or collapse - take your pick.
It's not new.

From the climate concerned point of view, it's either de-growth or collapse - take your pick.
Thanks for demonstrating that you are a Malthusian cultist. It must drive you crazy that you can't just off five billion people like your ilk so desperately wants. The really scary part is that you consider mass genocide to be a goal worth achieving. How sick and twisted does someone have to be to actively seek the death of billions?
The climate cult wants others to limit their growth rather than trying to monitor and limit their own environmental footprint.
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no climate cult----------just science
The science depends on lots of models with best guesses as to the numbers to plug in.
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Please show proof that theres gonna be a worldwide collapse if we dont go neo luddite.

The only proof you'd accept is the collapse of civilization itself.

Before then, your first clue will be inflation, followed by significant food & water scarcity and unstable power grids.
The science depends on lots of models with best guesses as to the numbers to plug in.
They agree that certain solutions are wrong----------but they basically ALL agree with Climate Change being real and a threat, big time

Your attempted counter is deceptive here--------you lose this point
Please show proof that theres gonna be a worldwide collapse if we dont go neo luddite.

What science? Show it.
There are 600 respectable websites on it, let alone credible news reports in years past.......................I am not your search engine.

Be more specific
There are 600 respectable websites on it, let alone credible news reports in years past.......................I am not your search engine.

Be more specific
When you actually dig down into the science, there is very little empirical evidence that added CO2 is causing warming.
While in theory, it may be possible that increasing CO2 levels could cause some warming, the observed data show the vast majority
of the warming since 2002, is from more absorbed solar radiation, as opposed to less outgoing longwave radiation.
There is a good article on the topic here, The Greenhouse Effect, A Summary of Wijngaarden and Happer
But it is the very science that limits how much warming that could results from added CO2.
Basic physics suggests that Earth's surface is warmer than it would be with a transparent atmosphere, that is no greenhouse gases (GHGs), clouds, or oceans. If we assume Earth is a blackbody, then subtract the solar energy reflected, from the hypothetically non-existent clouds, atmosphere, land, ice, and oceans; we can calculate a surface temperature of 254K or -19℃. The actual average temperature today is about 288.7K or roughly 15.5℃. This modeled difference of 35℃ is often called the overall greenhouse effect.
NASA says the total greenhouse effect is 33℃, but that is to the starting level of ~280 ppm.
CO2 is said to account for 20% of the total greenhouse effect, so 20% of 33℃ is 6.6℃.
If we consider that each doubling of the CO2 level has a value, and start at 1 ppm, it takes
8 doublings to reach 256 ppm, and an additional 0.9 doublings to reach 280 ppm.
This means that each doubling has a value of 6.6℃ /8.09 = 0.81℃.
When you actually dig down into the science, there is very little empirical evidence that added CO2 is causing warming.
While in theory, it may be possible that increasing CO2 levels could cause some warming, the observed data show the vast majority
of the warming since 2002, is from more absorbed solar radiation, as opposed to less outgoing longwave radiation.
There is a good article on the topic here, The Greenhouse Effect, A Summary of Wijngaarden and Happer
But it is the very science that limits how much warming that could results from added CO2.

NASA says the total greenhouse effect is 33℃, but that is to the starting level of ~280 ppm.
CO2 is said to account for 20% of the total greenhouse effect, so 20% of 33℃ is 6.6℃.
If we consider that each doubling of the CO2 level has a value, and start at 1 ppm, it takes
8 doublings to reach 256 ppm, and an additional 0.9 doublings to reach 280 ppm.
This means that each doubling has a value of 6.6℃ /8.09 = 0.81℃.
Therein is the problem. There is no such thing as a "transparent atmosphere." Assuming Earth is a theoretical object that absorbs all energy from the electromagnetic spectrum, a.k.a. black body, then it would not reflect any energy, much less solar. The fact that Earth has a measurable albedo demonstrates that it cannot be a black body. Thus making it an erroneous assumption to presume Earth to be a black body and making everything else that follows that assumption equally as bogus.
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Which has a video presented as the argument.
Granted, starting out with "Climate Cult..." is not going to enlist a lot of cooperation, but you could ignore that and make an actual point.
Just sayin

He did make a point. I understood the point just fine.
When you actually dig down into the science, there is very little empirical evidence that added CO2 is causing warming.
While in theory, it may be possible that increasing CO2 levels could cause some warming, the observed data show the vast majority
of the warming since 2002, is from more absorbed solar radiation, as opposed to less outgoing longwave radiation.
There is a good article on the topic here, The Greenhouse Effect, A Summary of Wijngaarden and Happer
But it is the very science that limits how much warming that could results from added CO2.

Oh look, a link to a climate concern troll website.

Oh look, a link to a climate concern troll website.

Perhaps you can elaborate on the specifics they got wrong in the article?
Bear in mind the director of NASA's GISS publishes very similar numbers.
Taking the Measure of the Greenhouse Effect
The size of the greenhouse effect is often estimated as being the difference between the actual global surface temperature and the temperature the planet would be without any atmospheric absorption, but with exactly the same planetary albedo, around 33°C.
We find that water vapor is the dominant substance — responsible for about 50% of the absorption, with clouds responsible for about 25% — and CO2 responsible for 20% of the effect. The remainder is made up with the other minor
Perhaps you can elaborate on the specifics they got wrong in the article?
Bear in mind the director of NASA's GISS publishes very similar numbers.
Taking the Measure of the Greenhouse Effect

So you're saying that human industrial activity is adding 37 million gigatons of ancient, unearthed water vapor into the atmosphere each year?

So you're saying that human industrial activity is adding 37 million gigatons of ancient, unearthed water vapor into the atmosphere each year?

Can you cite and quote what that is in reference to?
Can you cite and quote what that is in reference to?

My point is that while CO2 may only be 20% (or whatever amount it actually is) of the greenhouse effect, it's that amount that is sharply trending upward. Our atmosphere is rather sensitive to what would appear to be minor changes in its composition. At present CO2 accounts for 0.04% of the atmosphere, but the geological record clearly correlates past mass extinction events due to changes in the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

You knew the point I'm making, I'm just calling out your unique brand of climate denial schtick in which you toss out random babble from 'scientific' websites, begging people to get fetch shit to disprove what you're saying. Usually, I ignore, but when I feel like it, I call it out, like I am now - for the benefit of other readers.
My point is that while CO2 may only be 20% (or whatever amount it actually is) of the greenhouse effect, it's that amount that is sharply trending upward. Our atmosphere is rather sensitive to what would appear to be minor changes in its composition. At present CO2 accounts for 0.04% of the atmosphere, but the geological record clearly correlates past mass extinction events due to changes in the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

You knew the point I'm making, I'm just calling out your unique brand of climate denial schtick in which you toss out random babble from 'scientific' websites, begging people to get fetch shit to disprove what you're saying. Usually, I ignore, but when I feel like it, I call it out, like I am now - for the benefit of other readers.
So did CO2 cause the mass extinction events, or was increased CO2 a result of mass extinction events?
Since NASA says that CO2 accounts of 20% of the total greenhouse effect of 33°C (6.6°C) why would you think
the climate's sensitivity to new CO2 would be any different?
You stated the cited article was from a "climate concern troll website"
I simply wanted you to say if you thought they got their facts wrong?
So did CO2 cause the mass extinction events, or was increased CO2 a result of mass extinction events?
Since NASA says that CO2 accounts of 20% of the total greenhouse effect of 33°C (6.6°C) why would you think
the climate's sensitivity to new CO2 would be any different?
You stated the cited article was from a "climate concern troll website"
I simply wanted you to say if you thought they got their facts wrong?

As always, I'm refuting the implications - theirs and yours.

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