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The ATF Is Illegally Hoarding American Gun Owners’ Personal Information (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
A government report discovered the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) illegally stockpiles gun owners’ personal information.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), the go-to federal oversight agency, conducted an audit of ATF and found it does not remove certain identifiable information, despite the law explicitly mandating it do so. GAO conducted reviews for four data systems, and concluded at least two of ATF’s systems violated official protocols.

GAO Report: ATF Is Stockpiling Personal Gun Data | The Daily Caller
A government report discovered the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) illegally stockpiles gun owners’ personal information.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), the go-to federal oversight agency, conducted an audit of ATF and found it does not remove certain identifiable information, despite the law explicitly mandating it do so. GAO conducted reviews for four data systems, and concluded at least two of ATF’s systems violated official protocols.

GAO Report: ATF Is Stockpiling Personal Gun Data | The Daily Caller

Did anyone really believe otherwise?

As long as a government mandated record is created, some government agency is going to maintain a copy.

If there is a copy, some department will find a reason to access it.
Did anyone really believe otherwise?

As long as a government mandated record is created, some government agency is going to maintain a copy.

If there is a copy, some department will find a reason to access it.

I never believed otherwise and do not trust any Govt. entity!

That is the very reason I buy guns from private parties, in person and in cash......and pay cash, in person, for any ammo or accessory purchases.
I never believed otherwise and do not trust any Govt. entity!

That is the very reason I buy guns from private parties, in person and in cash......and pay cash, in person, for any ammo or accessory purchases.

Well we have a whole heard of turkeys that say trust government with your life. At least that is what they are willing to do. I'm not sure what kind of argument or mind conditioning gets them to accept government as their protector when government has no duty or mandate to do so. When government has many many times shown it is totally untrustworthy. It's like claiming a crocodile will not bite you.

One would think that the education system taught the untrustworthy nature of government who have killed more than any other reason. Also the education system is controlled by government and therefore only teaches the glorification of government and the superiority it is supposed to have but in fact does not.
If the entire government burned down tomorrow, it just might end up being the best thing that ever happened to America.
If the entire government burned down tomorrow, it just might end up being the best thing that ever happened to America.

Actually if all the doors to governments records were opened we might just have a return to the days of lynch mobs.
If the entire government burned down tomorrow, it just might end up being the best thing that ever happened to America.


Actually if all the doors to governments records were opened we might just have a return to the days of lynch mobs.

W/O a Doubt! The crooked bastards are not worthy to be called Americans.

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