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The Apostle Paul (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 22, 2005
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United States
Political Leaning
Paul is the cornerstone of Christianity, as well as the spokesmen. He helped get Christianity on it's feet. If it weren't for Paul, their might not even be a Christianity to debate. This guy wrote 13 letters that comprise the NT. Alot of the book of Acts focus on his missionary journeys. Paul is considered by many the most important interpreter of the teachings of Jesus and the importance of his life, death, and resurrection. But many do not know that Paul was born a Roman citizen, and he and his father were pharisees. Paul claims that he had a chat with Jesus on the road to Damascus, in which the carpenter revealed the mysteries of heaven, and appoints him alpha male of the Gentiles. But like the cadaverous carpenter, Paul is quite the storyteller. He claimed 500 people saw Jesus after the resurrection. But none of the Gospels places the number more than a few besides the disciples. But Jesus walked around for some 40 days before the assension, and the book of Acts states only 120 seen him. And Paul's claim of "Where there is no law, there is no transgression." probably left God a little embarressed, not to mention made him look like a total idiot for him destroying most people in the flood and Sodom and Gemorrah. Paul is nothing but a male chovinist pig, a liar, and he even admits that there's nothing good about him:

Romans 7:18
I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.
Rev. said:
Your point?

My point being that Paul stretches the truth a whole lot. He is a clear women-hater, but will always use women to support the church. Of course he's not the first intolerant, arrogant, bigot. The blame for introducing sin into the world was put on a women who had no knowledge of right or wrong, and who's no more at fault than Adam, but that's typical of the attitude of the OT writers. Of course Eve's punishment for putting the welcome mat out for "sin" is subjection to her husband and all women facing pain in childbirth. I think Eve should be worshipped by Christianity, not used as a scapegoat, because without Eve there would be no Christianity, as it's based on
"atonement" if you will from the fall of man. If there was no "fall", there would be no need for salvation or atonement.
kal-el said:
My point being that Paul stretches the truth a whole lot. He is a clear women-hater, but will always use women to support the church. Of course he's not the first intolerant, arrogant, bigot. The blame for introducing sin into the world was put on a women who had no knowledge of right or wrong, and who's no more at fault than Adam, but that's typical of the attitude of the OT writers. Of course Eve's punishment for putting the welcome mat out for "sin" is subjection to her husband and all women facing pain in childbirth. I think Eve should be worshipped by Christianity, not used as a scapegoat, because without Eve there would be no Christianity, as it's based on
"atonement" if you will from the fall of man. If there was no "fall", there would be no need for salvation or atonement.

So you tell me...what is the real truth and how exactly did Paul stretch it?
Rev. said:
So you tell me...what is the real truth and how exactly did Paul stretch it?

Well for starters, Paul was not very liked by the disciples. He once preached so long that a guy fell asleep, and fell out a window. :lol: On his dishonesty, he tells 2 differing accounts of being recruited by Jesus. He has a "vision" of 3 heavens, Paul claims that Jesus was seen (after his death) by 500 people, when the bIble only mentions his disciples seeing him, and a few women. Geese, the disciples must have not been that impressed by it, since they didn't tell anyone (that could have increased their following tenfold :lol: ), actually the disciples had to see Jesus to believe it (ever heard of "doubting thomas?) and so did Paul for that matter.
Paul was actually a bit of a thug. A very unintelligent bruiser who felt very threatened by intelligent women, not least Mary Magdalene. Contrary to the gospels (I refer to the new testament and not to the gnostic gospels, the very existence of which the church has always tried to keep hidden) Mary was not a blonde Judean but an Ethiopian pagan priestess, posisbly a Queen. Paul was very intimidated by this intelligent, wealthy black female, lover of Jesus, with whom Jesus was in fact besotted. Such was the Magdalene's fear of Paul's brutality after Jesus' death, that she fled (it is believed to southern France: the famous black madonna's are indeed believed to be representations of the Magdaleine.) Paul, in his insecurity and jealousy perpertrated the myth of the Magdaleine as a prostitute. This was of course untrue, but the church has clung to this image of the fallen woman as a means of supressing female sexuality and subjugating women. Paul disapproved of the sexual rites the Magdaleine, and Jesus, took part in, being part of pagan practice at the time.

Fascinating subject. Excellent source on this subject: Lynn Picknett "Mary Magdaleine -Christianity's Hidden Goddess" published in the UK by Robinson. The historical evidence to discredit the bible is overwheming. Jesus was the last in a long line of "messiahs" allegedly sent to save humanity, born to a virgin (oh yeah?), cruicfied on a Friday, rose from the dead (yeah right) etc. His story is far from unique, he simply got the best PR job.
Silly Urethra. You've confused Paul with Peter!!!!
Hey ho, one bible idiot's just like another really!

I'm talking of course about Peter. Off topic! (it's late here, Urethra's tired).
I always found Magdaleine, the most fascinating aspect of the scriptues.
Peter was the head honcho until Paul came on the scene. In all reality, it's possible that Paul could have witnessed Jesus' teachings. At the time of Jesus, Paul was a pharisee, and born in Jerusalem. But it's speculation. But Paul had some very strange thoughts, he found out that it was a hell of alot easier to worship Jesus, then obey his teachings. He said Jews are not God's chosen, but Christians. He also said Christians are above the law.
tecoyah said:
I always found Magdaleine, the most fascinating aspect of the scriptues.

Me too. I think the truth was far from what's portrayed in the new testament
I do not like the Apostles.

I can not take the word of those who did not learn and did not act.

Those who didn't, wouldn't, and couldn't should NEVER teach.


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