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The 24/7 news cycle is to blame for the distortion and disinformation (1 Viewer)


Aug 16, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Since we cannot simply delete the 24/7 news cycle, Americans must learn to adapt to the change in our environment. Until such time as the media once again shows some responsibility and accountability, Americans should ask the media to prove everything they say with multiple sources. Instead of protecting their sources, which only promotes the tendency to throw anything into print without regard for accuracy, they should be forced to prove everything with multiple sources.
Only then can we begin to put some credence to what the media throws at us 24/7.
There is a very good reason why The first Ammendment is Freedom of Speech. Your part of it. Look even if its true that the media has as many inaccuracies as you claim there is, its better this way. I mean would you rather have the government regulating news?
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FinnMacCool said:
There is a very good reason why The first Ammendment is Freedom of Speech. Your part of it. Look even if its true that the media has as many inaccuracies as you claim there is, its better this way. I mean would you rather have the government regulating news?

The Gov't has every right to use the media and indeed has a responsility to manipulate the news in time of war. Of course it will be called propaganda just as I call the smear campaign currently conducted by the New York times and other left wing media against the Administration, propaganda. The MSM has lost all credibility with the the average American. Just watch the smear campaign that will be conducted by the Dems against Alito and the Left Wing press will quote every lie with embelishments. You have already observed the Smear campaign against the office of the VP, mostly by one of the biggest liars, Wilson=Valerie Plames husband, and the MSM is printing every lie that he tells verbatim plus they are applauding every for more (his speech to the press club). He is merely the latest vessel being used by the Left, just as Cindy Sheehan was before she was discarded after she attacked Hillary.

The average American can smell a lie a mile away........as attested by Kerry's defeat in the last election. Now that guy is a champion liar and the Left should learn from his mistakes but fortunately for conservatives, Move-on. org is incapable of learning anything.......thanks God.
To prove my point above about the smear tactics of the Left, here is an email from Move-on.org:

Here's a MoveOn.org e-mail from yesterday:

This morning, with his administration growing weaker by the day, President Bush caved to pressure from the radical fringe of the Republican Party and nominated Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court. Alito is a notoriously right-wing judge on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. He has consistently ruled to strip basic protections from workers, women, minorities and the disabled in favor of unchecked power for corporations and special interests.
hawk2 said:
To prove my point above about the smear tactics of the Left, here is an email from Move-on.org:

Here's a MoveOn.org e-mail from yesterday:

This morning, with his administration growing weaker by the day, President Bush caved to pressure from the radical fringe of the Republican Party and nominated Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court. Alito is a notoriously right-wing judge on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. He has consistently ruled to strip basic protections from workers, women, minorities and the disabled in favor of unchecked power for corporations and special interests.

You think moveon.org is main stream? No wonder you've got issues. :lol:
The Gov't has every right to use the media and indeed has a responsility to manipulate the news in time of war.

Wrong the Gov't doesn't have every right to use the media. Thats why theres the first ammendment. That is what keeps our country from becoming an Orwellian nightmare.

How are you supposed to know if your getting the truth if your getting your information from a government run newspaper? That is a totalitarian governments first step to take control of the media so that way they can control the masses through lies and deceit.

THAT is why our founding fathers thought it so important to make Freedom of Speech the first ammendment. It isn't vauge at all. read it yourself.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Why in gods name would our founding fathers put this ammendment first if they only thought that it was their responsiblity to take it away as soon as something bad happens?
FinnMacCool said:
Wrong the Gov't doesn't have every right to use the media. Thats why theres the first ammendment. That is what keeps our country from becoming an Orwellian nightmare.

I am not in favor of controlling or destroying the press.......what I want is adherence to the journalist's code of eithics and some accountability. We never had much accountability.....now the 24/7 news cycle destroys it completely because of the constant demand for new headlines that are up to the minute and fresh. There is no time for corrections or retractions.......only fresh headlines.

Officials in the gov't have just as much right to express their views and objectives as any citizen. I certainly am not advocating a gov't run newspaper. Can't you understand that ......shielding of sources......contributes to MISINFORMATION, both from the gov't and those who want to damage the gov't. If I want to spread a lie about you but cannot be held accountable, how can you protect yourself. The demands of the 24/7 news cycle magnifies the tendency to constantly spread misinformation, and the shielding of sources destroys all acountability.

Finn said:
Why in gods name would our founding fathers put this ammendment first if they only thought that it was their responsiblity to take it away as soon as something bad happens?

The founding fathers could not forsee the 24/7 news cycle within the age of instant news around the world. IMO, the MSM no longer represents the American people but instead have their own agenda and it is not in the interests of the majority of Americans. The MSM represents only those who think as they do.......the Left Wing of this country. Fortunately, the MSM is losing influence among Americans because it is becoming more and more evident they cannot be trusted. There is absolutely no correlation between the Journalist's code of ethics and the actions of most reporters of today who all seem to have a burning desire to become Walter Cronkite wannabes. I grant that many reporters may want to tell the truth but their editors won't print it if it is good news about Iraq or something good that the administration has accomplished.

There is no fairness or balance in todays MSM.......only promotion of individual agendas.

Is it healthy for the media to determine the outcome of a war (which most of the soldiers who are fighting believe in) by destroying the will of the electorate to wage that war as they did during Vietnam. If we abandon the Iraqi people as we abandoned the Vietnamese.......we must forever hang our heads in shame.
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Kelzie said:
You think moveon.org is main stream? No wonder you've got issues. :lol:

No Kelzie....I realize move-on is not mainstream but they do represent a dangerous element because they are financed by Billionaire, George Soros and the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean is a national voice for them. Actually I should bless them because they are evidence of a fractured Democratic Party. If the moderates of said party ever get organized and develop a message, then we conservatives have reason for alarm. Hopefully thats not likely to happen as long as they have ugly fat toads like Ted Kennedy and chief confusion factor John Kerry, in positions of power.

PS: I'm looking forward to the Senate hearings where Alito can make a monkey out of Kennedy just as effectively as Roberts did.

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