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The Alt-Right isn’t on the right... (1 Viewer)

Alt-Right, SStephen Miller, Trump’s concentration camps, Trump’s hatred of women and minorities, banana republicans, traitors, GOPutins, TrumpQins, misogynists, slut-shamers, attackers of sons and daughters of Democratic Presidents and Candidates, we’ve only just begun
I actually detest the alt-right.

Unite the Right Rally: The Alt-Right Isn't Right

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

As the name suggests, Alt-Right is the Alternative Right-Wing. The alternative to right is left. All neo-NAZI's, for example, belong to the National Socialist Movement. That makes them entirely left-wing, or rather the alternative to right-wing, a.k.a. Alt-Right. Alt-Right is a made-up name by leftists in the media in order to try to make it appear that left-wing socialist NAZI's are somehow right-wing when in fact they are exactly the opposite.
As the name suggests, Alt-Right is the Alternative Right-Wing. The alternative to right is left. All neo-NAZI's, for example, belong to the National Socialist Movement. That makes them entirely left-wing, or rather the alternative to right-wing, a.k.a. Alt-Right. Alt-Right is a made-up name by leftists in the media in order to try to make it appear that left-wing socialist NAZI's are somehow right-wing when in fact they are exactly the opposite.

GOPutiNazis, kkkonservaTurDS, Trump’s Dementia Syphilis
Alt-Right, SStephen Miller, Trump’s concentration camps, Trump’s hatred of women and minorities, banana republicans, traitors, GOPutins, TrumpQins, misogynists, slut-shamers, attackers of sons and daughters of Democratic Presidents and Candidates, we’ve only just begun

All you're doing is wasting those memes and the associated propaganda that surrounds them.
As the name suggests, Alt-Right is the Alternative Right-Wing. The alternative to right is left. All neo-NAZI's, for example, belong to the National Socialist Movement. That makes them entirely left-wing, or rather the alternative to right-wing, a.k.a. Alt-Right. Alt-Right is a made-up name by leftists in the media in order to try to make it appear that left-wing socialist NAZI's are somehow right-wing when in fact they are exactly the opposite.

What a stupid take on it. First, alt.right isn't an alternative to the right, it's alternate character. As in another account, an extreme version that's meant as a throwaway that can be replaced by another alt. And it's a name they gave themselves.
Second, that stupid "Nazis are left wing because of the 'S' in NSDAP' has been so thoroughly debunked it's hard to believe there's still people over the age of 20 saying it.
What a stupid take on it. First, alt.right isn't an alternative to the right, it's alternate character. As in another account, an extreme version that's meant as a throwaway that can be replaced by another alt. And it's a name they gave themselves.
Second, that stupid "Nazis are left wing because of the 'S' in NSDAP has been so thoroughly debunked it's hard to believe there's still people over the age of 20 saying it.

Don't look now, but your leftist indoctrination is showing once again. The National Socialist Movement is an American organization comprised entirely of leftists, and is more commonly referred to as neo-NAZIs. The same thing goes for all other domestic terrorist organizations, from the KKK, BLM, ANTIFA, ALF, ELF, etc., etc. are all entirely left-wing terrorist organizations, just like Democratic Party.
All you're doing is wasting those memes and the associated propaganda that surrounds them.
QAnon is alt-reich and is now a core constituency of Trump.
As the name suggests, Alt-Right is the Alternative Right-Wing. The alternative to right is left. All neo-NAZI's, for example, belong to the National Socialist Movement. That makes them entirely left-wing, or rather the alternative to right-wing, a.k.a. Alt-Right. Alt-Right is a made-up name by leftists in the media in order to try to make it appear that left-wing socialist NAZI's are somehow right-wing when in fact they are exactly the opposite.

The National Socialist Movement is part of the Nationalist Front...

"...Nationalist Front is a loose coalition of United States-based neo-Nazi, neo-fascist, white nationalist/white supremacist, Southern Nationalist/neo-Confederate, and alt-right groups.[1]..."

Nationalist Front (United States) - Wikipedia

That's Trump's base...and definitely right wing.
As the name suggests, Alt-Right is the Alternative Right-Wing. The alternative to right is left. All neo-NAZI's, for example, belong to the National Socialist Movement. That makes them entirely left-wing, or rather the alternative to right-wing, a.k.a. Alt-Right. Alt-Right is a made-up name by leftists in the media in order to try to make it appear that left-wing socialist NAZI's are somehow right-wing when in fact they are exactly the opposite.

So why are they so pro trump?
The National Socialist Movement is part of the Nationalist Front...

"...Nationalist Front is a loose coalition of United States-based neo-Nazi, neo-fascist, white nationalist/white supremacist, Southern Nationalist/neo-Confederate, and alt-right groups.[1]..."

Nationalist Front (United States) - Wikipedia
That is what I said. The National Socialist Movement is the correct full name for what is commonly referred to as neo-NAZIs.

That's Trump's base...and definitely right wing.
They may be Trump's base, but socialists are not, and never have been, right-wing no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise. All socialists are by definition left-wing, or as the leftist media call them "Alt-Right."
Don't look now, but your leftist indoctrination is showing once again. The National Socialist Movement is an American organization comprised entirely of leftists, and is more commonly referred to as neo-NAZIs. The same thing goes for all other domestic terrorist organizations, from the KKK, BLM, ANTIFA, ALF, ELF, etc., etc. are all entirely left-wing terrorist organizations, just like Democratic Party.

Geez. You actually believe this crap? Neo-nazis are left wing? Talk about indoctrination.
Did you know that Hitler and his cronies first got their political activist start in the Freikorps, right wing militias of war vets literally fighting socialists and communists in the streets? Did you know that socialists and liberals were the first guests in the concentration camps? Did you know that the first military action by the Nazis was supporting the right wing monarchist Spanish rebellion of Franco?
Do you care at all about the truth? Or is your revision of history too near and dear to you to allow the truth to intrude?
Honestly, you secretly approve of the right wing activism of the Nazis, don't you. Oh, of course you deplore the wholesale slaughter of innocents, who wouldn't, but Hitler had no tolerance for liberals and socialists and anyone else on the left. Or the free press, or homosexuals. Hitler got some things right, didn't he.
Don't look now, but your leftist indoctrination is showing once again. The National Socialist Movement is an American organization comprised entirely of leftists, and is more commonly referred to as neo-NAZIs. The same thing goes for all other domestic terrorist organizations, from the KKK, BLM, ANTIFA, ALF, ELF, etc., etc. are all entirely left-wing terrorist organizations, just like Democratic Party.

You are in denial. That is a dangerous place to be
So why are they so pro trump?

You will have to ask them. Maybe it is because Trump was a registered Democrat until 2012. Nobody believes for a second Trump is even remotely conservative, except for maybe the mentally-deranged left who haven't been able to think rationally since Trump won in 2016.
You will have to ask them. Maybe it is because Trump was a registered Democrat until 2012. Nobody believes for a second Trump is even remotely conservative, except for maybe the mentally-deranged left who haven't been able to think rationally since Trump won in 2016.

That statement is even more ridiculous than you first.
Geez. You actually believe this crap? Neo-nazis are left wing? Talk about indoctrination.
Did you know that Hitler and his cronies first got their political activist start in the Freikorps, right wing militias of war vets literally fighting socialists and communists in the streets? Did you know that socialists and liberals were the first guests in the concentration camps? Did you know that the first military action by the Nazis was supporting the right wing monarchist Spanish rebellion of Franco?
Do you care at all about the truth? Or is your revision of history too near and dear to you to allow the truth to intrude?
Honestly, you secretly approve of the right wing activism of the Nazis, don't you. Oh, of course you deplore the wholesale slaughter of innocents, who wouldn't, but Hitler had no tolerance for liberals and socialists and anyone else on the left. Or the free press, or homosexuals. Hitler got some things right, didn't he.

Of course they are left-wing, and always have been originating from the original German left-wing NAZI Party. The same thing is true with Benito Mussolini's Italian Fascist Party, entirely left-wing. Were you not aware that both Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were devote socialists before starting their own left-wing parties? I can't say I'm surprised. The Democratic Party has been doing its best to wipe out its 20-year shameful history of devotion to the German NAZI Party during the 1920s and 1930s.
Of course they are left-wing, and always have been originating from the original German left-wing NAZI Party. The same thing is true with Benito Mussolini's Italian Fascist Party, entirely left-wing. Were you not aware that both Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were devote socialists before starting their own left-wing parties? I can't say I'm surprised. The Democratic Party has been doing its best to wipe out its 20-year shameful history of devotion to the German NAZI Party during the 1920s and 1930s.

There's literally nothing I can say to an American who accuses FDR's Democrats of devotion to the Nazis.
And as for that threadbare statement that Nazis were left wing, a dim-witted high school student knows how ludicrous that is.
There's literally nothing I can say to an American who accuses FDR's Democrats of devotion to the Nazis.
And as for that threadbare statement that Nazis were left wing, a dim-witted high school student knows how ludicrous that is.

It is not an accusation, it is historical fact backed-up with photographic evidence.

Ford getting NAZI medal.jpg

The above photo is of prominent Democrat Henry Ford being awarded Germany's highest civilian medal for his devotion to the Third Reich.
It is not an accusation, it is historical fact backed-up with photographic evidence.

View attachment 67292081

The above photo is of prominent Democrat Henry Ford being awarded Germany's highest civilian medal for his devotion to the Third Reich.

So friggin what. Ford was a jew-hating conservative. There were lots of those everywhere in America then, including in the Democratic Party. If Ford was a Democrat- I don't know and don't care.
But the Democrats in government were spoiling for a fight against the Nazis. There were even rumours that FDR allowed Pearl Harbour to happen so he could bring America into the war.
As the name suggests, Alt-Right is the Alternative Right-Wing. The alternative to right is left. All neo-NAZI's, for example, belong to the National Socialist Movement. That makes them entirely left-wing, or rather the alternative to right-wing, a.k.a. Alt-Right. Alt-Right is a made-up name by leftists in the media in order to try to make it appear that left-wing socialist NAZI's are somehow right-wing when in fact they are exactly the opposite.

No it doesn't.

So you want to go forward with an argument that because the NAZI's had "Socialist" in their title that they were actually Socialists and therefore Leftist. Good luck with that. This argument has been made and buried a zillion times just in this forum. I would suggest you conduct a search, find the threads and read them thoroughly.

For the record the only thing about the NAZI Party that could somehow be shoehorned into "Socialism" was a belief that once they eliminated via genocide and other means anybody that was not Aryan then they could settle on governing principles that considered all the Aryans as worthy of being equal shareholders in a "Socialist" framework. Some SOCIALISM that!!! The NAZI's were so over-exercised on the topic that they decided that Aryan was a distinct race even from Caucasians, making them the only people anywhere to make that distinction and then institutionalize it in law. Good luck if you were white had Gernany won WW2, you would have just been somewhere in line on the way to the chambers formerly used to exterminate other "sub-humans" if you were not Aryan or would have been condemned to a second class life if you were allowed to live. Worth noting for context that the NAZI's studied American history as to race relations as a means to understand how they might go forward. We can be damned proud of that distinction now can't we.

NAZI's where their own special brand of Fascist and Fascism sits at the extreme right end of the doctrinal spectrum. Go too far Right and you will suddenly find yourself quite comfortable with Fascism. Nothing confusing about Nazism. If you want to look to a confused bunch with their heads up their asses much like the Alt-right has its head up its ass here, look to the Bolsheviks. They were trying to find their way out of Royalty which is far and away THE WORST form of governance ever invented on this planet and things got "confusing" for the Bolsheviks.

The Alt-Right having glued itself to Trumpism has no recognizable political doctrine. It is a hodgepodge of the worst of leftist and rightist and centrist notions, not even ideas....in a word, POPULISM. All they know is that they are mad as hell, not going to take it anymore and will follow their cult leader off a cliff edge.
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As the name suggests, Alt-Right is the Alternative Right-Wing. The alternative to right is left. All neo-NAZI's, for example, belong to the National Socialist Movement. That makes them entirely left-wing, or rather the alternative to right-wing, a.k.a. Alt-Right. Alt-Right is a made-up name by leftists in the media in order to try to make it appear that left-wing socialist NAZI's are somehow right-wing when in fact they are exactly the opposite.

If this makes the least bit of sense to you you're in trouble.
I actually detest the alt-right.

Unite the Right Rally: The Alt-Right Isn't Right

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Very poor reasoning in that article. The author doesn’t like the alt-right and just therefore concludes that it doesn’t have anything to do with conservatism:

. Conservatives like David French have denounced the alt-right, but overall conservatives have not done a proper job of articulating why racism, the alt-right, and similar radicals are not extreme versions of conservatism: Indeed, they are incompatible and antithetical to conservatism. Without this understanding, the lines between conservatives and extremists have been blurred. The reality is that defending our legal and intellectual tradition requires being opposed to all racism.

The reason why conservatism can’t shake off accusations of racism is because conservatives never stop saying racist things.

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