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The 25 women who have accused Trump of rape (1 Viewer)

And that's no doubt just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows what went on at the Jeffrey Epstein parties that Trump admired so much. And then there's his bragging about walking into a room of half-dressed teen pageant girls. Sick sick sick. The great hero of the right wing.
The right does not care what Trump did then or does now, he could kill someone and bury them under the White House rose garden and they would still support him.

Who Trump harms does not matter to Republicans.
How many times has Joe "Hair Sniffer" Biden been accused of sexual improprieties? Two can play that game but I'd rather discuss their policies.

The right does not care what Trump did then or does now, he could kill someone and bury them under the White House rose garden and they would still support him.

Who Trump harms does not matter to Republicans.

I suspect that this thread will die fairly quickly because I really doubt that even a single right-winger will have the temerity to join in.

See no evil (Trump).
Hear no evil (Trump lie).
Speak no evil (about the scandal wracking the Trump corruption ring).
Your Republican party at work.
How how times has Joe "Hair Sniffer" Biden been accused of sexual improprieties? Two can play that game but I'd rather discuss their policies.

View attachment 67295204

Once. And the story from that woman fell apart almost faster than it surfaced.

Now, what are your thoughts about your great hero the SERIAL RAPIST Trump?
And do you have pic of Trump with a Cheshire cat grin on his face while at one of Epstein's parties?
The Right Winger Mentality has long been groomed to deny the rapes committed by wealthy white men. people need to know, rape was a second nature habit in the lives of slave owning "wealthy"...

(There's a long history that exist within perspective)

Why would anyone think the Wealthy suddenly stopped?
Once. And the story from that woman fell apart almost faster than it surfaced.

Now, what are your thoughts about your great hero the SERIAL RAPIST Trump?
And do you have pic of Trump with a Cheshire cat grin on his face while at one of Epstein's parties?

Thing about Biden though is he does it to little girls too.

Thing about Biden though is he does it to little girls too.

View attachment 67295205

He showed her some fatherly affection. Is that what Trump did when he raped a 13-year-old and entered a room full of half-dressed teens "because he could". Yes, that was the excuse that he gave.
Must make you very proud to be a supporter of his, eh?
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct - Business Insider

I know that it has been discussed before, but it shouldn't be swept under the table. This SERIAL RAPIST is the great hero of the right-wingers. 'Nuff said.

All falsely. Leftists believe utopia is around the corner and any non communist political force is fascism. They will happily lie about anything.

I’ll go with the Koran standard, four male witnesses are required, so get me 100 male witnesses
I suspect that this thread will die fairly quickly because I really doubt that even a single right-winger will have the temerity to join in.

See no evil (Trump).
Hear no evil (Trump lie).
Speak no evil (about the scandal wracking the Trump corruption ring).
Your Republican party at work.

If this thread dies, it is because not a single one of those "accusations" resulted in a criminal indictment.

In fact, the OP citation said this:

A deluge of women made their accusations public following the October 2016 release of the "Access Hollywood" tape, in which Trump was recorded boasting about grabbing women's genitals in 2005.
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct - Business Insider

Where were the complaints at the actual time of each alleged offense? Moreover, where is any evidence, witnesses, whatever?

Trump is a self-admitted womanizer. Yet so far the only ones who've presented a valid example were involved in consensual relations they subsequently used it to get money via non-disclosure agreements. (ex. Stormy Daniels). They then reneged to make MORE money from the publicity.

Regardless, I know this is being dragged out for the sole purpose of a smear campaign. BUT IMO those who "care" were already opposed to his election.
He showed her some fatherly affection. Is that what Trump did when he raped a 13-year-old and entered a room full of half-dressed teens "because he could". Yes, that was the excuse that he gave.
Must make you very proud to be a supporter of his, eh?

There's such a thing as too much fatherly attention like Biden showed her especially when he's not the little girl's father.
The right does not care what Trump did then or does now, he could kill someone and bury them under the White House rose garden and they would still support him.

Who Trump harms does not matter to Republicans.

You mean kinda like all the 40 or so people that were going to blow the whistle on the Clinton's, but decided to commit suicide instead. Some of them really did it up right by shooting themselves in the back of the head TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's such a thing as too much fatherly attention like Biden showed her especially when he's not the little girl's father.

Actually. all this lame excuse-making for Trump is just proof that right-wingers will continue to support a serial rapist and known liar no matter what.
You mean kinda like all the 40 or so people that were going to blow the whistle on the Clinton's, but decided to commit suicide instead. Some of them really did it up right by shooting themselves in the back of the head TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

None of that is true.
None of that is true.

The law of probability says you are wrong. Name ANY other couple that had 40+ people that they knew them, and had dirt on them, that committed suicide.
Good think that old hair sniffer Joe is not a midget.
The law of probability says you are wrong. Name ANY other couple that had 40+ people that they knew tham, and had dirt on them, that committed suicide.

I will be unable to reply until you post some actual facts rather than right wing talking points that are obviously false.
You mean kinda like all the 40 or so people that were going to blow the whistle on the Clinton's, but decided to commit suicide instead. Some of them really did it up right by shooting themselves in the back of the head TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone have any idea what Logical is talking about now?

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