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The Annual George Washington Playboy Scholarship Fund (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
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United States of America and proud of it!
Political Leaning
As you know, for over 200 years, the name George Washington has always been associated with honor, integrity, leadership, and greatness.

Now, I plan on extending my magnificent reputation even further. Ever since I've come back here to Earth, I've had a burning desire to do something to help people. I read my first issue of Playboy and...

...I felt something.

That is why I have created the, "Annual George Washington Playboy Scholarship Fund."

I remember that several months ago, I was reading an article in a magazine about how former out of work playboy centerfolds didn't have the money to go to college. When I read about this, my heart broke. I had to help these poor girls. I just had to.

I couldn't help myself. :mrgreen:

So that's why I've started this program, to help provide money to our former centerfolds. I know what it's like to do without money. Back in the 1700's we didn't have nearly the modern lurxuries that you guys have.

By donating money to the Annual George Washington Playboy Scholarship Fund, you will help a former out of work Playboy Centerfold go to the University of her choice and have a warm place to stay for the night...

...in my apartment. :mrgreen:

You see, I just love giving of myself to other people...

...especially when that person is female with long legs and near perfect measurements.

Ahem, anyway, we're running a special promotional offer right now. If you give a pledge of just $5000 before August 1, a portion of those funds will go towards the Beverly Hills plastic surgeons that helped to give these former centerfolds their boobs, chins, and lips.

Just think how much better you'll be able to sleep at night knowing that the money you gave will help a wealthy plastic surgeon in LA finally be able to afford those rare, steel hubcaps he's always wanted for his Porsche. What could be more satisfying?

So please give to the Annual George Washington Playboy Scholarship Fund. Because these former centerfolds are people too and they just want a chance at an education like everyone else. I promise you that I will take very, very good care of these centerfolds and treat them just like they were my own sisters...

...and then some. :mrgreen:

So please give today, thank you very much.
Don't know how true this is...got it from a friend who SAID his friend did this...

Made up his apartment to look like a studio for a porno...

Put ads in the paper saying he was a director for pornos...Girls would apply, come over for a "tryout" and he'd TELL them he was forwarding the tape to producers in LA...
cnredd said:
Don't know how true this is...got it from a friend who SAID his friend did this...

Made up his apartment to look like a studio for a porno...

Put ads in the paper saying he was a director for pornos...Girls would apply, come over for a "tryout" and he'd TELL them he was forwarding the tape to producers in LA...


Well, my program is totally legitimate, I assure you. Here is what some of the sons of the Centerfolds I've helped are saying about my great program:

"Mr. Washington's scholarship fund is amazing. My mom could never get pregnant but then once she started hanging out with Washington, she was pregnant within the first week. Kind of ironic, now that I think about it..."

-Steve Baker, Missouri.

"Ever since my mother started hanging out with Washington, she's never been lonely. Mr. Washington has helped my mom out with household chores and yard duties. In fact, sometimes Mr. Washington is already there when I wake up."

-Kurt Matthews, Virginia.

"Yeah, it's great. Mr. Washington would be so kind as to drive my mom to her college classes every morning. He was also kind enough to accompany her to parties, restaurants, and even motels."

-Richard South, Massachusetts.

"Now, thanks to Mr. Washington, my mom has a college education. But Mr. Washington didn't stop there; he even offered to spend 3 weeks alone with her in Las Vegas. He didn't seem to mind at all that it would interrupt his schedule. What a great guy."

-Ben Harris, California.

"My mom's much more happy now that she has a degree in psychology. But ever since she lived with Washington, she's been going to the local health clinic and taking a lot of tests. I'm not sure why."

-Chris Rogers, Florida.
Unfortunately, I can not feel sorry for the poor gals, they obviously didn't spend there money wisely, before they got chubby and ugly, so.... why dont you just get the real ones GW? They wouldn't be able to resist you for sure :)

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